Guy's you just don't know how lucky you are !!!

H8edByOne's Avatar
I love our Vegas Girls...Hell, they are on top of the action more then I am at times...

Your girls Rock!
Well that is just stupid for her to complain about the prices just post a visiting ad an match the prices. What is that saying... When in Rome do what the Romans do.
If they are paying that to play why the hell not.
First of all I am a well known provider and a verified agency !!! Second when my s.o and I decided on this we did sen a couple of pm's to some eccie providers but did not get any response and for the ones that did respond they were not to our liking . But I'm sure they are great providers .!!! And sine most of our men on the board do go to bp we thought well let's give a try . But yes bp is a game of upscale and I know for a fact they don't provide the great service that you get from some of our great providers here on the board . This had nothing to do with rates or anything of that nature . I was simply trying to explain to my s.o that I don't understand why our hobbyist go to bp if there is plenty of great providers here .
Chica Chaser's Avatar
Why are you bumping old threads over 30 days old? This one is 3 months. The site rules are same out here as they are in SA.
