Voter fraud prosecuted in Texas

LexusLover's Avatar
Munchie ... vvvvvvv

The No. 2 Spam Man!
More American died because of President Bush (6831) then the last 19 years by terrorism (3503). See you don’t look at simple facts you just believe what you are told. When Ted Bush was running for office he said that his brother kept us safe. Tell that to the family of the 6831 American victims that died in his unjustified conflict. Originally Posted by theotherguy1
while you are at it dipshit tell the families of 59,000 Americans that died when LBJ escalated the Vietnam conflict and then baled because he didn't want to be known as the first American POTUS to lose a war it truly is amazing how the left always wants to demonize Bush over Iraq the man thought it was the right thing to do after 9/11 just like FDR thought it was the right thing to do after Pearl Harbor fucking moron
LexusLover's Avatar
while you are at it dipshit tell the families of 59,000 Americans that died when LBJ escalated the Vietnam conflict and then baled because he didn't want to be known as the first American POTUS to lose a war it truly is amazing how the left always wants to demonize Bush over Iraq the man thought it was the right thing to do after 9/11 just like FDR thought it was the right thing to do after Pearl Harbor fucking moron Originally Posted by gary5912
The same little whiner fuckers blubbering today were raising shit about Bush "not following the dots" in 2001 after the 911 attack.... ignoring THE FACT that Clinton didn't "follow any dots" ....

....and John Kerry said it all in 2001 ...

"LARRY KING: Senator Kerry did your -- did you committee on international opertions and terrorism ever actually fear something like this?

"SEN. JOHN KERRY , MASSACHUSETTS: Absolutely. Absolutely.

..... We have always known this could happen. We've warned about it. We've talked about it. I regret to say, as -- I served on the Intelligence Committee up until last year. I can remember after the bombings of the embassies, after TWA 800, we went through this flurry of activity, talking about it, but not really doing hard work of responding."

Now they are whining like a bunch of babies ... and that POS John Kerry even signed an affidavit for the lawsuit in Federal Court in Washington state to stop the Trump Executive Order!!!
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Where are the other 4,999,999 of 'em, JDrunk?
Yssup Rider's Avatar
It would only take 600,000 illegal's voting 5 times each to make Hillary's popular vote difference. It probably happened. Originally Posted by bambino
Twitler will never rest until he finds every single one of 'em!

LexusLover's Avatar
YouRong ... vvvvvvv

The Spam Man!
I B Hankering's Avatar
No I don't believe the Russian tricked people into voting for Trump nor do I believe that Hillary won the popular vote because of voter fraud. What I am saying is that if you say there was voter fraud you must go to the logical conclusion that the fraud would have been done by both sides.

Yes I believe that the Liberals lied about the Affordable Care act but also believe that President Bush and Dick Cheney lie about Iraq. What most people don’t know is that Dick Cheney played the American people like fools. When he was Secretary of Defense he eliminated all of the Combat Service Support units. When we attack Iraq when he was VP all of the mission that those Combat Service Support units would have performed where performed by Halliburton which Dick Cheney had and still has a large a financial stake in. We paid Halliburton five to ten times what it would have cost us with the Combat Service Support units. Both side proves how gullible they are when they only listen to what their party has to say. The Liberal aren’t always wrong and the Conservatives are always wrong. Individual voters are being led around like sheep because they listen to the “Us versus Them” bullshit they are fed. No matter how stupid something that their sides says they will follow it like they don’t have a brain in their heads. The Liberal are hoping that the Conservatives get rid of the Affordable Care Act because then they can take back Congress and the Senate. It is like some feeding you horrible food. You will complain until they take it away and you don’t get anything. The Insurance Companies are not going to lose money and unless Congress can find a magic wand that they haven’t found all these year whatever they put in place is going to be as nasty as the Affordable Care act. Do you think if it was repeal tomorrow that the Insurance Companies would drop your rate? Originally Posted by theotherguy1
You're focused only on the short-term costs. The long term costs of using Combat Service Support troops would have proved to be more expensive, e.g., providing health care via the VA, etc., for the lifetime of each and every serviceman deployed in a combat service support role. Personally, I do not like using contractors. The Geneva Convention rules for protecting POWs do not apply to contract labor captured in war.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
No I don't believe the Russian tricked people into voting for Trump nor do I believe that Hillary won (you don't WIN anything with the most popular vote. Stop using that word. It is a lie.) the popular vote because of voter fraud. What I am saying is that if you say there was voter fraud you must go to the logical conclusion (No, that is not a logicial conclusion. That is the side getting caught trying to defend what they did.) that the fraud would have been done by both sides.

Yes I believe that the Liberals (Not liberals, the White House and democratic leadership) lied about the Affordable Care act but also believe that President Bush and Dick Cheney lie about Iraq (Be specific, what did Bush say that Clinton didn't say five years earlier?). What most people don’t know is that Dick Cheney played the American people like fools. When he was Secretary of Defense he eliminated all of the Combat Service Support units (they, meaning the democratic congress, also reduced the size of the military in order to save money). When we attack Iraq when he was VP (you do realize that as VP, Cheney had no authority to change or do anything?) all of the mission that those Combat Service Support units would have performed where performed by Halliburton which Dick Cheney had and still has a large a financial stake in (A lie, Cheney had his portfolio in a blind trust). We paid Halliburton five to ten times what it would have cost us with the Combat Service Support units (which they knew going in. I'm not saying whether it was right or wrong but most of our "wars" have been short. So they idea that instead of maintaining thousands of military personnel in units that would never be used just write contracts with the civilians that cost more BUT ONLY WHEN USED). Both side proves how gullible they are when they only listen to what their party has to say. The Liberal aren’t always wrong and the Conservatives are always wrong. Individual voters are being led around like sheep because they listen to the “Us versus Them” bullshit they are fed. No matter how stupid something that their sides says they will follow it like they don’t have a brain in their heads. The Liberal are hoping that the Conservatives (the conservatives are few, they're going to need some republicans to get into bed with them) get rid of the Affordable Care Act because then they can take back Congress and the Senate. It is like some feeding you horrible food. You will complain until they take it away and you don’t get anything. The Insurance Companies are not going to lose money (they already lost money and they've pulled out of several states entirely) and unless Congress can find a magic wand that they haven’t found all these year whatever they put in place is going to be as nasty as the Affordable Care act (At least it will be VOLUNTARY). Do you think if it was repeal tomorrow that the Insurance Companies would drop your rate? Originally Posted by theotherguy1

Your entire statement was all about trying to draw some kind of moral equivalency between the left and the right, which is a tactic of someone who got caught doing something wrong.
  • DSK
  • 02-12-2017, 04:25 PM
I like that, The centerpiece of the article is that an illegal alien voted?
We must have read different stories.
The one I read had a permanent resident who voted illegally as the centerpiece. One that could get a driver's license, own property, or join the military because of her legal status. Having those rights combined with a sixth grade education might account for her confusion but a jury convicted her. Case closed.

Using these bricks it's going to be a low wall too.

The protests you haven't really listened to aren't "about there not being any evidence of voter fraud". The protests are about a lack of significant numbers of fraudulent voters. These 7 cases cover 7 years and 4 of them are from 2010. This article ended with;
"Far-right websites (as well as far right folks) have seized on Ms. Ortega’s conviction as proof that Mr. Trump is right about rampant fraud and efforts by Democrats to steal the November election.
There is, however, at least one flaw in that story: Ms. Ortega was a registered Republican.
“She voted for Mitt Romney over Barack Obama in the 2012 election. In 2014 she voted for our current attorney general, Ken Paxton,” Mr. Birdsall said. “And guess what? He’s the one responsible for prosecuting her.” Originally Posted by Munchmasterman
If Mrs. Ortega is the best we ever find, I'm sure we will drop the fraudulent voter claim. I would have left her alone, she seems harmless, but I'm not convinced she is a perfectly innocent party, either. However, if she served in the military and received an honorable discharge, I though that meant automatic citizenship, didn't it?
  • DSK
  • 02-12-2017, 04:26 PM
Twitler will never rest until he finds every single one of 'em! Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
I hope he creates havoc in your shitty little neighborhood while he does it.
The lefties and libs know damn well their cess pool constituency will kill, cheat, defraud, etc... by any means necessary to achieve their goals politically. They have no honor or soul. Pure debased filth.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
If Mrs. Ortega is the best we ever find, I'm sure we will drop the fraudulent voter claim. I would have left her alone, she seems harmless, but I'm not convinced she is a perfectly innocent party, either. However, if she served in the military and received an honorable discharge, I though that meant automatic citizenship, didn't it? Originally Posted by DSK
chances are pretty good that mrs. ortega was lying about who she voted for.
Munchmasterman's Avatar
I understand you protecting your boyfriend's feelings. And a spam claim by you is admitting you have nothing on topic to say and you're too chickenshit to admit the truth. You look great in her class ring
We know you have to say something. It's great watching you show what a prick you are. Jdouche screwed the pooch and you went for sloppy seconds. Your choice.
Try to do better next time.
Munchie ... vvvvvvv

The No. 2 Spam Man! Originally Posted by LexusLover
Munchmasterman's Avatar
If Mrs. Ortega is the best we ever find, I'm sure we will drop the fraudulent voter claim. I would have left her alone, she seems harmless, but I'm not convinced she is a perfectly innocent party, either. However, if she served in the military and received an honorable discharge, I though that meant automatic citizenship, didn't it? Originally Posted by DSK
Ever find? It has taken 7 years to find her.
Why would I believe you'll let it go? This is the best you can come up with in a state that seems to have the most potential to prove your claim.
7 in 7 years.
As far as completely innocent, who said that? You got what you wanted. She was convicted.
The story didn't say if she had served or not. It doesn't matter. One of Obama's reforms was to grant automatic citizenship to people who had served. Congress shot it down.
The majority of Americans are waiting on an investigation into this fraudulent voter claim. Trump will get to it.
Right after he releases his tax returns.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Everyone pay attention to Munchkin! You'll note that is his posts there is "our" voter fraud and "your" voter fraud. He seems to want to say that voter fraud is okay as long as it balances out...or he can try to make the case that both sides are just as guilty.

Fraud is fraud! I don't care if someone voted for Hillary, Trump, or a pink unicorn. You're impacting my vote and Munchkin is showing himself to be an awful American and a partisan hack.

You've screwed a pig this time.