Yep, it's another Benghazi thread...

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Then build a case numbnuts. What is your charge? That he lied? The same lie that Bill Clinton told us? Maybe it wasn't a lie. Maybe it was a mistake made by our intelligence services (and all the rest in the world) and not a lie. So what else do you have? That Iraqi died? Happens in every war. What else you got? That Americans died? Happens in every war and according to the Constitution it is the Congress that declares war and not the president. So Congress is more responsible for the war than the president though it is the president who conducts the war. So is that your final charge? That the war was fought poorly? Careful, you condemn Obama with your next words...and Johnson, Clinton, and Carter.

So what is your case? Lets see it. Pretend we're a grand jury.

So back to the OP. What did we find out this time? We found out that Sidney Blumenthal DID NOT write the emails that he sent to Hillary Clinton but he did not say who they came from thus adding another layer of deception to the mix. We also know that Hillary intentionally failed to deliver these emails which means a couple of things; she broke the law by not obeying the Congressional order and if she held these back then what else is she holding back? Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Your Bush apologetics are as ignorant and uninformed as the Obama excusers promote. Bush was a reprobate. Deal with it.
Let's start with this:

and this..........

But no doubt, you don't think hiding emails from Congressional investigators and FOIA requests is any big deal, until a Republican does it.

...... WHERE'S THE FUCKING "SCANDAL"? Originally Posted by timpage
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 06-17-2015, 04:19 PM
Wait goes deeper than we originally thought! There is a scandal within a scandal that relates back to the original imaginary scandal.

We must hold additional hearings!

Douche. Originally Posted by timpage
Let's start with this:

and this..........

But no doubt, you don't think hiding emails from Congressional investigators and FOIA requests is any big deal, until a Republican does it. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Oh horseshit. Now, the committee, after how many years of "investigation" wants the emails that pre-date the Benghazi attack because there might be something relevant in them.

Your stupid fucking scandal isn't.....and nobody but scandal mongering nerds like you gives a shit about this supposed fucking "scandal"....I get that you can't give it up and just silently fade away because you have so much invested in it that it now has a life of it's own. But, you need to face facts. There is no scandal here. There was an unfortunate series of events that resulted in some terribly tragic deaths. Bad decisions were made, I have said that before. But, the idea that you and the rest of your idiot clown posse posit: that Hillary Clinton engaged in some criminal act that she should be put on trial for.... is complete fucking fantasy nonsense that is motivated by your politics, your ideology and your pathological hatred of the Clintons, not by anything factual that occurred before, or after, Benghazi.

Get over it.
You are trying to deflect. The committee/and Judicial Watch requested all emails; but Clinton hid her private server from Congressional and FOIA requests............she didn't / hasn't argue relevancy, she said she turned everything over, which at the time was a lie since she never let on about her using a private server. That is called deception and evasion.

Read the NY Times article dumbshit.
The State Department had not searched the email account of former Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton because she had maintained a private account, which shielded it from such searches, department officials acknowledged on Tuesday.

Oh horseshit. Now, the committee, after how many years of "investigation" wants the emails that pre-date the Benghazi attack because there might be something relevant in them.

Your stupid fucking scandal isn't.....and nobody but scandal mongering nerds like you gives a shit about this supposed fucking "scandal"....I get that you can't give it up and just silently fade away because you have so much invested in it that it now has a life of it's own. But, you need to face facts. There is no scandal here. There was an unfortunate series of events that resulted in some terribly tragic deaths. Bad decisions were made, I have said that before. But, the idea that you and the rest of your idiot clown posse posit: that Hillary Clinton engaged in some criminal act that she should be put on trial for.... is complete fucking fantasy nonsense that is motivated by your politics, your ideology and your pathological hatred of the Clintons, not by anything factual that occurred before, or after, Benghazi.

Get over it. Originally Posted by timpage
Deflect my ass. There isn't going to be anything in the email. There hasn't been so far. There is not one single objective fact that supports the assertion that there is a scandal. There just isn't and you can't face it. You are an idiot.

You are trying to deflect. The committee/and Judicial Watch requested all emails; but Clinton hid her private server from Congressional and FOIA requests............she didn't / hasn't argue relevancy, she said she turned everything over, which at the time was a lie since she never let on about her using a private server. That is called deception and evasion.

Read the NY Times article dumbshit.
The State Department had not searched the email account of former Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton because she had maintained a private account, which shielded it from such searches, department officials acknowledged on Tuesday.
Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Hillary used a private email server = scandal
Hillary didn't reveal she used a private email server = scandal
Hillary and her staff selected the emails they turned over to the state dept = scandal
Hillary says she destroyed the email server when the HOR gave her two additional weeks to come up with more emails = scandal
Blumenthal comes up with 120 more unreported emails = scandal

There are more.

You are the idiot.

And the Dems don't have any other viable candidates for POTUS.
Look, Hillary Cinton is a lying sack of shit cunt who is enabled by the mainstream media and will never be held accountable for any of her actions.

The one thing that amazes me is how so many seemingly intelligent people fall for her crap.
What you "think" isn't the controlling factor; What matters is that investigators requested all information and Clinton hid it..........

It doesn't matter what may or may not be in the emails. What matters is that Hillary Clinton hid those emails.

There are many "scandals" within the Benghazi story; Americans who want honest transparent government it is a scandal...

Deflect my ass. There isn't going to be anything in the email. There hasn't been so far. There is not one single objective fact that supports the assertion that there is a scandal. There just isn't and you can't face it. You are an idiot. Originally Posted by timpage
dirty dog's Avatar
What about the administration that got away with lying about Iraq? They get a pass? Originally Posted by WombRaider
A pass, your still talking about it so how is that giving him a pass.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Deflect my ass. There isn't going to be anything in the email. There hasn't been so far. There is not one single objective fact that supports the assertion that there is a scandal. There just isn't and you can't face it. You are an idiot. Originally Posted by timpage

You must have been a crappy dad if you let your kids get away with the same kind of stuff that Hillary is trying to get away with. I bet your kids never let any Americans die overseas did they? As has been said previously, the coverup is worse than the crime. You're seeing it play out now. Go back to Watergate...they thought that nothing was being resolved other than a minor breakin by some rogue operatives at the White House until Alexander Butterfield said that he was sure of his information because of the Oval Office taping system... the rest is history.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
What about the administration that got away with lying about Iraq? They get a pass? Originally Posted by WombRaider
Underpants, Underpants
does whatever an Underpants can
spins his lie, any size
catches cum between his eyes
Look out! here cums the Underpants
is he stupid? listen, Bud
He's got radioactive libtard blood
can he screw up a thread?
take a look at the post above
Hey there!!! there goes the Underpants
in the chill of night
at the scene of a post
like a streaking libtard
he arrives just in time!!
Underpants, Underpants
Friendly ECCIE Underpants
Wealth and fame?
he's got none
being a libtard is his reward
to him .. life is a great big libtard gang bang
wherever there's a thread he can fuck up
you'll find Underpants

you do realize that in the buildup to the Iraq war that Iraq had plenty of time to move any WMD's to Iran or to dismantle them and hide them? many parts of them were found.

Iraq can't be trusted to have have complied with any sanctions. they never did nor will they. this is the stupidity of Odumbo the fool .. or rather the Manchurian Candidate.

they also flew some 25 or so planes to Iran who promptly refused to return them. wonderful people those arabs. cultural solidarity to make the Africans jealous. Wonderful.
You must have been a crappy dad if you let your kids get away with the same kind of stuff that Hillary is trying to get away with. I bet your kids never let any Americans die overseas did they? As has been said previously, the coverup is worse than the crime. You're seeing it play out now. Go back to Watergate...they thought that nothing was being resolved other than a minor breakin by some rogue operatives at the White House until Alexander Butterfield said that he was sure of his information because of the Oval Office taping system... the rest is history. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Really? You're going to bring my parenting skills and my kids into this discussion? Let's have a private talk, shall we? Check your pm's.
bojulay's Avatar
The more scandal the Clinton's get involved in the more popular
they seem to become with this liberal dry rot nation.

So it will probably all work out to her advantage in the end.
People get worried and think the Clinton's are going off the
rails if they aren't ass deep in some scandal
lustylad's Avatar
So what if he was? Guess what shit-for-brains? Politicians use advisors, both formal and informal. WHERE'S THE FUCKING "SCANDAL"? Originally Posted by timpage
Let's see.... You mean advisors on the payroll of your faux charity foundation who advise you while you are Secretary of State on things like:

1. How to steer overseas business opportunities to your biggest foundation donors.

2. How to make US foreign policy decisions that will keep your foundation donors happy.

Yeah, this Sidney Blumenthal stuff is just run-of-the mill. All politicians do it. No fucking scandal. More along folks, there's nothing here!