Thanks to all the fellow board members who?

dearhunter's Avatar
I suspect they prefer my money over your yet another review of the same old agency.
DEAR_JOHN's Avatar
I would like to thank people like Blowpop, Amber, Wayward, Muffbro, and others who started and participated in the very first hobby boards. Without people like us, there would be no hobby boards so people like carkido could make his sarcastic posts. Those were the ones with the real vision, and it took a lot of guts to start the very first hobby boards. The first amendment rites were pretty much of an unknown during these first dates as were the laws concerning first amendment rites versus things like promotion of prostitution. There was a lawyer(s) on retainer, but we really didn't know what could come of being an owner of a hobby board.

Hey Raph, or the OP...honestly, why do you think that reviews are the only meaningful way to contribute to a board? Originally Posted by Wakeup
Wakeup, you're right, but I think that may be a little to much for carkido to absorb.
Honestly, Wakeup, I usually don't care; lurkers are the wiser ones of all. But when people get self-righteous, or nasty, or aggressive, or what have you and what not, I instinctivelly look at their credentials. You know, a "who is he?" kind of thing. Originally Posted by Raphael
Yeah, but that's what I'm getting at honestly think you're capable of looking at my "credentials" and judging my "worth" to this or any board? C'mon dude...any of you guys do that and you're doomed to failure...just look at Carkido epic failing every time he says TexasGator contributes nothing to the hobby...

I wouldn't ass rape Carkido with a spork from TexasGator's kitchen...because I respect that spork more for just being close to TG than I do Carkido's opinion of who really matters on this board...

Now me on the other hand...I have no respect, so I'd ass rape Carkido any time he feels like calling me...I only do outcalls though, so he has to come to he did last time...
DEAR_JOHN's Avatar
Now me on the other hand...I have no respect, so I'd ass rape Carkido any time he feels like calling me...I only do outcalls though, so he has to come to he did last time... Originally Posted by Wakeup
I guess you can expect a pm from carkido any minute now wanting to hook up. Maybe he can write a review of his 'session', you know, to keep the board afloat.
Wayward's Avatar
I would like to thank people like Blowpop, Amber, Wayward, Muffbro, and others who started and participated in the very first hobby boards. Without people like us, there would be no hobby boards so people like carkido could make his sarcastic posts. Those were the ones with the real vision, and it took a lot of guts to start the very first hobby boards. The first amendment rites were pretty much of an unknown during these first dates as were the laws concerning first amendment rites versus things like promotion of prostitution. There was a lawyer(s) on retainer, but we really didn't know what could come of being an owner of a hobby board. Originally Posted by DEAR_JOHN
Thanks for the kind words Dear John, but I remember you being there as well, providing information about places no one knew existed. It's always amusing when the new kids on the SHMB block starts giving us pointers.

I love Carkiddo he is funny, most of the time he isn't trying to be, but still he is good for a laugh. We were literally the Big Dogs when carkido was a puppy. I've had more reviews lost or deleted than he will ever write. If I write them now, he is to afraid to go where they are and look at them. Which is also funny, to quote mietk "I just don't share with you" from the last time carkido got a public spanking. All sorts of people contribute different things to make a board work. Let's take Raphaella for a moment, he may write reviews but are they credible? I know the answer to that question. So do each and every one of the folks carkido is crying about in this thread.

Does that knowledge have any value to the folks reading the board? I think it does, but for the puppies maybe it doesn't. At least until after they are housebroken.
DEAR_JOHN's Avatar
Thanks for the props. I still can't believe I went solo to some of the cantinas near McCarty and Clinton and survived. Those were some crazy days. Remember our big dinner in Reynosa one night? That was a blast. I remember you telling me that a non full service at LeFemme or XTC was as good as a full service, then I finally made a trip to see Eve at LaFemme, and only then did I know what you were talking about.

Does that knowledge have any value to the folks reading the board? I think it does, but for the puppies maybe it doesn't. At least until after they are housebroken. Originally Posted by Wayward
If carkido wants to shit in the corner, I have a rolled up newspaper handy.
Jusanotherdude's Avatar
Thanks for the kind words Dear John, but I remember you being there as well, providing information about places no one knew existed. It's always amusing when the new kids on the SHMB block starts giving us pointers.

I love Carkiddo he is funny, most of the time he isn't trying to be, but still he is good for a laugh. We were literally the Big Dogs when carkido was a puppy. I've had more reviews lost or deleted than he will ever write. If I write them now, he is to afraid to go where they are and look at them. Which is also funny, to quote mietk "I just don't share with you" from the last time carkido got a public spanking. All sorts of people contribute different thing to make a board work. Let's take Raphaella for a moment, he may write reviews but are they credible? I know the answer to that question. So do each and every one of the folks carkido is crying about in this thread.

Does that knowledge have any value to the folks reading the board? I think it does, but for the puppies maybe it doesn't. At least until after they are housebroken. Originally Posted by Wayward

Yeah, WW I would like to echo those sentiments of DJ, and thank him in that group too! Long before I posted a single thing, I lurked and learned from the likes of you "old dogs" before me. And for that, your (collectively speaking of course) opinions and knowledge are held in the very highest regards!! So from the puppy that has grown to a little bit bigger puppy, I sincerly thank you all!

Now..... as far as dicerning the "credibility" of a hobbyist on a SHMB by simply looking at the 2nd number under his avatar is about as narrow-minded and short-sighted as you could be....... And to say that there is no "worth" in a member simply because his 2nd number is low to non existant is just plain ignorant! So how could you possibly place such a ridgid stipulations of worth based on arbitrary numbers associated with an idividual? Poppy-cock I say!!! Ha!!

For example....... I for one DO put a fair amount of faith in CK45 in his assesment of Latina's and certain agencies..... but have less faith in him in his knowledge of Asian Indy/agencies/spas..... he simply LOVES latinas! So you take a man for what you know he knows........

On the flip side, if CK45 worked for, co-sponsored, promoted for cash/favors, or had other agenda's in regards to "helping" one of those agencies..... then his word would hold less value in my opinion...... Now I have it on pretty good authority that he does NOT.... he simply has latina fever to the highest degree, and has found a pair of places that provide excellent services, laides, ect. that 99% deliver above and beyond!

So am I to be based on my 2nd number as well? I hope not...... but it is not my place to say.......

I'll say this about CK45....... he does not flip-flop in his beliefs!

Wayward's Avatar
Why Dear John? Everyone was always very nice to me in the ship channel chica bars, but I went at night and folks are always nicer at night

Reynosa, petting the burro with Wilco and the rest of the crew was a highlight, muffbro dancing on stage was priceless.
carkido45's Avatar
Notice I did not post anything about board members who do not contribute reviews.

Some board members don't want to post reviews...well that's your deal.

I was simply pointing out there are many here who do write reviews and keep info coming in and I appreciate it along with other's here who use that info so they can make a better choice when seeing a provider.

I believe also that not only hobbyist benefit from reviews but providers benefit also.

It's a shame so many board members choose not too contribute reviews... ECCIE would be a much more information rich board if they did.

What's so wrong with helping make ECCIE a better board or thanking the one's who help make ECCIE better.
Raphael's Avatar
I am disappointed my good buddy DEAR_JOHN would join the very lynch mob he has has rightfully berated in other threads.

Waxing nostalgic about the past is not as productive as contributing to the hobby as exists today.

Even the eccie lynchmob and Kosair do not equal ASPD for shear, unadulterated nastiness, though they are trying hard (besides, at the core of the lynchmob are holdovers from that site). You do not construct a good site by offering ASPD as a model - au contraire, you do so by moving beyond memories which, to others, are mostly bad...
LexusLover's Avatar
...why do you think that reviews are the only meaningful way to contribute to a board? Originally Posted by Wakeup
How about paying fees for access?
How about paying fees for access? Originally Posted by LexusLover
I did it. I believe in the board enough that I ponied up $250 for Lifetime Premium Access, probably the only person to ever get Lifetime Premium Access without blowing an owner or being a retired mod. I did it because I know I won't write reviews.
Originally Posted by luxury daphne

make run for me LD i got extra popcorn
boardman's Avatar
make run for me LD i got extra popcorn Originally Posted by babydollsnow
LD and Snow,
I've got plenty.......