Rejected Gents, What do you use for screening?

Although frustrating, I can understand that there are reasons for non-response to an inquiry. What frustrates me ... is when you get an initial response ... "sounds great ... thanks for the P411 info ... what time that day were you thinking about?" I promptly respond back and then .... NOTHING ... the appt. request was for almost a week out ... so about three days later, I send another message ... still nothing.

Why did she even respond or respond favorably in the first place?

Oh well
Olesweetie's Avatar
Personally i don't want to meet a lady that has no interest in meeting in the first place.

"To many fish"
I've never ignored a client without the proper screening information, but I have no problem telling them their screening information is not adequate at the time. But, I do try to offer other solutions for them to use until they have the proper screening information.
ControlFreak's Avatar
I can honestly say that I have never been turned down, I joined ASPD before there really was any amount of screening. When I moved back from Vegas 3 years ago, I gave a couple of provider references. Now it is real simple, I stick with revierwed providers that attract my attention. Send them a PM so they know I am not legal, inform them to search my reviews, call any girl I have done a review on. I get an OK usually in about 15 minutes at the longest the next day. I always try to set up 3 to 4 days in advance so they have ample time to screen if they want to.

I once contact Natasha Fame under a different handle and she was not on ASPD, no screening at all. About 3 wks later she got busted. I told her to screen the first time I saw her.

Recently actually in March, I contacted Ashley Stone off of BP, She was at my house in 25 minutes. After the session I explained to her about screening the boards and 411. I am very happy she does it all now. These girls are putting themselves in a nasty situation by not screening. There has been a couple of girls murdered in Dallas since I have been hobbying.

Do not be upset when they turn you down. I would think 411 would help you get your first refernce and then they will come easily. Also do a good review on any you see. If you don't normally have the rest of the story, make yours as honest and factual about what went on. Do not be affraid to be graphic about it. The girls can not read what you are saying, but you owe it to both the ladies and the hobbyist reading it to be fair and truthfull. Hell you might get a Hobbyist to vouch for you. I know I have done it many times when I know the guy is OK.

Happy Hobbing but be damn sure you and the provider are safe.

Bubba's Avatar
  • Bubba
  • 05-16-2009, 10:33 AM
I have been pretty lucky so far. I have yet to be rejected in the screening phase. Then again, I am pretty careful about who I see. I usually have a recommendation from someone before I ever contact the lady in the first place. Fox, RK, Caddy and Chris have been very helpful with getting me in the front to speak!! LOL!!!

There is one lady that I have seen several times in the past that won't see me anymore. Never have figured out why. I thought we got along pretty good. Damn shame!! Oh well......LOL!!!
Now if these girls really are ignoring guys of any type, that is just wrong and not good business. Yes, it is their right to see whom they wish, but at least keep communication open and going back and forth. My screening is very similar to what Dawn mentioned she I will not see someone without two good provider references, or one from someone I know personally. Or P411 and one provider ok(Basic Plus Member). Other than the guy either not being willing to screen, or not having adequate screening info, I've never rejected someone because of any other issues. Now, certain questions I don't feel comfortable answering until we have screened or met, but that's not the same thing. Most are answered on my website anyway. Kisses and happy hobbying, Lace

PS, there are always times when email/PM or IM issues have a burp...and sometimes I just did not get the contact from that person.
Ezmerelda's Avatar
This is hard "business". Having come from an agency, and going indy, I found when a guy uses a template form I feel 5-0 .. which would be my worst nightmare.
I like to play, but I do have a career as well.

I figured this site was more protected, but I received so many requests and they do not know a thing about me. Would any legit man email a girl he has no idea of her physical description??

Maybe Indy is not for me, because I enjoyed opening the door with a smile, instead of having to think of LE.. 5-0 gives me a serious case of limp di**. Unfortunately, I cannot post photos.

Damn, why's it gotta be so hard to be a girl!!
Bestman200600's Avatar
I have been fortunate that I have not been rejected by any provider, but I have always been nice to the providers and paid their full rates, never written a negative review, and have always been a cleancut gentlemen to the ladies.
Rejected, really, you, no way?? All I can say is niceness takes you a long way in this bussiness.
Guest012211-3's Avatar
I have rejected, or more like "deleted" clients many times. If the initial email is longer than two paragraphs, DELETE. If I do not see p-411 or two provider refs at the end of the email, DELETE. If the first sentence is " I am a newbie and have never seen a provider before..." DELETE.

I know it sounds harsh, but I don't have time to wade through the BS when someone who has done their homework is patiently waiting...

I think the boards are here to help new folks avoid those unfortunate (stupid) mistakes, so that everyone gets what they want, right?
Introuble's Avatar
Other than Tara hating my guts, Nicole not liking me anymore, and Obama not taking my phone calls, I honestly can't say being rejected these days is common place for me. It is rare I even get asked for references and if I do I just say P411 and that is it. To my knowledge, just "saying" P411 is enough because seldom is it checked or verified. Even as a "newbie" years ago, after I saw a PC provider that was my ticket for anyone else I wanted to see.

I miss the good ole days when things were simple and people liked each other, trusted each other, and respected each other enough to look beyond the differences they might have and focus simply on the hobby and its enjoyment. I guess I am getting old. I miss providers like Ezmerelda and Nicole that honestly and sincerely always had the clients pleasure at heart. Its a dieing breed of provider.
I always respond to emails and PMs. Even if its to decline, its the right thing to do.
Other than Tara hating my guts, Nicole not liking me anymore, and Obama not taking my phone calls, I honestly can't say being rejected these days is common place for me. It is rare I even get asked for references and if I do I just say P411 and that is it. To my knowledge, just "saying" P411 is enough because seldom is it checked or verified. Even as a "newbie" years ago, after I saw a PC provider that was my ticket for anyone else I wanted to see.

I miss the good ole days when things were simple and people liked each other, trusted each other, and respected each other enough to look beyond the differences they might have and focus simply on the hobby and its enjoyment. I guess I am getting old. I miss providers like Ezmerelda and Nicole that honestly and sincerely always had the clients pleasure at heart. Its a dieing breed of provider. Originally Posted by Introuble
Here we go again, always bringing my name up! It's not that I hate you, I just don't care for you, and I guess I am not the only one on these boards, glad to know. I just have a promblem with you following me on the boards since 2000, and trashing me every chance you get. When you have only seen me once and that was when I was 20. I mean come on dude, lay off.
Guest020610's Avatar
It appears to me that I have been ignored a few times, but not out-right rejected (maybe that's just a euphemism for the same thing, lol). Not having P411, the biggest problem seems to be the references just not returning emails or responding to VM's in time for the scheduling needed by me. Obviously, that puts whoever I'm trying to meet in a bind and at a disadvantage.

This is not to say that I have suffered from a lack of appointments. Just stay in the hunt and you will be rewarded. Start with the "newbie friendly" and build from there. Also, get active on this board. It's now reaching a point where recognition of my eccie handle is sufficient for some that I contact. There are scores of terrific, worthwhile possibilities here, as we all know!
Introuble's Avatar
When you have only seen me once and that was when I was 20. Originally Posted by Tara Evans
Ouch.......and I HAVE seen you more than once. I am glad you are doing well....honestly. Many clients enjoy you and deservingly so......but you do continue to get luke warm reviews along with the good reviews which does support what I stated earlier. No one deserves success more than you and I sincerely wish you well and a Merry Christmas.

You did suggest we should get together for a session a few months ago so that we could put this issue to rest once and for all, but you never responded after I offered to do so.