The DNC Execs Must Be Salivating

A virtual Biden would be ideal for the powerbrokers. Originally Posted by friendly fred
in the old days they had to shelter the infirmed from all eyes

witness woodrow wilson who had a debilitating stroke, suffered influenza in his stricken state, perhaps the Spanish flu as it was that time frame

and his wife edith embarked on a bedside presidency in which she excluded even his cabinet and congress

by february of 1920, news of the president’s stroke began to be reported in the press.

nevertheless, the full details of woodrow wilson’s disability, and his wife’s management of his affairs, were not entirely understood by the american public at the time.

I think now they, the powerbrokers, just wave some money, - see hellary clinton
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
The only factor I'm "salivating" over is Biden leads Trump in ALL polls at the national level and state polls in Michigan, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, Arizona, Florida and North Carolina. Most within the margin of error but still positive signs for Biden.

They are only polls but they are closer to what might be considered "reality" than the biased opinions of those on this forum. Both sides. No disrespect intended.

I realize that many discredit the polls. Until a poll supports their POV and then they are all over it. Trump is all over the polls. When a poll is supportive of him, as it was for his actions on the coronavirus, he mentions it. When a poll is not supportive of him, he discredits the poll.
bambino's Avatar
The only factor I'm "salivating" over is Biden leads Trump in ALL polls at the national level and state polls in Michigan, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, Arizona, Florida and North Carolina. Most within the margin of error but still positive signs for Biden.

They are only polls but they are closer to what might be considered "reality" than the biased opinions of those on this forum. Both sides. No disrespect intended.

I realize that many discredit the polls. Until a poll supports their POV and then they are all over it. Trump is all over the polls. When a poll is supportive of him, as it was for his actions on the coronavirus, he mentions it. When a poll is not supportive of him, he discredits the poll. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
Before the SC primary the polls said Biden was toast. Then he wins Super Tuesday in states where he never campaigned. Biden will not win in November.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
The only factor I'm "salivating" over is Biden leads Trump .. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
Try convincing people about your pipe dream delusions with positive reinforcement about Biden's many **cough, cough** qualities, such as his commanding ...whatever, supported by his incredible...whatever...and his keen display of ...whatever... Then the poll to support tt.

Try using phrases to make a case such as 'as evidenced by' or 'as he did in'. Something to show there is reason to hope. Otherwise you seem to come off as a disconnected and out of touch hope caster. Pro Tip: This is ZERO hope with Biden on the ticket.

Everyone has poles, external and internal. By now, I would have thought the reality of that would have dawned on you. And everyone knows polling has so many pitfalls, pratfalls in many cases. For example, remember the below poll. (I know you do actually)

SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Before the SC primary the polls said Biden was toast. Then he wins Super Tuesday in states where he never campaigned. Biden will not win in November. Originally Posted by bambino
I remember you predicting that no way Biden would be the Democratic nominee for POTUS. The polls in Iowa, NH, and South Carolina were 100% correct. They had Biden behind substantially in Iowa caucuses and NH. Ahead in SC by up to 20%. California and Colorado and Washington primaries predicted correctly for Sanders.

Prior to SC, polls had Sanders ahead at the national level and a few states that Biden eventually won -- Virginia and Texas for two. After the February 29th SC primary in which Biden won by almost 30%, national polls shifted heavily to Biden and most state polls did likewise.

As I and others have stated numerous times -- polls are how people feel at a specific point in time. Subject to change on a daily basis. And watch out for those who state "No opinion/Undecided" in polls. For example, Biden leads Trump by 6% in Florida in the latest poll. But 14% of those sampled did not choose either Biden or Trump. In 2016, it is believed that many of those undecided voters voted for Trump on election day.

Could certainly happen again.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Try convincing people about your pipe dream delusions with positive reinforcement about Biden's many **cough, cough** qualities, such as his commanding ...whatever, supported by his incredible...whatever...and his keen display of ...whatever... Then the poll to support tt.

Try using phrases to make a case such as 'as evidenced by' or 'as he did in'. Something to show there is reason to hope. Otherwise you seem to come off as a disconnected and out of touch hope caster. Pro Tip: This is ZERO hope with Biden on the ticket.

Everyone has poles, external and internal. By now, I would have thought the reality of that would have dawned on you. And everyone knows polling has so many pitfalls, pratfalls in many cases. For example, remember the below poll. (I know you do actually)
Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do
When you look at the electoral map, very few states were predicted incorrectly. Obviously the biggest mistakes were Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania which the map had as not solid blue but definitely leaning blue. NC and Florida were up in the air. And when you look at the margin of victory in every state except NC was razor thin. A handful of voters change their minds and Trump loses. But the fact is he won.

Feel free to believe what you want. As I stated before, Trump cites polls very frequently and is aware of all of them. When exit polls for the 2018 midterm elections showed that many suburban women who supported Trump in 2016 had voted Democratic, Trump's reelection team took some action to get them back to the Republican side. When polls continue to show dismal, although somewhat higher, approval among blacks, Trump took action.

And I'm sure you've noticed in early campaigning that Trump is focusing on battleground states which show tight races according to polls. Polls showing him way ahead in states like Oklahoma, Idaho, ND, and SD won't see him.

Trump will watch the polls and act accordingly.

I hope other Trump supporters are as confident as you are. Stay home. Don't vote. Certain victory. The only voting blocs he has solidly in his corner are Evangelical Christians and old, white men with no college. You can deride Biden all you want. All we have to go by at this time are biased opinions with no facts to support them, or the polls which give us at least a somewhat fair look how voters feel.
They are only polls but they are closer to what might be considered "reality" than the biased opinions of those on this forum. Both sides. No disrespect intended.

I realize that many discredit the polls. Until a poll supports their POV and then they are all over it. Trump is all over the polls. When a poll is supportive of him, as it was for his actions on the coronavirus, he mentions it. When a poll is not supportive of him, he discredits the poll. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
That is actually my litmus test for polls. If they support my point of view, then they are true and correct and worthy of respect.

If they disagree with my point of view, it is obviously some faggot poll.
HoeHummer's Avatar
What kind of poll, big shooter?
I remember you predicting that no way Biden would be the Democratic nominee for POTUS. The polls in Iowa, NH, and South Carolina were 100% correct. They had Biden behind substantially in Iowa caucuses and NH. Ahead in SC by up to 20%. California and Colorado and Washington primaries predicted correctly for Sanders.

Prior to SC, polls had Sanders ahead at the national level and a few states that Biden eventually won -- Virginia and Texas for two. After the February 29th SC primary in which Biden won by almost 30%, national polls shifted heavily to Biden and most state polls did likewise.

As I and others have stated numerous times -- polls are how people feel at a specific point in time. Subject to change on a daily basis. And watch out for those who state "No opinion/Undecided" in polls. For example, Biden leads Trump by 6% in Florida in the latest poll. But 14% of those sampled did not choose either Biden or Trump. In 2016, it is believed that many of those undecided voters voted for Trump on election day.

Could certainly happen again. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
The only reason why Biden is the frontrunner is because the DNC strongarmed Warren, Buttigeig, Yang and the other after candidates after the SC primary. If the DNC hadn't strongarmed those nominees and the CV hadn't happened, we'd be knee deep in a different type of shit show.
What kind of poll, big shooter? Originally Posted by HoeHummer
You can't read?
No, HorseHummer can't think.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
No, HorseHummer can't think. Originally Posted by gnadfly

not with trump living inside his head 24/7... won't give it a rest.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
The only reason why Biden is the frontrunner is because the DNC strongarmed Warren, Buttigeig, Yang and the other after candidates after the SC primary. If the DNC hadn't strongarmed those nominees and the CV hadn't happened, we'd be knee deep in a different type of shit show. Originally Posted by gnadfly
Any proof that the DNC strongarmed anyone to drop out of the race?
No, HorseHummer can't think. Originally Posted by gnadfly
He just dreams about sucking cock all day long, and taking it up the ass from Lucas McCain.
Any proof that the DNC strongarmed anyone to drop out of the race? Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
I think a reasonable inference can be drawn from the timing and convenience of the resignations...