Where White Man Went Wrong

Guest123018-4's Avatar
Wait I did not mean pussies, pussy is actually something good. You are a bunch of whiney ass FRENCMEN.
Randy4Candy's Avatar
"Parlez vous y'all, motherfu*kers," as my ole grandpappy used to say.

Anyway, back to the OPs thread idea.....

As some of my Indin buds back in Oklamerica tell me - they're getting their land back, one poker chip at a time. Of course, they still haven't figured out what to do when the state slaps toll booths at every exit to a casino.....I believe the rate once mentioned was $1000 per head in every vehicle - coming and going. Nobody can screw you like a white man.
Guest123018-4's Avatar
Unless he is a Democrat.
cptjohnstone's Avatar
"Parlez vous y'all, motherfu*kers," as my ole grandpappy used to say.

Anyway, back to the OPs thread idea.....

As some of my Indin buds back in Oklamerica tell me - they're getting their land back, one poker chip at a time. Of course, they still haven't figured out what to do when the state slaps toll booths at every exit to a casino.....I believe the rate once mentioned was $1000 per head in every vehicle - coming and going. Nobody can screw you like a white man. Originally Posted by Randy4Candy
very true on the casino's, my two daughters are 1/8 and get a $700 check every quarter and I was banking on them getting their heads rights before college where it would have been paid for by their tribe like their mother got, including a master degree

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Just continued racism toward our Native American friends. Old stuff. Older than African American racism in North America. But it is more socially acceptable. Still bullshit.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Yes, we certainly treated the native Americans majestically. Killed them, stole their land, pushed them on to reservations. A proud chapter of American history. Originally Posted by timpage
The white man also fleeced the Indians out of the Isle of Manhattan for a paltry sum of some blankets and booze and other sundry supplies. Funny thing is, this was a very good deal for the Indians, who just happened to be passing by.
Randy4Candy's Avatar
Aw, cpLj, the tool booth plan is only a contingency should the tribes not continue to cut the state in on the action. You really ought to get out more since the concept of "when" seems to have escaped you. Staying locked in the basement working on your limp pictures is beginning to get to your mind. See you in Norman in the fall - heh heh heh. Paybacks are hell.
Guest123018-4's Avatar
I thought it was for 10 dollars and other good and valuable consideration.

Not many of us Comanches left, we didnt need no stinking reservation.
Af-Freakin's Avatar
white man's hate greed & arrogance will b his downfall.
ekim008, the Native Americans gave the Europeans Syphilis. At that time, either would kill you, Syphilis just took longer. Originally Posted by Jackie S
OOh native Americans did not raise sheep in those times .Guess where syphilis comes from
cptjohnstone's Avatar
Aw, cpLj, the tool booth plan is only a contingency should the tribes not continue to cut the state in on the action. You really ought to get out more since the concept of "when" seems to have escaped you. Staying locked in the basement working on your limp pictures is beginning to get to your mind. See you in Norman in the fall - heh heh heh. Paybacks are hell. Originally Posted by Randy4Candy
babble babble, you drunk, tired or both, I see your posting at 4am

yea, we have a few more years of payback be it in snooreman or Stillwater. Funny thing is next year we will be 3X on defense
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
white man's hate greed & arrogance will b his downfall. Originally Posted by Af-Freakin
Dat U, Willis? What u talkin' 'bout?
AF-Freakins downfall will be stupidity. No problem
Guest123018-4's Avatar
Is that really al franken, damn he wasnt even funny on SNL. I think he was one of them peter puffers or someting. That smiley fellow with his positiver affirmations.
joe bloe's Avatar
AF-Freakins downfall will be stupidity. No problem Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
I'm not sure it's appropriate to talk about stupidity causing AF's downfall. AF can't fall down because he was never up. He was born stupid.