
JRLawrence's Avatar
I hate you...my nuts itch now!
Originally Posted by riday

You need to do a lot more reading about this little thing, and maybe look at some more pictures. Then your nuts will really itch. The more one reads about parasites, the more you start to believe you have them.

Don't let your mind play tricks on you, pun intended.

Scabies are not just transmitted sexually and can occur anywhere on the body. I got a terrible case of them once a few years ago from a very nice hotel room that I only used for sleeping in, and they mainly affected my legs. The itching was sooo bad that I realized I had something within 2-3 days. I thought it was poison ivy at first, until I saw the curvy pattern they were making under my skin.

I think some great suggestions have been given here already. The OP should consider Walgreen's and a visit to the doc if no improvement is seen within a couple days.
JRLawrence's Avatar
Scabies are not just transmitted sexually and can occur anywhere on the body. I got a terrible case of them once a few years ago from a very nice hotel room that I only used for sleeping in, and they mainly affected my legs. The itching was sooo bad that I realized I had something within 2-3 days. I thought it was poison ivy at first, until I saw the curvy pattern they were making under my skin.

I think some great suggestions have been given here already. The OP should consider Walgreen's and a visit to the doc if no improvement is seen within a couple days. Originally Posted by Staci Stacked
Yes, you are very correct. However, this is not a bed bug; and you did not say that. For everyone, bed bugs are usually contacted from the bedding in hotel rooms. The scabies parasite is usually transmitted by person to person contact, usually sexual contact - but not always. If you wash soon after contact, before the dig under your skin, you can sometimes just wash them away. Being clean is important. But when they burrow under they make themselves known. I worked in a clinic in high school and college. In the military, we saw a lot of guys contact scabies from the women they visited. DDT killed both bed bugs and scabies. I don't know what is used today.

So why did I jump on this. If you are sexually active, just keep this in mind. A rash on the breast from penis contact just makes me wonder. Bedbug bites look like bites. Scabies can look like a rash. In addition, scabies is under the skin eating you and pooping under the skin. All feces is loaded with bacteria. With the itching and scratching, secondary infections can be serious.

I hope this helps.

Play safe.

Helicopter206's Avatar
So from the OP, she was telling the clients to make sure and wash your Dick's.
She doesn't want to get another rash or pass it on to someone else.

The rash is little red dot's with white heads, in the soft or thin skin area's.
JrL. my books are old and I think are out dated, I use the net now for all my research.
I had all my Soldiers wear panty hose while in the field, this kept a lot of nasty bugs off of them.
and you can use them to filter your water. (you all thought of the crouch didn't you) gross...
The little green can's of bug spray, (DDT)
The smartest thing by the army, was changing out the green wool sox's, for the green cotton.
Remember all the foot issues...
Having flash back's are we.