Black Chicago Democrats Be Mad As A Motha Fucka Bout All Deez Migrants Movin In Da Hood. Nome Sayin? (Video)

Big Thanks to bio for stepping up to shut down the cheap clueless racist... that brings the megas posts on here way down to 99.95% because he posted a bunch!!! Who knows what his next Mandal will be

Poor poor cc can still participate with the other circle jerkers on here. Just hang in a basement at one of your mom's house. Play reruns of pucker fucker while ya do what megas do in a circle to have a lifera nting2: And maybe some of your daddies will bring some cousins over for entertainment. Abortions have been banned...even when absolutely positively necessary.
I don't want to insinuate anything btw. Rules are rules

Btw 1bm1 as we well know... The more ignorant and stupid a person is will always need racism to make their insecure azz feel like they are a someone. Sad but true. These are the most sad worthless pos on earth.

Dictated and read
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Big Thanks to bio for stepping up to shut down the cheap clueless racist... that brings the megas posts on here way down to 99.95% because he posted a bunch!!! Who knows what his next Mandal will be

Poor poor cc can still participate with the other circle jerkers on here. Just hang in a basement at one of your mom's house. Play reruns of pucker fucker while ya do what megas do in a circle to have a lifera nting2: And maybe some of your daddies will bring some cousins over for entertainment. Abortions have been banned...even when absolutely positively necessary.
I don't want to insinuate anything btw. Rules are rules

Dictated butt not read Originally Posted by Tsmokies

if you say so
Just more facts for someone with 31,409+ post. So sad but so true. Live on dude
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Just more facts for someone with 31,409+ post. So sad but so true. Live on dude Originally Posted by Tsmokies

if you say so
ManSlut's Avatar
So 1blackman1, ignoring the Chuck attempt at ‘provocativeness’ or racism, what is your opinion of the video, the point of his thread?

Let’s comment on this in honor of the dearly departed Chuckie. Originally Posted by ManSlut
1blackman1?? (crickets)
So 1blackman1, ignoring the Chuck attempt at ‘provocativeness’ or racism, what is your opinion of the video, the point of his thread?

Let’s comment on this in honor of the dearly departed Chuckie. Originally Posted by ManSlut
I’d have to actually listen to the propaganda which I don’t and wouldn’t. Why would I even bother to watch the videos posted by our resident racist. I’m sure y’all can intelligently discuss to your heart’s content shit that’s unlikely to be relevant to you from either a personal or political point, but because a bunch of white folks didcusding racist shit is well . . . A white folk pat time I suppose.

why again should the site accommodate "racists" with a "dedicated thread"?
Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
That’s already the case. Whether there’s a single pinned thread or a bunch of threads, the end result is the same. The site is not just accommodating it but encouraging it by its noninterference policy. Biomed and Cryptkeeper before him allowed racist shit threads and posts to go on for pages before feeling it’s off the rails. How is the end result of that any different than just pinning the shit at the top, labeling it for what it is and allowing the resident racists discussions to just be in one place and no matter how many identities the likes of Sapper, Chuck, Ace etc dream up as they get banned, they can still do some one stop shopping.

To pretend that Biomed currently bothers to tamp down on the racist threads by eventually pointing the racists to ban is a silly notion. All of us can look at a thread of post and know exactly where the bullshit is headed from its inception and instead of Bio (were he a real moderator) just jumping in and saying “Nope - not this bullshit, run along kids, y’all know better” he just sits back and watches the train wreck we all know is coming.

Just put the shit in one place and the racists can have their own playground.

Here is a memo to Blacks.

Since the Democrat Party knows you will always pull that “D” on Election Day, you have no political clout or say so in their agenda.

You have become a second class, maybe even third class minority in the eyes of of the DNC. Originally Posted by Jackie S
Thanks for the memo. No one will give a shit though. The Republican Party since the 80s has shown time again that the interest of black Americans isn’t even a concern at all of those elected with a R in their party designation.

Saying “you’re not properly respected as a voting block by the Dems” carries no weight coming from the party which says “we don’t even care about you at all”. We support racists and we refuse to believe that racism even exists. In fact, don’t just listen to our words, watch our actions. Whenever a cop kills one of you that’s unarmed, we’re gonna blame you, say you’re scary, applaud the cop for what appears to be a cold blooded execution. Or when ever it appears your rights are being abridged and opportunities taken away, we will run to court and say that white people suffer real racism.

Keep up the convincing arguments Jack, blacks will be listening.
adav8s28's Avatar
Here is a memo to Blacks.

Since the Democrat Party knows you will always pull that “D” on Election Day, you have no political clout or say so in their agenda.

You have become a second class, maybe even third class minority in the eyes of of the DNC. Originally Posted by Jackie S
The DNC may take the AA voter for granted. But make no mistake a guy like Rep Jim Clyburn of South Carolina has a ton political clout with the DNC. How do think Kamala Harris got to be number 2 on the ticket to sleepy Joe Biden?

Once Clyburn saved Biden's campaign a qualified women of color was going to be on the ticket, period. Senator Amy K. made it an easy decision by dropping out. Despite what Harris said during the debate, she was always near the top of short list. She worked with Biden's other son on something lawyer related. This was the son that served in the Army was a lawyer, but died of cancer. Which was the main reason Biden did not run against Hilary in 2016.

Hilary got 88% of the black vote, Biden was going to get at least that if not more. Why would black voters vote for the party that has people like Strom Thurman and David Dukes the former GRAND DRAGON of Louisiana Klan. That is a tough sale, don't you think?
Redhot1960's Avatar
The DNC may take the AA voter for granted. But make no mistake a guy like Rep Jim Clyburn of South Carolina has a ton political clout with the DNC. How do think Kamala Harris got to be number 2 on the ticket to sleepy Joe Biden?

Once Clyburn saved Biden's campaign a qualified women of color was going to be on the ticket, period. Senator Amy K. made it an easy decision by dropping out. Despite what Harris said during the debate, she was always near the top of short list. She worked with Biden's other son on something lawyer related. This was the son that served in the Army was a lawyer, but died of cancer. Which was the main reason Biden did not run against Hilary in 2016.

Hilary got 88% of the black vote, Biden was going to get at least that if not more. Why would black voters vote for the party that has people like Strom Thurman and David Dukes the former GRAND DRAGON of Louisiana Klan. That is a tough sale, don't you think? Originally Posted by adav8s28
BLA, over and over...