The Value of Chemistry -- Ladies?

Thank you dear
I agree... when there is a spark between two people things can get wild and crazy... but im afraid some guys think its just us doing our job... but in reality we really are having a damn good time!!! Most of the time at that, well me at least!
  • Paven
  • 12-17-2010, 10:27 PM
Chemistry was a class I never liked in school but I sure like it in my sessions .
Like most elements of attraction, chemistry exists on a continuum. In the hobby, my initial reaction to clients has ranged from "Please, God, let him turn around and walk out the door" to "Please, God, let him stay and hang out with me for another two hours." Accepting the fact that almost every provider will have a few outliers on the continuum (the men who make you sorry you ever entered the business, and the men who make you never want to leave), it seems that most of us experience regular encounters with those in the mid-range.

Speaking only for myself, I genuinely enjoy meeting new people, and have an innate desire to please people. I feed off of other people's energy, so for me, the gentleman's behavior plays just as much into the development of chemistry as mine. I've been told multiple times that my natural demeanor helps new friends relax and feel more comfortable, and that's incredibly important to me. And when a new friend appears relaxed and comfortable, I really do think you need a certain level of comfort to enjoy yourself in a session, but that in and of itself is not sexual chemistry.

Biologically, men tend to be attracted to women with outward signs of fertility: a low waist-hip ratio, soft facial features, full lips, and healthy skin and hair. Women are genetically predisposed to seek out men with signs of virility and good genes - toned bodies, strong facial features, and broad shoulders, among other things. Both sexes seem to be strongly attracted to symmetry in bone structure and facial features... but even initial attraction can't explain total chemistry.

Research shows that pheromones are the key to stirring those first feelings of undeniable passion - and people's attraction to different types of pheromones are as varied as they could possibly be, so you can't necessarily plan to attract someone with pheromones.

For me, chemistry is born through a combination of initial physical attraction, and initial intellectual attraction. A man could rate a 10 on the physical attraction scale, but if his sense of humor, interests and intelligence don't match what I'm attracted to, I won't be interested.

From there, it's all about the kissing and the touch. A fantastic makeout session - soft lips, the right tempo, and the ability to read my body language in response to my lover's hands, mouth and body against mine - will drive me absolutely insane. I'm still convinced that I could be brought to orgasm just by making out with someone. It hasn't happened yet, but I'm certain it will one day.

Beyond great sex, sharing of secrets (self-disclosure) and emotional intimacy build upon each other to create long-lasting chemistry, both in the bedroom and beyond.

The existence of sexual chemistry is the reason I don't feel insulted if I have a mediocre session once in a while. Do I want to provide unbelievable service to everyone who walks through my door? Absolutely! We're all here for a reason - to have our needs met. And the people pleaser in me wants to offer that to the men who are gracious enough to choose me to fulfill those needs. But not everyone will be instantly attracted to me, not everyone will share the same opinions of sexual ecstasy, and not everyone will feel a desire to see me again. And that's alright.

Real chemistry can't be faked, can't be forced, and it definitely can't be denied.
eglrdr's Avatar
For me, chemistry is born through a combination of initial physical attraction, and initial intellectual attraction. A man could rate a 10 on the physical attraction scale, but if his sense of humor, interests and intelligence don't match what I'm attracted to, I won't be interested.

From there, it's all about the kissing and the touch. A fantastic makeout session - soft lips, the right tempo, and the ability to read my body language in response to my lover's hands, mouth and body against mine - will drive me absolutely insane. I'm still convinced that I could be brought to orgasm just by making out with someone. It hasn't happened yet, but I'm certain it will one day.

Real chemistry can't be faked, can't be forced, and it definitely can't be denied. Originally Posted by Natalie Reign
Thanks Natalie, for a well thought out and interesting response.
I agree... when there is a spark between two people things can get wild and crazy... but im afraid some guys think its just us doing our job... but in reality we really are having a damn good time!!! Most of the time at that, well me at least! Originally Posted by AuburnAngel
I try to pay a lady some respect until we get going. And even then. Unless your ad says "walk in, throw me on the bed and fuck me stupid" I'm going to spend a few minutes talking. Or at least one. And if that's what your ad says, I am certainly going to fuck you, but don't call me stupid.

But, unless we know each other or you start to encourage it, it's not going to be "bitch, suck my cock til you choke."
But, unless we know each other or you start to encourage it, it's not going to be "bitch, suck my cock til you choke." Originally Posted by austin_voy
Well, someone has to tell her. It's not gonna to suck itself!
Well, someone has to tell her. It's not gonna to suck itself! Originally Posted by Natalie Reign
LMFAO -- Thank You Natalie -- And refrain from using politically (biologically) correct names for certain parts of the anatomy!! That was HOT!!!
He He !!!
LMFAO -- Thank You Natalie -- And refrain from using politically (biologically) correct names for certain parts of the anatomy!! That was HOT!!!
He He !!! Originally Posted by Metal Smith
What was that Klovve exclaimed while she was lying on the floor? "I fucking love pussy!"? Yes...yes, that was it. She was mortified when I told her that she used the "p" word in the heat of the moment.

That's an indication of chemistry if I ever saw one.
Mature Companion's Avatar
Chemistry for some ladies: Solely depends on how the gent treats & respect her. His over all looks and whether he's a good lover have nothing to do with it. If you treat a lady like a lady. Make her feel beautiful under your touch (w/o words) her flaws & all.
You then allow her to be herself and she then is able to enjoy you in ways you've never experienced before.
IF you don't treat a lady with respect. Yet you treat her like an object. Then expect YMMV, YMWV.

NOW, there are *some* gals who will only truly enjoy being with a guy if he so called *hot* looking. And thus she's ymmv. Regardless of how respectful & kind you are.

Been wondering lately how much currency chemistry has on the ladies side. Let me say, I am not by any means a vastly experienced member of this "hobby".

But when I read wildly different reviews of the same lady, or when I have myself, gotten into my car after being with a well reviewed lady, and I'm shaking my head wondering WTF, I just can't help but think, this is not a YMMV, but chemistry, either on my part or their's.

I find it hard to believe that anyone can truly have "fun" without some sort of connection, call me naive. A performance, sure, but a good time, I think not.

Ladies, feel free... Originally Posted by eglrdr
I agree with you WM, well said!
sixxbach's Avatar
SO true Natalie.....

Speaking of kissers, you are one of the best. I think I could have spent my time in the Glory Hole just kissing you................. NOT but damn......

Speaking of kissers, you are one of the best. I think I could have spent my time in the Glory Hole just kissing you................. NOT but damn......
sixx Originally Posted by sixxbach
Sixx, darling, if I didn't know better, I'd think you were trying to weasel your way into having me make you a home-cooked meal.

I suppose your ploy worked. Flattery will get you everywhere.
I think even if there's no "physical chemistry" at first... chemistry can be found in other forms. Personality is more important to me than anything. If you have a sweet, caring nature about you then the chemistry will be great!
A connection does help even with ladies whom aren't YMMV. It enables the "fantasy" to be more than just that. It becomes real even if only for a few moments and can create the "WOW" factor for both parties!