Why won't Obama unseal the TPP?

I don't know I you have an agenda with me or not, but it doesn't make a hill of a beans difference what type of agreement it is- if they want to keep it private so be it. Originally Posted by wellendowed1911
We all have an agenda against you, WeWee. Your paranoia is right on!

Who is we? Why we...
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
God Fauxing Christian, I'm not asking for national security information. It's a trade agreement. Back when this was a free country, we'd know what was in it. Now you and the "True Genius" may prefer Soviet style secrecy, but those of us who love freedom think the "most transparent administration in history" should tell us what the Hell they are doing.
  • DSK
  • 06-07-2015, 03:41 PM
I don't know I you have an agenda with me or not, but it doesn't make a hill of a beans difference what type of agreement it is- if they want to keep it private so be it. Originally Posted by wellendowed1911
I do not have an agenda against you.
wellendowed1911's Avatar
I do not have an agenda against you. Originally Posted by DSK
Thank you sir
God Fauxing Christian, I'm not asking for national security information. It's a trade agreement. Back when this was a free country, we'd know what was in it. Now you and the "True Genius" may prefer Soviet style secrecy, but those of us who love freedom think the "most transparent administration in history" should tell us what the Hell they are doing. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
I agree, we should know. But here's the question; what difference will you knowing actually make?
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
It might not pass.
It might not pass. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
It will do whatever the money men want it to do. You know that.
LexusLover's Avatar
Kerry broke his leg. I wonder if it was accidental or if it was a "Purple Heart Flashback." Originally Posted by gnadfly
Based on the existing documentation relatively speaking on his "Purple Heart" standards ... he skinned his knee when he missed the pedal on his bike.
LexusLover's Avatar
I agree, we should know. But here's the question; what difference will you knowing actually make? Originally Posted by WombRaider
If you "agree we should know" ....

.. what difference does it make to you or anyone whether or not ....

... "a citizen of the United States knowing will actually make a difference"?

If the document is published, Obaminable will be asked questions about it...

.. and God Forbid if someone ask Hillarious what she thinks about it!!!!!!

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
It will do whatever the money men want it to do. You know that. Originally Posted by WombRaider
So that's a sufficient reason to keep it secret. It's going to pass anyway, whether we want it or not. So there is no need to tell the people what they are doing. And you're ok with that, right, "True Genius"?
dirty dog's Avatar

Why do you think the government is obligated to tell you everything? Interesting, you want the government to reveal everything to you, but you have huge issues with the government getting you to reveal everything to them- is that how it works COG. I guess by your logic, the government should reveal to you where they hide all the nukes, the nuke codes, covert operations etc???? Get a life COG and most of all mind your business- when the time is right the government will let you know- until keep your mouth shut and mind your business. You act as if revealing this information will somehow change your miserable life. Originally Posted by wellendowed1911

An American citizen and the government works for me. I have the right to know what agreements the government is making in my name. You know whats funny your so worked up over COG's comment that you dont even realize that your actions give away your sub conscious belief that what would be revealed would be bad. But as American citizens we have the right to know what the bill contains so that we can exercise our right to contact our representative and voice our support or objections. This is how the system is suppose to work, not the socialist/communist methods that you seem to support. You are a simple fuck I swear, your so dumb you make the founders of affirmative rethink their position, the negro college fund put out a notice that in your case the mind is a terrible waste.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar

Why do you think the government is obligated to tell you everything? Interesting, you want the government to reveal everything to you, but you have huge issues with the government getting you to reveal everything to them- is that how it works COG. I guess by your logic, the government should reveal to you where they hide all the nukes, the nuke codes, covert operations etc???? Get a life COG and most of all mind your business- when the time is right the government will let you know- until keep your mouth shut and mind your business. You act as if revealing this information will somehow change your miserable life. Originally Posted by wellendowed1911
Ever hear of the Freedom of Information Act? Government is obligated to tell us everything unless they can show some national security issue.
Guest123018-4's Avatar
Poor librtards believe the government is above the people and that the Constitution grants rights to people rather than to limit government..
So that's a sufficient reason to keep it secret. It's going to pass anyway, whether we want it or not. So there is no need to tell the people what they are doing. And you're ok with that, right, "True Genius"? Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Why do you always insist on my acknowledging the realistic aspect of a situation being somehow an acceptance of said act? If I am ok with something, I will fucking say I'm ok with it, you won't need to infer it from some other information. Can I not fucking recognize that something is going to happen regardless of how I feel about it? No, it shouldn't be kept secret, but what are you or I or anyone else going to do about it?