Do the potential providers you contact practice common courtesy?

AllThisMeat's Avatar
Guys are often spurr of the moment people. We want something right then and there and quite often we fail to realize that the women we're trying to talk to have lives and interests outside of what we're wanting when want it.

I try to keep that in mind when setting up a meeting with a lady. if i want something right now, it is possible it won't happen. If I'm willing to be patient, It is possible I'll have a VERY fun time.

Also you have to consider some ladies may be with clients when you are trying to reach them. Or they simply have poor organization and forget to get back to people. Many reasons are out there for why someone doesn't respond. However, sometimes, it can seem like a conspiracy!
KCQuestor's Avatar
To me, spur of the moment is what bordellos and massage parlors are for. Man, I wish we had them back.
I think its the same everywhere because I've heard the same about alot of Dallas providers. I myself use an appointment booker so every email is answered within a few minutes, it makes things much easier and less stressful and all I have to worry about is showing up and having a great time! ; )
ElumEno's Avatar
I've only been active in the hobby a very short time...
But I noticed that all of the ladies that replied to this thread are also some of the ones that have the most class.
I always reply within 24hrs. I have email routed to my phone, so there's never much time between you sending it, and me reading it. However, if it is not important, or urgent that I get back with you ASAP, I may read it, then wait until I get home and have the time to sit down an answer them at my computer.
Why other ladies can't do the same, I don't know....sometimes real world issues will push you back, but it shouldn't stop you from replying at all!