thanks to mods and st c.

RamTheJam's Avatar
Is there a new link about new Reviewing rules? I need to sure I'm compliant ..air-quotes.
winn dixie's Avatar
View counts down and advertisers leaving; these new rules will make it worse! This is another step backwards.
Cap'n Crunch's Avatar
View counts down and advertisers leaving; these new rules will make it worse! Originally Posted by winn dixie
One or more ECCIE members were using view generator software to artificially inflate view count. (Sad and funny at the same time). Once it was discovered, he/she/they stopped using the view generator, thus lowering the perceived view counts. While this may not be the only factor, it cannot be ignored when comparing view counts.

But really, unless ECCIE's bottom line personally affects you, I don't understand why a person would be overly concerned about advertisers and view counts.

This is another step backwards. Originally Posted by winn dixie
It would be interesting to find out how other people feel about the rule enforcement.
winn dixie's Avatar
One or more ECCIE members were using view generator software to artificially inflate view count. Once it was discovered, he/she/they stopped using them, thus lowering the perceived view counts. While this may not be the only factor, it cannot be ignored when comparing view counts.

But really, unless ECCIE's bottom line personally affects you, I don't understand why you should be all that concerned about advertisers and view counts.

It would be interesting to find out how other people feel about the rule enforcement. A poll perhaps? Originally Posted by Cap'n Crunch
Posts and participation are way down! This is easily recognized! The reason ? The ladies are not here! This is not because of trolls or P C language. It is due to the new rules that affect the ladies, and especially the very limiting advertising rules. Switter oh2 and elsewhere allow these ladies to advertise daily, and in multiple places. Not sure how and why St C and admin do not realize this. This is a very easy analysis ! Add to this that more and more ladies do not wish to be reviewed!
Cap'n Crunch's Avatar
Posts and participation are way down! This is easily recognized! The reason ? The ladies are not here! This is not because of trolls or P C language. It is due to the new rules that affect the ladies, and especially the very limiting advertising rules. Switter oh2 and elsewhere allow these ladies to advertise daily, and in multiple places. Not sure how and why St C and admin do not realize this. This is a very easy analysis ! Add to this that more and more ladies do not wish to be reviewed! Originally Posted by winn dixie
Well, that sounds like a different issue altogether.

So, to be clear, are you ok that insulting is less tolerated and more concerned that the ladies have limited advertising?

Also, is there a post that explains new rules that only affect the ladies?
winn dixie's Avatar
Only making observations. However limiting language is not O K .
ztonk's Avatar
  • ztonk
  • 08-16-2018, 07:31 PM
Posts and participation are way down! This is easily recognized! The reason ? The ladies are not here! This is not because of trolls or P C language. It is due to the new rules that affect the ladies, and especially the very limiting advertising rules. Switter oh2 and elsewhere allow these ladies to advertise daily, and in multiple places. Not sure how and why St C and admin do not realize this. This is a very easy analysis ! Add to this that more and more ladies do not wish to be reviewed! Originally Posted by winn dixie
Why not move this discussion to the Main Discussion Forum - National forum or the Member Suggestions forum where it might get the attention it deserves?

Complaining about it in a local city forum isn't going to make much of an impact on the powers-that-be.

ztonk's Avatar
  • ztonk
  • 08-16-2018, 07:35 PM
Also, is there a post that explains new rules that only affect the ladies? Originally Posted by Cap'n Crunch
There are sticky threads at the top of the Weekly Updates - Austin forum that outline the additional rules that the ladies must follow when making posts there. Those same rules apply to their Bio (formerly Showcase) pages.

winn dixie's Avatar
Why not move this discussion to the Main Discussion Forum - National forum or the Member Suggestions forum where it might get the attention it deserves?

Complaining about it in a local city forum isn't going to make much of an impact on the powers-that-be.

ztonk Originally Posted by ztonk
Z you have a great point! I was answering Cap's question with my opinion. Something like this needs to be picked up and posted by someone that can be a little more eloquent than I !
Treetop78759's Avatar
Something like this needs to be picked up and posted by someone that can be a little more eloquent than I ! Originally Posted by winn dixie
Thanks for the shout out and flattery. I'll post something shortly to help you guys out.
I want to extend my sincere appreciation and admiration to the NEW better ECCIE. I can see they are serious about cleaning up this site and eliminating bullies and hate speech here. I am so glad and very hopeful that eccie will become a more tolerant and peaceful place where everyone can speak up and play without fear of attack or bullying. this place has so much potential to become an active and engaging forum where all are welcome to contribute and hang out here in Austin coed. I think they are doing a good job, but fighting an uphill battle here at first. I am grateful they are making an attempt to let everyone be comfortable and participate. thank you mods and eccie powers that be for trying to do this and the site will be better if we can achieve this goal. continue with your whack a troll efforts and know that your efforts are much appreciated. Originally Posted by sue_nami
To the eccie mods and staff, thank you for enforcing the guidelines to control the bullies and trolls.
winn dixie's Avatar
Two threads closed in the last ten minutes alone! More threads being deleted and merged in the last few days than I have seen in a very long time! The political forum being run like a dictatorship !

Which equals

Participation and view counts way down, to almost non-existent !
As I said above this affects advertising and sponsorship ! Proof is the state eccie is in.

I hope eccie makes it through these lean times of uncertainty ! But it doesn't look to good.
Treetop78759's Avatar
My bluebird poem thread was closed.

They said it was a violation.
Treetop78759's Avatar
My bluebird poem thread was closed.

They said it was a violation. Originally Posted by Treetop78759
I now understand why. Thanks mods.
Little Monster's Avatar
I now understand why. Thanks mods. Originally Posted by Treetop78759
fake appreciation doesn't count. You don't like this "new ECCIE" any more than anyone else does.