So I just received the nicest email from a Houston gent...

You guys are too funny!!
Mountainking's Avatar
That was friggin funny!
Bluntman's Avatar
I still dont understand why people dont just get P411 for screening.

its a good thing he didnt get verified cause with that attitude he probably wouldnt have been a good session. some guys have no class
No...but you said enough to make it clear it was I! Anybody who knows me knows what an ass I can be! Originally Posted by Sisyphus
It is so not true! You're sweet or you have a sweet ass take your pick. lol
I still dont understand why people dont just get P411 for screening.

its a good thing he didnt get verified cause with that attitude he probably wouldnt have been a good session. some guys have no class Originally Posted by Bluntman
With that attitude he would have politely been asked to leave!
super sploodge's Avatar
With that attitude he would have politely been asked to leave! Originally Posted by Valerie
If by polite I do hope you mean a swift kick in the ass as you punt him out the door for being such an asshat..
If by polite I do hope you mean a swift kick in the ass as you punt him out the door for being such an asshat.. Originally Posted by super sploodge
He would have 1 polite warning, if that didn't work I would have to take more drastic measures lol
Sisyphus's Avatar
It is so not true! You're sweet or you have a sweet ass take your pick. lol Originally Posted by OliviaHoward
MUST I choose?

Takes to know, luv!

So just received an email from the same bloke

Valeria, <-----um you spelled my name wrong dude

~I want to say I am sorry for what I said in my last email, I was having a bad day and have not been taking my meds(). Please consider seeing me I will double your rate please!~

So basically he's telling me sorry because he's a nutjob (and is obviously on medication for it), and that's supposed to make me feel better?

I did get a bit of a laugh from it though...
Killersalt's Avatar
Valerie, is there anywhere we can hear some audio of you talking dirty with your English accent?

So just received an email from the same bloke

Valeria, <-----um you spelled my name wrong dude

~I want to say I am sorry for what I said in my last email, I was having a bad day and have not been taking my meds(). Please consider seeing me I will double your rate please!~

So basically he's telling me sorry because he's a nutjob (and is obviously on medication for it), and that's supposed to make me feel better?

I did get a bit of a laugh from it though... Originally Posted by Valerie
Hmm. I think I have discovered the culprit. I am deducing that it is none other than dearhunter. He's a little bipolar and mouthy at times but other than that, he is just another harmless cat.
Wakeup's Avatar

So just received an email from the same bloke

So basically he's telling me sorry because he's a nutjob (and is obviously on medication for it), and that's supposed to make me feel better? Originally Posted by Valerie
I figured instead of wasting one of my two other e-mail addresses sending you a different request that I'd just rehash the old one and add in a new incentive...again, that's how we roll here in H-town...chicks betta recognize...
I figured instead of wasting one of my two other e-mail addresses sending you a different request that I'd just rehash the old one and add in a new incentive...again, that's how we roll here in H-town...chicks betta recognize... Originally Posted by Wakeuр
allofamber's Avatar
So checked my inbox....Click on an email, from a member of this board...

" Hi Valerie,

I saw on Eccie you are coming to Houston,Welcome! I would like a 2 hr date on the 22nd, do you accept employment references? "

ME- Hi, thank you for your email, unfortunately I do not accept employment verification in my screening process, I'm sorry!

" Go screw yourself then..."

...Charming.... Originally Posted by Valerie
Oh girl..if I could show you the LIST of emails and Pm's of guys that have flipped there lid after being told "No" to an appointment request...I could fill a book, seriously. The funniest part is in all the opening emails they are really sweet, praising you, wanting to give you all kinds of money..and then you tell them simply "no" to there request for whatever legitimate reason and they start in on you..."fuck you"..". "you aint all that".. "Your off my list"...."I'm going to ruin you"...LMAO....

The best ones are the ones that go and start threads on you over DECLINING them .."Is she serious?" "She's so full of herself"...."She's fat" "She's Old".... "She must be looking for a Sugardaddy".... ."She has an abrasive personality"..... "She hates men"...."I would never see her"......Really? Cause you tried to see me but you got told NO....LOL...I call those the "eating sour grapes" guys...I think it's hilarious that one minute I hung the moon and I'm there "dream" girl and then the next minute (after being turned down for an appointment) they act like little children throwing a temper tanturms....Puleazeeeee...

The fact is that the guys that turn around and do those things after being told no, just did you a HUGE favor, you didnt want them as clients anyways. Consider yourself lucky you didnt have to deal with this mental case in person.

Stay safe....
16yearitch's Avatar

So just received an email from the same bloke

~I want to say I am sorry for what I said in my last email, I was having a bad day and have not been taking my meds(). Please consider seeing me I will double your rate please!~
Originally Posted by Valerie
I know "truth is stranger than fiction" but this just seems too strange to be real!
Kinda like saying, "They just kicked me out of anger management class because I KOd the teacher, but I promise I'll be nice with you...