Bribing The Realtor

DFK Hunter's Avatar
I had my daughter's ballet recital to attend earlier today and I watched the hockey game (USA played hard...).

Sorry the posts have taken so long but I have to write each one twice; once from memory, and once for "plausible deniability."

Honestly, I'm enjoying the memory flood too much.

Almost done with part 5...
rekcaSxT's Avatar
c'mon man! (respectfully)
DFK Hunter's Avatar
It was a nice restaurant, as far as high-end eateries go, and as far as I'm concerned, any dining establishment that doesn't serve chicken fried steak isn't worth my time, unless I can have Kate for desert. The Maître'd escorted us to our seats, our waiter takes our drink orders, then some other wait staff dude puts my napkin in my lap; a service I have been deprived of since childhood. I loathe patronizing service. Kate winks at my irritation.

I open the menu, roll my eyes, and place the menu on the table. Kate purses her lips to suppress a grin, "What?"

"Lintel soup, they want $22.95 for a bean sprout soup..."

I was horney and I didn't want to fill up. I ran track in High school, I've run a Marathon, and I intend to work up a sweat when we return to our room. The waiter takes our orders and I look across the table, she's gazing the skyline, and rubbing her foot against my leg...

Captain Little Sailor Has The Con.
CREW: Cap'n Little Sailor Has The Con, Aye!

Many of your finer dining establishments have long tablecloths, which is perfect! I removed my shoes and we started a little toe wrestling. She admired the view outside, I admired the view in front of me.

This time I had a plan. Slowly, gently, I wrestled her feet apart; I would caress the inside of one knee, then the other. I was non-threateningly spreading them, slowly, patiently, apart; waiting for just the right moment. It came with our meal.

"And who has the Lentil soup?"

Looking up at the waiter Kate said, "Me..."

Cap'n Little Sailor: Her shields are down! Fire Mr. Chekoff, Do it NOW!
Mr. Chekoff: Aye, Aye, Cap'n, firing footon torpedoes...

I thrust my foot between Kate's knees as she brought her first spoonful of soup to her lips. Her eyes provided all the damage assessment I needed.

Spock: Captain, my sensors indicate a footon torpedo impacted her clitoric receptor.
Cap'n Little Sailor: Excellent shooting Mr. Chekoff.
Mr. Chekoff: Thank you Cap'n.

Kate's immediate reaction was to clamp my foot between her legs, which suited me just fine. Outwardly, her poker face was very good, but the grip she had on me indicated something more was afoot. I decided to take it up a notch and started to wiggle my toes.

Kate's eyes flashed when she said, "You're evil..."

I smiled...

Kate tried to eat as if nothing was wrong, then she put down her spoon, rested her face in her hand, and...

Spock: Captain, my sensors indicate tremors of climatic proportions.
Cap'n Little Sailor: Thank you Mr. Spock. Ohura, open all hailing frequencies...
Ohura: Hailing frequencies open Cap'n.

She started to convulse in orgasm, which attracted a now concerned waiter's attention.

"Is everything alright?"

Kate straightened up, "No, no... Everything's fine."

"Are you sure? If there's something wrong with the soup..."

A quick glare at me, then back to the waiter, "No, really, everything's fine."

As the waiter turned to leave Kate aggressively leaned across the table as if wanting to say something to me but in doing so pressed harder against my toes. Her "convulsions" started again.

"Wha..." she orgasmed, then thinking better of it sat back down. She then folded her arms across her breasts and glowered at me as pleasure tremors shook her body.

It was all I could do to keep from quaking in laughter, "Kate, baby, you can stop this if you want..."


Barely containing myself, "Baby, my legs aren't infinitely long..."

It took a moment for the information to register, then she hopped the chair back a couple of inches taking my toe out of range.

Cap'n Little Sailor: Damn! I'll be in my stateroom. Spock, you have the Con...
Spock: Aye, aye, Cap'n!

Kate whispered, "I've never been toe fucked in a restaurant before..."

I couldn't suppress my glee, "Baby, those who live by the tease shall orgasm by the tease..."

"Why didn't you tell me you were multi-orgasmic?"

She just smiled and winked.

Soon my leg started to cramp and I convinced Kate to release my foot. After that our dinner continued rather romantically. Finished, we again held hands on the way to the elevator where once inside we were the only passengers. As soon as the doors closed Kate whipped around to face me and grabbed my package, hard! (However, it was rather enjoyable...) The look on her face indicated she wanted to say something, like a monologue she'd rehearsed in her mind as we finished eating. Instead, we broke into laughter and kissed.

After we returned to the room we had another awkward moment where each was expecting something, but neither quite ready to make the first move.

Captain Little Sailor Has The Con.
CREW: Cap'n Little Sailor Has The Con, Aye!
Captain Little Sailor: Okay Mr. Sulu, let's get this show back on the road, Warp Factor Six-Billion, twenty-three point six
Mr. Sulu: Aye, Aye, Cap'n, Warp Factor Six-Billion, twenty-three point six.
Scotty: Cap'n she can't take it, I've given'er all she's got!
Captain Little Sailor: Mr. Worf, would you please shoot that wimp?
Mr. Worf: I can't sir, wrong series...
Captain Little Sailor: What in the hell is going on here? Am I the only one on this ship that wants to get laid?

She smiles at me, I approach her, we kiss. I unbutton the top buttons of her dress to free those natural and succulent breasts. As I kiss and suckle her, she kisses and bites my ears (Oh, MAN!) while undoing my belt.

Captain Little Sailor: Get my shuttle ready and cover me boys, I'm going in!

We gently fell onto the bed, our passion increased. As I pulled the thong aside I notice it was soaked, I fingered her clit and entry. She wasn't shaved but nicely trimmed. Our tongues were by then in constant contact. Entry was natural and TIGHT! I pulled away from our kiss and gave her a questioning look. "It's been a while, okay? Just work out the kinks for me..."

WTF?!?! But I couldn't ponder it, there were more important things on my mind. It took a couple of thrusts to spread her lubrication around and I could see her visibly relax as she slipped into bliss. Then the fun began.

She started to thrust, as if she was trying to buck me off. She had the heel of one foot pulling me toward her with each thrust. Kate's other leg was up, wrapped against my back. (LIMBER! I Like!) Her hands were all over me, touching, caressing, guiding, and stroking my hair. We stayed in mish, I wanted to look at her, kiss her, suckle her, but most of all - now that I was I in, I wasn't leaving 'til the job was done. And I wanted to prolong it for as long as possible.

Kate was a thrusting machine. Just before each climax she'd nearly buck me off. As she orgasmed she'd moan loudly and the thrusting would stop. All the while she's kissing, caressing, groping, and encouraging me on. Above the headboard was a picture and I could make out the reflection on the mirror behind us pretty clearly. At one point her left leg was up the white stiletto pump pointed toward the stars, the stocking and garter clearly visible. That sight busted my nut so quick and hard it took me by surprise. I was mid breath and my chest contracted, squeezing the air out of my lungs like two party balloons. It was intense, intensely good. I collapsed against her, my head on her shoulder. As we lay there in an intertwined coupled mass, she stroked my head, and ran her fingers through my hair.

"Thank you..." I whispered.

She turned my head to kiss me, "My pleasure, lover, my pleasure..."

I glanced at the clock, more than an hour had passed since we left the restaurant. It was going to be a wonderful weekend of fantasy fulfillment...

Captain Little Sailor: Shit, I though he'd never cum...

But wait! There's More! to come...

Hopefully I will post Part 6 & the epilogue tomorrow after work. Depends on how much computer time I get. The kid's homework has priority.
gptxman's Avatar
I have to say I started reading only to see if it was my wife you were laying pipe to but got caught up in the story and I have to say it is a good one.
fun.time.hobbyist's Avatar
This is a great read. I can't stop reading it. it reads better than penthouse forum material.
Bravo, Sir. Fine storytelling.
DFK Hunter's Avatar
Thank you, everyone, for the complements & encouragement. I appreciate it a lot.

I just reread the first 5 parts and noticed a ton of typos. Very irritating for me. Sigh...

Hopefully part 6 will be up tonight.

Writing and remembering this story got me rather horny. Luckily, the lovely Tara Evans volunteered to help by screwing my brains out earlier today.

Soooo, if part 6 isn't posted tonight blame her beautiful tits.
Shit, this is good. I'll admit it has my FULL attention!
looks like you might have started something

Are you an Appt leasing agent or realtor? Or can you pull off that look? If you have a pair of pumps. and a skirt and can act out a role play then apply now. for ongoing clients .and part time $. 4 clients ready starting this weeeknd /and next week. NO nudity on your part at all but erotic overtones of course .$300 an hour. MUST look the part and prefer 21-40 in age..Send a pic of yourself to apply
DFK Hunter's Avatar
looks like you might have started something Originally Posted by esteban0415
Oh wow...
I have nothing to do with this.

This has me worried. Or should it worry me?

Again, I have nothing to do with this...


Anyway, I had to work late tonight plus the kiddo's homework had to be done. Part 6 is only half complete. I hope y'all enjoy it.
Mister Tudball's Avatar
Hunter, this is great! I've enjoyed this and your previous thread immensely. You're a natural born story teller/writer. I particularly love the humor. Footon torpedoes. Classic!
rekcaSxT's Avatar
Anytime you want to post the next chapter is fine with me! :-)
I keep checking.................
DFK Hunter's Avatar
We lay there for some time, basking in the afterglow. We did some mutual touching, she orgasmed, but the older I get the longer my refractory period becomes. Post coital cuddling is a good thing, until Crosby, Stills, and Nash singing "Our House" interrupts it.

Kate has an incredulous smirk, "What might that be?"

"It's my home ring tone..." I explained as I up to retrieve the phone.

"Did they make you turn in your Man-Card for it?" Clearly enjoying herself.

"No, but I had to present my Daddy-Card. Hello?"

"Uh, Mr. Hunter? This is Karol..." Karol (with a "K") is Jake & Lauren's latest rent-a-teen.

"Umm, I know you're busy, but someone refuses to go to bed without talking to you..."

Sigh, "Go ahead, put him on..." Stubbornness runs in CJ's family too...

"Hi Daddy!"

"Hello Son, why aren't you in bed?"

"Because I wanted to tell you goodnight..." In the background I can hear a chorus of 'I want to talk to Daddy' from my daughters and the call becomes a recitation of everyone's day. As I chatted with my progeny Kate got off the bed kissed the top of my head and motioned toward the bathroom. Continuing my conversation I nodded I understood as she grabbed something out of her bag and disappeared.

Several minutes later I was off the phone and waiting. And waiting...

"You're not stinking it up in there are you?" Impatient man syndrome kicking in.

"No, I have a surprise for you." Irritated women syndrome kicking back.

Huh? Surprise? The woman just screwed my brains out, what else is there? So I wait some more...

"Hey, The History Channel's show on Aircraft Carriers is on now..." Impatient squid syndrome kicking in.

"What could they tell you that you don't already know?" She calls, throwing back the bait.

"Sigh, good point..." I mutter and plop myself back on the bed. Moments later she calls, "Ready?"

My last thought was, "I've been ready... Oh - my - dear - gawd..." as I experience a near core meltdown of the brain.

Whooop! Whooop! Whooop!
(Electrical sparks streak from walls and consoles as smoke fills the bridge of the USS Hunterprize. The crew is in a desperate fight to save their ship...)
Captain Little Sailor: Spock! Report!
Spock: Ships sensors are saturated Captain by a color that appears to be... Carolina Blue.
Captain Little Sailor: Spock! What does it mean, Spock!
Spock: Insufficient data at this time, Captain.
Captain Little Sailor: Ohura, report!
Ohura: All frequencies are jammed, sir!
Captain Little Sailor: Mr. Sulu, report!
Mr. Sulu: The ship is unresponsive to the helm, Capt'n.
Captain Little Sailor: Mr. Chekoff, report!
Mr. Chekoff: All vypon systyms are non-fucktional sir!
Captain Little Sailor: Scotty, damage report!
Scotty: The engines sir, they're as loony as an Arcturian dogbird. Th' power surges out and bock'n. I dun no if they can take it much longer...
Captain Little Sailor: Ever the positive one, eh Scotty?
Bones: Jim! What in the hell is happening?
Captain Little Sailor: Damn it, Bones! I'm a Dick not a Brain! Spock, you have the Con! I'm going to my stateroom. Maybe it'll put some blood back to doofus' head...

Kate burst out of the bathroom, "Rah-rah, Car'lina-'lina!"

There she stood on one leg, in complete regalia, one arm stretched above her head, the other tucked to her side, in her University of North Carolina cheerleader uniform.

Mr. Sulu: Capt'n the ship is starting to respond to the helm!
Spock: Mr. Sulu, please let the Captain recover. He is currently, gobsmaked.

Yes, the only word I can think of to describe my reaction is gobsmaked.
Ah, all I need now is a doobie!