Affects of ObamaCare Coming Soon to a Doctor's Office / Hospital Near YOU!!! Death Panels Cometh!

Stan.Dupp's Avatar
Interesting, apparently some people are unaware that both the UK and Canada rank higher on the healthcare quality lists than the US. Oh yeah, these are from this year, not almost a decade ago. Originally Posted by chefnerd
It's interesting you posted those links. I have a friend who has cancer. He cannot afford treatment here in the US and he does have health insurance. So he has been flying to London for his treatments, which cost him significantly less, and has been very effective. There was some guy who needed a hip replacement on the news not too long ago, that after shopping around here in the US realized that getting the hip he needed was so costly he couldn't afford it, but he also found through research that medical malpractice and rate of infection was much higher in the US. So he ended up going to a different country for his surgery and care. He said he had excellent care and recovered quickly for 1/2 the cost it would have been here in the US.

Here is an article that talks about US consumers and the vague pricing of medical care in hospitals in the US.
chefnerd's Avatar
It also appears that medical tourism is currently big business and still growing. Looking at the cost differentials, I can see why.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
these fools keep spouting tea wipe talking points, ad nauseum.

remember where this all came from.

And these guys follow that human flotsam.
LexusLover's Avatar
these fools keep spouting tea wipe talking points, .... Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
if you are referring to members of the "Tea Party" ... I've never personally met a person who I knew to be a "Tea Party" member... I'm sure you've met plenty of them ....

but over the past 30 years or so I have met a lot of people who have needed serious and expensive medical treatment and would not have been able to afford it without health insurance that would provide for the treatment they needed. I have also met a substantial number of elderly people who were relying on medicare to provide them with the care they needed, for which they were denied or only provided lesser treatment that was along the lines of simply keeping them "comfortable" until they died.

I recognize that some on here (maybe one or two) believe (or at least state in posts) that the older people in our society ought to be "allowed" to die as opposed to providing them treatment that will sustain their life at an acceptable quality level ...

.... but personally, as for me, I do not believe in .... euthanasia for "elderly" people who get sick or develop life threatening conditions ... although I do realize the concept might fit into those posters' respective "estate planning schemes" for their aging family members.

It is strange to see so many "young people" living off their parents and other older family members while we see so many other "young people" who champion a "health care plan" that will result in minimal health care for their aging family members who provided them with years of education and sustenance while they were "maturing" (or at least getting older) by the taxes they paid while stashing back money for their retirement and their "CHILDRENS'" futures.

If that is considered "tea wipe" talking points ....

.... then euthanasia is the Liberals' "SOLUTION" to the rising costs of health care. YR, are you a Liberal?
YR, are you a Liberal? Originally Posted by LexusLover
LL, are you a Democrat?
Yssup Rider's Avatar
See how long it will take you to find those in 2014, 2015, 2016, etc.

Then how long it takes for the doc to pull up your records then? Originally Posted by LexusLover
One of the more outrageous and foolish lies ever uttered about ACA. HIT is at the center of reduced waste and increased efficiency. EHR already reducing costs and improving health.

where do you guys come up with this stuff? Honestly I think the right wingnuts are so programmed with TeaParty talking points they are unable to think for themselves anymore.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 08-26-2013, 09:19 AM
Honestly I think the right wingnuts are so programmed with TeaParty talking points they are unable to think for themselves anymore. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Anymore?...more like "ever". They can't do simple math , much less figure out the cost associated with health care. LLiar wants pay in x into medicare and pull out x + y. And then bitch that liberals aren't caring...he sounds like somebody wanting something for very little. This si called liberal cares about cost and sustainability. LL seems to want others to pay for end of life care.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
I think these folks are getting EVERYTHING they want. which is the freedom to whine, cry, oiss and moan.

Aren't you glad you're Americans, Teawipes?