Describe first encounter with a "Provider".

  • EZ.
  • 01-15-2015, 10:16 PM
I hear it is a fun place to go to : ) Originally Posted by TheAntichrist666
The absolute best was in Udorn Thailand. We were north on the border with Laos. We had stolen a bus from the Air base and would drive it down to Udorn and load it up with bar girls. The going rate was 40 baht for the night (baht equals a nickel). After a night of partying, they had a choice of the floor or the bed. It wouldn't be unusual to wake up with three in your rack.

We were running patrols into Laos and after 6 days in the field we would go down to Udorn and stay at a nice hotel there. There were always some stunning women at the pool. Short time with one of those was 5 baht.

We got flush selling souvenirs and loaning money to the zoomies at the airbase. NVA belt buckles went for $75 each. Pith helmets and AKs brought much more. We would loan money with a 100% return at the end of the month. We could afford a lot of 25 cent and 2 dollar pussy. They shipped us back to Nam after 7 months. They had paid us in Silver Certificates. We exchanged them on the black market for dong at a 50% return.
Harry Hines. A really hot chick driving a beat-to-shit Buick. She blew me. I have been hooked ever since.
letusplay's Avatar
One of the top 10 worst nights of my life
18 yo cheap motel off harry hines. Pretty quick encounter.
  • DSK
  • 01-16-2015, 10:05 AM
I was going through a felony trial over something very stupid I did years ago. There was incriminating evidence against me, plenty of witnesses, camera footage. I had a gut feeling that the odds of me winning the trial were slim, I was out on bail that night and I feared it would be my last as a free man for the next 10 to 15 years. I would go in at the age of 23 and come out of prison at 33 - 38 years old.
I decided to see my first hooker that night, a beautiful young Irish redhead chick with green eyes. She witnessed my sad demeanor and she asked me what was wrong with me that night, I told her what I was going through and she told me that she was going to help me forget my problems. We went to a motel and we fucked each others brains out like there was no tomorrow. The next day I show up in court awaiting the verdict and the jury had reached a decision ... Not Guilty ... technicalities, conflicting accounts from witnesses that were discovered by my lawyer through careful cross examination of witnesses, and clerical errors from the prosecution side had made important incriminating evidence against me inadmissible in court. Originally Posted by TheAntichrist666
That took some fucking balls to go to the jury with that.
Did you turn down a plea offer?
I was 20 and Best Man. We threw the groom a bachelors party and bought him two ladies to make him happy. My buddies also provided the Best Man with a pair. I'd only been with 2 women.. my high school girlfriend and a cute girl at my college so getting two at once gave me a solid boner. They earned their fees for sure!
dtx/tn's Avatar
I would be interested hearing the ladies' side of this question.

Then again, maybe not.
doug_dfw's Avatar
I will never forget my first. I was assigned to the far north Arctic as a probie but too young to be invited to the Nurses parties. The only females on base. I was sent to San Diego on a training mission with back pay and living allowance in my hip pocket.
At a bar I met this very beautiful lady who invited me to enjoy things I only had wet dreams over. In the elevator ride up to my room. my wet dreams were done and over before the doors opened. Stunned, I returned to the bar. Recalling what my Grandpa told me, I finished the night drinking with my buddies, and lying ( what my grandpa said never to do but he never really explained about ego stuff- that I learned later)..