Many Americans of color call for unity against white supremacy after Atlanta killings

  • oeb11
  • 03-22-2021, 02:58 PM
The DPST elected prosecutors and Ag's refuse to prosecute any blacks who commit crimes - period - not just Asians - but teh Asians are a target of opportunity - with hard -earned monies -living in teh 'hood' - and there is no risk to OBLM terrorists who commit the crimes - they will not be arrested - much less prosecuted.

The OBLM terrorists are an officially sanctioned terrorist arm of teh DPST Party - and have nothing to fear from Da's such as Gascon and other prosecutors who flagrantly disregard teh law in favor of teh own 'r.....' idiotology Uber alles!

solution - The legal crmiinals who set up these crimes are funded with soros money - a People's uprising against these criminals and vote them out is needed - and vote against all who accept the radical marixst sorso ' money.

He is elderly - if anyone ever deserves a swift fall from 'breathing' - Soros does.
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Again Media driving the narratives , political hatreds follow , and of matter of course gun control