The POTUS And The AG.....Fucking Morons

You dumbasses can't keep it straight. COG says OBL should've been arrested and brought to trial in the US. And, combatants who want to kill US citizens, like this asshole, shouldn't be droned because his rights might be violated or because his kids might get vaporized too during the drone strike. So, this guy doesn't get droned, does get arrested, and is going to have his day in court...and you dumb motherfuckers are still unhappy.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Hilarious... Truly confused dipshits.
NiceGuy53's Avatar
BULLSHIT! While COG might be the exception (I can't speak for him), what I was disagreeing with was Eva's statement that all wingers wanted OBL brought back for trial and not killed. Eva then tried to walk back his statement to say "wingers in general". Conservatives, with the possible exception of a few, are glad OBL is sleeping with the fishes. And that is a fact jack.
You dumbasses can't keep it straight. COG says OBL should've been arrested and brought to trial in the US. And, combatants who want to kill US citizens, like this asshole, shouldn't be droned because his rights might be violated or because his kids might get vaporized too during the drone strike. So, this guy doesn't get droned, does get arrested, and is going to have his day in court...and you dumb motherfuckers are still unhappy. Originally Posted by timpage
I'm not speaking for COG but you are the dumb motherfucker.

I'm in favor of droning our non-American enemy on foreign soil as long as the foreign country receiving the drone attack is generally OK with us using drone attacks on their soil. This guy (from what I read) was captured in Turkey. Turkey would have gone ape shit/Assup if we used a drone on their land.

I have ALWAYS been in favor of using drones on non-US enemy combatants EVEN when the BUSH administration was getting hell from the media and the left for using them. Collateral damage for the most part is OK, IMO. However, it wasn't for the media when Bush was found to have killed terrorists families collaterally with the strikes; then the left and the media began giving credence to 'war crimes.' Since Obama escalated the strikes, everything's great with the drones strikes and no more talk about collateral damage and possible war crime tribunals.

The whole you "wanted OBL dead or tried" is a false argument. Whether he was captured and tried we wanted him dead in the end by the hands of the USA. Not languishing in Gitmo, not living it out in some cave in Tora Bora. Although a lotta of waterboarding would have been nice.
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  • Seedy
  • 03-09-2013, 12:09 AM
BULLSHIT! While COG might be the exception (I can't speak for him), what I was disagreeing with was Eva's statement that all wingers wanted OBL brought back for trial and not killed. Eva then tried to walk back his statement to say "wingers in general". Conservatives, with the possible exception of a few, are glad OBL is sleeping with the fishes. And that is a fact jack. Originally Posted by NiceGuy53
Right on.... fuckstick cocksuckers like timpage like to twist shit around. Stupid asshole.

Bring the fucks to gitmo, waterboard their asses, kangaroo court them, and put a fucking bullet between their eyes. Them feed to the hogs, then they can have their 72 fucking virgins. Or just drone their asses.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
You dumbasses can't keep it straight. COG says OBL should've been arrested and brought to trial in the US. And, combatants who want to kill US citizens, like this asshole, shouldn't be droned because his rights might be violated or because his kids might get vaporized too during the drone strike. So, this guy doesn't get droned, does get arrested, and is going to have his day in court...and you dumb motherfuckers are still unhappy. Originally Posted by timpage
Pretty much right. If they had been able to take OBL alive, they should have done so, but I don't think they had the opportunity, based on what I think the real story might be. We won't ever know the true story. And yes, I oppose killing innocent people. Call me an extremist.

People actively engaged in combat, or crimes of deadly force, get no rights. They must be killed immediately to prevent further harm. But if the perpetrator is in his home, or not actively engaged in threatening activity, they should be captured, or arrested, whatever is appropriate.

In OBL's son-in-law's case, he was charged with conspiracy, which is, from what I've heard, not an international crime. So, for a change, the Obama administration did the right thing. They arrested him. I think his case would be better heard by a military tribunal, but I expect he will get justice in court. Can you imagine how long he will last if he is ever allowed in the general prison population?

So, I support Obama on this one. Go figure.
I don't know of any conservative ("winger" as you call them) who wanted OBL brought to trial and not killed. Where do you get your info? Originally Posted by NiceGuy53

You must have been bunkerd up when OBL was shot and dropped in the water.The hue and cry from the right was deafening for him to have been captured and water boarded for all the info ..
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
I guess if conservative opinion is more nuanced than your stereotypes, rather than give us credit for being open minded enough to have a different thought process than another conservatives, you demean us as flipfloppers. It we stick together, I guess we are all boneheaded and unyielding.

I personally don't like our government killing anyone overseas, even a fucking liberal, unless some serious, on the record oversight occurs, even in secret, justifying the killing because that person is a serious threat to our life and liberty, and intends to kill us by physical force.

If they rail away about us being the great satan, who gives a shit.
NiceGuy53's Avatar
You must have been bunkerd up when OBL was shot and dropped in the water.The hue and cry from the right was deafening for him to have been captured and water boarded for all the info .. Originally Posted by i'va biggen

LMAO! You first said that "all you wingers wanted OBL brought to trial instead instead of killed". Then you backtracked to say "wingers in general". Now you are saying that wingers wanted him "captured and water boarded for all the info". As usual, you don't know what the hell you are talking about.
Seedy's Avatar
  • Seedy
  • 03-09-2013, 05:53 PM
LMAO! You first said that "all you wingers wanted OBL brought to trial instead instead of killed". Then you backtracked to say "wingers in general". Now you are saying that wingers wanted him "captured and water boarded for all the info". As usual, you don't know what the hell you are talking about. Originally Posted by NiceGuy53
Just par for the course....
Sorry, all you wingers in general. Better? Deflection suites you..Idiots sorry,fucking idiots.
Wow, sounds like a whole lot of flip-flopping here. Seems for some what is right or wrong depends upon whether or not "your" guy did it. If he did, it's "obviously" right. If he didn't, it's obviously evil.

But I guess I shouldn't be surprised about that on here, should I? Originally Posted by Old-T
Hahaha, exactly.
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