what is ECCIE actually used for?

You sound like a delightful well rounded provider that so many hobbyists would just love to see. No doubt, you will be wildly successful as a provider here on eccie! Pure marketing genius.........ahem

L.A.'s Avatar
  • L.A.
  • 11-27-2013, 09:15 AM
most members of the board here deem themselves untouchable and some sort of god who has a right and it is there purpose on here to be sarcastic and judgmental of all others and unfortunately, they get away with it. Originally Posted by NearHauteRed
Most members? You've had issues with like 10 people. Do you have any idea how large the membership base is?
fletch's Avatar
you are either bat shit crazy or this is one of the top 5 marketing plans ever devised on this site. jury is still out for me....i will watch from the cheap seats.
L.A.'s Avatar
  • L.A.
  • 11-27-2013, 09:20 AM
i want to know a truth

to be honest it is ridiculous the number of posts on serious issues i see on eccie, and the careless or sarcastic responses i see on them.

From what i was told eccie was, it's a social hobby site used to share information on goods and bads of the hobby.

Based on what if seen, the type of clients i've known are proud eccie members, the ladys responses to how people talk about them etc. This site seems t be more about who can make the most BS happen and how much drama can be spread lol

LITERALLY THE LAST 5 ECCIE MEMBERS who have contacted me, wanted to know the dirt and EXACTLY WHY i posted the alerts on the people i did.

both Jason and Chanson seem to be narcissistic asses, but at least Jason i saw

i have rejected more eccie members since i started earlier this year for all these reasons.

at one point i had access to both private sections (everyone knows this)

and i wanted to see, exactly what was the point

Drama... everything i saw in private where just guys stroking their ego and talking mad shit or blowing their head up, honestly what is the point... i got banned because and i quote " The mens section is for private discussion between the men om ECCIE and they felt their privacy was jeopardized by a woman being able to see everything they post?" the hell

what most ladys don't know are most ROS's a vastly OVER EXAGGERATED, but more then that 80% of the private "comments" are either guys who are too afraid to say whats really on their mind, or cock holsters looking for drama

its to the point to where ladies won't defend themselves because its seen as a sin on here... i've seen FAKE reviews on people and who have tried to defend them selves and gotten banned or infractions because they are saying they never met the member lol. Originally Posted by Wulf_Princess
LOL...you talk about drama.....no doubt in my mind this thread was created for that very reason. What other purpose could it serve? I can't speak for anyone else but I'm just fine if you go back to your policy of not seeing eccie members. Then your problem will be solved.
Iaintliein's Avatar
"what is ECCIE actually used for?"

My opinion:
1. Entertainment, either by getting laid, talking about getting laid, arguing politics or. . . drama.
2. "Validation" or venting of self worth issues, que "my dick is too big," "my dick is too small," "Why won't she see me because of my race?," my rates are high for a reason", "I wouldn't pay that much!" threads and comments.
3. Keeping up with friends, those who are around long enough occasionally swap emails phone calls or have lunch together to revisit 1 and 2 above.

In other words, we all like different things.
Bob the Nailer's Avatar
So.... complaining about the typical eccie shitstorm to create the typical eccie shitstorm??

These days, that actually seems pretty logical for the new more destructive eccie.
NearHauteRed's Avatar
Most members? You've had issues with like 10 people. Do you have any idea how large the membership base is? Originally Posted by L.A.
Yes I do, about 70% rarely post and of the 30% left, about 18% are in Dallas and more than half of those are providers posting ads. So, most of the members who post and you see their nicks in the threads are who I am talking about. Besides, 10 is 10 too many, I did not sign up on this site to have issues with anyone, not that you cannot have a difference of opinion, but the lying, childish name calling and guestimations/destructive criticism of a few of those people are nonsensical and farcical at best, plus I believe the issues I have had with most of the 10 have been debunked since I pulled up past posts and exposed them for their lies have proven my points about certain individuals. I am willing to let things go, but there will always be a few that keep pushing and pushing to see how thick your skin is as if that is what their goal on this site is, and actually, I did have one that told me just that!
  • !VI!
  • 11-27-2013, 09:40 AM
LOL...you talk about drama.....no doubt in my mind this thread was created for that very reason. What other purpose could it serve? I can't speak for anyone else but I'm just fine if you go back to your policy of not seeing eccie members. Then your problem will be solved. Originally Posted by L.A.
if only you opinion mattered lol
  • !VI!
  • 11-27-2013, 09:42 AM
Yes I do, about 70% rarely post and of the 30% left, about 18% are in Dallas and more than half of those are providers posting ads. So, most of the members who post and you see their nicks in the threads are who I am talking about. Besides, 10 is 10 too many, I did not sign up on this site to have issues with anyone, not that you cannot have a difference of opinion, but the lying, childish name calling and guestimations of a few of those people are laughable at best, plus I believe the issues I have had with most of the 10 have been debunked since I pulled up past posts and exposed them for their lies have proven my points about certain individuals. I am willing to let things go, but some keep pushing and pushing as if that is what their lot in life as well as on this site is. Originally Posted by NearHauteRed
L.A.'s Avatar
  • L.A.
  • 11-27-2013, 09:54 AM
if only you opinion mattered lol Originally Posted by Wulf_Princess
LOL...good one. You got me!

But again...why did you actually start this thread if you're against all of the drama posts?
L.A.'s Avatar
  • L.A.
  • 11-27-2013, 09:56 AM
Yes I do, about 70% rarely post and of the 30% left, about 18% are in Dallas and more than half of those are providers posting ads. So, most of the members who post and you see their nicks in the threads are who I am talking about. Besides, 10 is 10 too many, Originally Posted by NearHauteRed

I heard that 85% of all statistics were made up.
Chevalier's Avatar
"what is ECCIE actually used for?"

My opinion:
1. Entertainment, either by getting laid, talking about getting laid, arguing politics or. . . drama.
2. "Validation" or venting of self worth issues, que "my dick is too big," "my dick is too small," "Why won't she see me because of my race?," my rates are high for a reason", "I wouldn't pay that much!" threads and comments.
3. Keeping up with friends, those who are around long enough occasionally swap emails phone calls or have lunch together to revisit 1 and 2 above.

In other words, we all like different things. Originally Posted by Iaintliein
I tend to agree with your opinion. But here's an alternative theory: ECCIE is a cleverly disguised longitudinal survey by two graduate students working toward PhD's in Abnormal Psychology. It's a research gold mine!
~Ze~'s Avatar
  • ~Ze~
  • 11-27-2013, 10:08 AM
This is the third thread she has posted about this "situation" with whoever that fella is.
Agenda much?

Sad thing... for a second there I thought you had potential.
Clouddancer's Avatar
I tend to agree with your opinion. But here's an alternative theory: ECCIE is a cleverly disguised longitudinal survey by two graduate students working toward PhD's in Abnormal Psychology. It's a research gold mine! Originally Posted by Chevalier

Now that's just damn funny!
A lot of truth in that.
NearHauteRed's Avatar
"what is ECCIE actually used for?"

My opinion:
1. Entertainment, either by getting laid, talking about getting laid, arguing politics or. . . drama.
2. "Validation" or venting of self worth issues, que "my dick is too big," "my dick is too small," "Why won't she see me because of my race?," my rates are high for a reason", "I wouldn't pay that much!" threads and comments.
3. Keeping up with friends, those who are around long enough occasionally swap emails phone calls or have lunch together to revisit 1 and 2 above.

In other words, we all like different things. Originally Posted by Iaintliein
Good, honest opinion.

I do not agree with #3 though as far as having actual true friends on the site. If those are you friends, maybe you should rethink you definition of a friend!

What Eccie is SUPPOSED to be used for is exchanging intel/info between hobbyists and providers with each other to help make informed decisions about scheduling with individuals. Also, discussing hobby related topics in an adult manner weighing in where you can, hopefully providing guidance or at least substance to a subject others question and learning from others that have been there in any situation that has come up.

A couple of things I would like to see go away (but never will):

After a provider has posted in a thread about the subject and then there are those guys who post "Oh, you are so beautiful, can't wait to meet you, I bet you are a good fuck", but has nothing to do with the subject of the thread.

Someone just comes on a thread just to belittle a person who happens to post in it, again nothing to do with the subject of the thread.