Press Ignoring Unsettling News For Global Warming's True believers.

Answer the question, who built the rockets that took men into space? According to your logic it had to be astronauts but we didn't have any astronauts....until after we had rockets, so who built the rockets... Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Why did it have to be astronauts? According to my logic? If you want to talk about the climate, talk to a climatologist. If you want to build a rocket, talk to a rocket scientist, not an astronaut, you goddamn moron. Jesus Christ, you're a fucking thick motherfucker. Dumb as the day is long.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
24 hours and you've already forgotten what stupidity you've posted which, once again, leads credence to my claim that you are two or more people.
24 hours and you've already forgotten what stupidity you've posted which, once again, leads credence to my claim that you are two or more people. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Explain, using 'my' logic, why it has to be astronauts or shut the fuck up.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
You really are two people. Don't the two of you share notes or something (spit doesn't count)?
You really are two people. Don't the two of you share notes or something (spit doesn't count)? Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Nor does any OTHER bodily fluids count for anyone but woomby ! The Oral Oracle of the Ozarks !
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
"Climate change" is simply a ruse used by the government and the international community to exert more control and extort more taxes from the people.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Great Climate change climatologists:

Not one of these people holds a degree in climate, math, physics, or anything science (real science dipshits) related. Not one has ever worked on a farm, in a forest, or anything to do with plants or nature. Their words demonstrate that they don't really understand how the world works. They are all unqualified to speak on the subject.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
People who think that anthromorphic climate change is a hoax or are skeptics;

Judith Curry: Phd in Geophysical Sciences

Freeman Dyson: Phd in Physics and Mathematics

Richard Linzen: Phd in Applied Mathematics where it applies to Ozone depletion.

Harrison Schmitt: Phd in Geology from Harvard, Astronaut, and Senator

Anthony Lupo: Phd in Atmospheric Science

Roy Spencer: Phd in Meteorology, Former head of NASA climate research

Just a few of the publicly known 31,000 scientists (that's a lot of scientists) who disagree with the politicians above.
LexusLover's Avatar
Great Climate change climatologists:

They are all unqualified to speak on the subject. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
You missed one .... I would patiently listen to her though.

  • DSK
  • 10-18-2015, 07:23 AM
The irony. Is your argument really that perhaps we should all defer to the scientists who devote their lives to the study of the climate?!?!@?

Think about that and get back to me. Originally Posted by timpage
You aren't as smart as you think you are. I was pointing out your inconsistency!!

After you had been prattling on and on about how you defer to experts, you changed your pattern, dumbfuck.

Didn't think I would have to point out something so obvious, so stop congratulating yourself and grow a brain.
Why do you have to lie to try to make your point?

The politicians you list rely on the climatologists.....and not one of the persons you list and rely is a climatologist.

As usual, you are a fucking idiot.

People who think that anthromorphic climate change is a hoax or are skeptics;

Judith Curry: Phd in Geophysical Sciences

Freeman Dyson: Phd in Physics and Mathematics

Richard Linzen: Phd in Applied Mathematics where it applies to Ozone depletion.

Harrison Schmitt: Phd in Geology from Harvard, Astronaut, and Senator

Anthony Lupo: Phd in Atmospheric Science

Roy Spencer: Phd in Meteorology, Former head of NASA climate research

Just a few of the publicly known 31,000 scientists (that's a lot of scientists) who disagree with the politicians above. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
You aren't as smart as you think you are. I was pointing out your inconsistency!!

After you had been prattling on and on about how you defer to experts, you changed your pattern, dumbfuck.

Didn't think I would have to point out something so obvious, so stop congratulating yourself and grow a brain. Originally Posted by DSK
Sure you were. You were correctly, but unintentionally, making my point: we need to rely on the people who are experts on this issue. Not knucklehead right wing radicals.
LexusLover's Avatar
As usual, you are a fucking idiot. Originally Posted by timpage
Is your reliance on name-calling when you have no substance and you are losing a discussion just your board persona, or is that the way you conduct yourself off the board as well? In other words ...

.. is it a character flaw or just a momentary frustration.

Here's a "climatologist" ...

... the Clintons would "listen" to her ... as long as she wore knee pads.
You really are two people. Don't the two of you share notes or something (spit doesn't count)? Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
You have yet to make the case of why, according to my logic, it has to be astronauts. Do that or STFU.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Why do you have to lie to try to make your point?

The politicians you list rely on the climatologists.....and not one of the persons you list and rely is a climatologist.

As usual, you are a fucking idiot. Originally Posted by timpage
as usual you are a lying fucking idiot. you do know there is no such degree as "climatology" yeah? does not exist. the study of climatology is a branch of atmospheric science. there several degree fields that serve as a foundation to study climatology

"This modern field of study is regarded as a branch of the atmospheric sciences and a subfield of physical geography, which is one of the Earth sciences"

what are they?


Roy Spencer: Phd in Meteorology, Former head of NASA climate research

Check. he's qualified.

Atmospheric Science

Anthony Lupo: Phd in Atmospheric Science

Check. he's qualified


Harrison Schmitt: Phd in Geology from Harvard, Astronaut, and Senator

Check he's qualified

Geophysical Sciences

Judith Curry: Phd in Geophysical Sciences

Check she's qualified

since both applied mathematics and physics are considered fields of the Earth Sciences

Freeman Dyson: Phd in Physics and Mathematics

check he's qualified in fact he might the most qualified on the list as Dyson happens to be a PHD in both Physics and Mathematics ..

Richard Linzen: Phd in Applied Mathematics where it applies to Ozone depletion.

check. he's qualified

So .. timmy .. everyone on the list that JDB posted is easily qualified as an expert on the subject.

you, on the other hand are also an "expert" .. in the field of CACA POO POO. congrats!