Trump - The dumb cunt gives himself another self-inflicted wound.

LexusLover's Avatar
You confuse using the word "Violently" with violence.. and its an understandable disconnect. Originally Posted by Grace Preston
You are attempting, but failed, to dodge the lameass point you made....doing something "violently" involves VIOLENCE!

Obama started the polarization-- but Trump has mastered it. Originally Posted by Grace Preston
I realize you apparently believe what you spew, but that's what it is .... "spew" .... I would challenge you to point to one confirmed FACTUAL EVENT (and confirmed by a reliable reporting source and not the LameStreamMedia you sop on) in which Trump has "stirred" violence or even encouraged it to continue!

But you get the concepts confused. Not me! I have much more experience on the topic and education with respect to the use of words with respect to the topic .... than you do or ever will.

So please don't waste your time attempting to marginalize me. You, like Speedo et al, are spinning your wheels. Lap and his new bunkmate L&M are really novices, if even that!
Grace Preston's Avatar
LMAO @ "marginalize". You're adorable.
  • oeb11
  • 09-13-2020, 08:53 AM
Trump is acting as if he does not want a second term - and considering the Violence the DPST's have aimed at him - cannot say that at his age i would want another round of impeachment and Lies direct at me either.

Still - The DPST's are being successful in the LSM in turning the election into a personality race - trump -whose personality a good number of people don't like - and biden - who is too senile to have any personality.

Look at the issues - and the radical Leftist Agenda of the Bernie/AOC leading arm of the DPST party.

if you love Lenin, marx, and Stalin - you will love harris as a marxist, racist DPST POTUS.

Higher/Confiscatory taxes, open borders, Trillions of dollars in wasted spending on nonsense like the soylent green new deal , all guns confiscated from people and police - and likely the military , and a complete ban on any speech not cleared by the Bureau of Correct Speech of the DPST party
capitalism and Wall street will be destroyed - and the DPST nomenkaltura will ensure no free elections are ever again held in America.

Vote Biden - for a totalitarian State of Amerika - the last free vote you will ever be permitted.

And when betabeto comes for my weapons - I will die fighting - From my cold dead hands - with a large pile of DPST bodies in front of me.

Biden/harris is a choice - knuckle under and surrender the Constitution and Bill of Rights for a marxist totalitarian tyranny - or Civil War!
pleasurem's Avatar
Geez, and you don’t care how much of and Idiot your candidate Biden is!
You are attempting, but failed, to dodge the lameass point you made....doing something "violently" involves VIOLENCE!

I realize you apparently believe what you spew, but that's what it is .... "spew" .... I would challenge you to point to one confirmed FACTUAL EVENT (and confirmed by a reliable reporting source and not the LameStreamMedia you sop on) in which Trump has "stirred" violence or even encouraged it to continue!

But you get the concepts confused. Not me! I have much more experience on the topic and education with respect to the use of words with respect to the topic .... than you do or ever will.

So please don't waste your time attempting to marginalize me. You, like Speedo et al, are spinning your wheels. Lap and his new bunkmate L&M are really novices, if even that! Originally Posted by LexusLover
The problem is the racial hustlers and leftists look at white and try to make it black and some people believe them

If trump sends the marshall service to protect a courthouse, it is he who is fomenting violence, according to them

They blame him for Rittenhouse for he put in white American heads the need to defend property

These people confirm to their followers the righteousness of shooting two deputy sheriffs sitting in their squad car, for they are on the right side.

They convince people racism is in any unequal division of assets instead of much more often the many choices and individual actions taken or just innate abilities someone has or luck, or as in many cases, success or lack of thereof boils down to one thing, attitude and all the while barring freedom of education

They establish themselves and their arguments by repeating false charges that are easily and readily adopted by tribal groups as self-affirming and use Real events, the causes of which they lay to racism, which is unsupported by truth or statistics, and use as proof texts

So there are events that are factual to people’s belief systems, if not factual in an absolute sense
matchingmole's Avatar
Because he’s the most open and transparent president in history. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme

So he finally released his taxes
  • Tiny
  • 09-13-2020, 09:55 AM
You confuse using the word "Violently" with violence.. and its an understandable disconnect.

Even Bannon, in an interview for a multi-part series on American Politics-- specifically stated that a lot of the things being said are intentional, because it activates his base. Violently polarizing means he is intentionally going after the most radical of the base-- knowing that it will trigger the most radical on the opposite side of his base-- which will frighten the moderates into begrudgingly voting for him, despite not much caring for his rhetoric.

Obama started the polarization-- but Trump has mastered it. Originally Posted by Grace Preston
Lexus Lover is engaging in lawyer talk. "Strongly" would have been a better choice than "violently" for what you were trying to say. He probably realizes you intended to say that Trump's strongly polarizing or very polarizing, not that he encourages violence. But the urge to inject court room strategy into a thread on eccie is just too strong.

This doesn't make a lot of sense to me, that Trump goes after his radical base "knowing that it will trigger the most radical on the opposite side of his base-- which will frighten the moderates into begrudgingly voting for him, despite not much caring for his rhetoric." First, I don't think the Antifa types need a lot of encouragement from Trump to do what they're doing. Second, and this kind of contradicts what I just said, if he could bring the country together so that BLM wasn't a huge issue anymore, he'd be miles ahead with moderates and his chances for re-election would be improved.
  • oeb11
  • 09-13-2020, 09:56 AM
mm has no comprehension of the post by NGIT above
NGIT - Thoughtful as always.
It’s not possible to bring people together

It’s only possible, as much as it depends on you, to do what’s right for America and Americans

and therein lies the division
  • oeb11
  • 09-13-2020, 11:16 AM
People have a choice

1 - Rule of Law and Order , the Cosntitution, and Bill of rights. Free etnerprise

2- Marxist dictatorship, Stalinist communism, and slavery to the nomenklatura. no rights, no freedom. Anarchy and violence from DPST backed terror groups in the streets and towns of America to ensure compliance.

The DPST's took their lessons from the 1930's national Socialist party well. terror and propaganda - and the masses may be fooled by their Lies.
Grace Preston's Avatar
You really should consider going into the field of writing dystopian novels. You'd be excellent at it as long as you utilized spell check.
Lapdog's Avatar
You really should consider going into the field of writing dystopian novels. You'd be excellent at it as long as you utilized spell check. Originally Posted by Grace Preston

It would be a short lived career, Grace. He only has a single train of thought, barely enough for a short story filler.
matchingmole's Avatar
He'd better do it quick...before his imaginary civil war comes.
eccieuser9500's Avatar

There is no point in answering. It's a rhetorical question.

In an effort to maintain veracity by the statement you will just make yourself appear irreparably foolish. Not to mention a mental marionette of the LameStreamMedia.

Trump has created NO VIOLENCE within this country. Spoiled brats do! And spoiled brats claim he does.

These images say it ALL!

Here's the PROOF!

Obaminable caused it! Originally Posted by LexusLover
Wrong. The only reason he walked out of the Whitehouse was to, in his warped mind, show him in front of a church holding up The Holy Bible. It would prove he has the capacity for good.

It was a photo-op. Pure and simple. Like his warped senses. Or non senses.

Protesters Were Supposed To Hear Warnings Before Federal Police Moved In. They Didn't

Each warning is supposed to be two minutes apart and clearly audible. And to ensure demonstrators are hearing them, the agreement reads "officers positioned in the rear of the crowd should give a verbal and/or physical indication to the official giving the warnings, confirming that they are audible."

Evidence suggests that didn't happen on June 1. Eyewitnesses, including the senior most National Guardsman at the scene, said those warnings to disperse couldn't be heard.
I don't want to add to the OTHER Bob Woodward thread about Trump downplaying the virus threat.

Instead, I want to focus on how utterly STUPID and UNNECESSARY the interviews were in the first place. I can't say it any better than this NY Post columnist:

Why the fuck was Trump talking to Bob Woodward in the first place - especially for 18 hours. Did Trump really think anything good was going to come from it?

There is another thread from months ago that I cannot find. It discusses that Trump doesn't really want to win, which is why he does and says so many stupid, reckless things. Add this new episode to the huge list of unforced errors committed by Trump.

If he loses in 2020, it will be almost entirely attributable to his own diarrhea of the mouth and his Twitter addiction. Originally Posted by Kinkster90210
Like Slavoj Žižek said: ". . . an enormous ego trip."

No serious intentions involved. The frail thought that he would macromanage from a position of global perspective was a delusion that finally came to a nightmarish fruition.

short answer. trump is a braggart. he can't help himself. he has to self-promote himself everytime. Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
We have a pathetic, piece-of-shit, low-life small time crook as our preaident. The bigger question is: Why is it soooo fuckin' hard to admit you voted for a conman?

Because the thought of being suckered by a woman was worse?
You're a fucking liar, LexusLoser. Originally Posted by Lapdog
Takes one to know one crapdog...