What's Your Workout Routine?

I'm not telling. Surfergirl you done with that book yet? Originally Posted by Naomi4u
Do you mean Amanda Brooks' book?

No, I'm not done.
The providers on this forum have really nice bodies.

I was wondering, what is your workout routine? Do you do a specific program, such as "The Firm?" Originally Posted by surfergirl
Mine is called the "don't be afraid to walk" program. I walk half a mile (to the barn and back) twice a day, four times a day in kidding season, and that's not counting trips to the henhouse and such. Then I don't worry about parking super-close to stores, nor do I move my car to go to different stores in the same mall. I also never take elevators up to the third floor.

On top of that, there's lugging 50# sacks of feed around, kneading bread, stirring pots and stuff like that. And the sex, of course. Combine an active life with sensible eating (I eat literally whatever I like, I just don't overdo it) and a great figure isn't at all hard to maintain.

P.S. - Did you know that watching television actually lowers your metabolism? True fact: You burn more calories SLEEPING than watching television, so watch as little as possible.
London Rayne's Avatar
What about playing on the net from your Iphone? I think I am in big trouble! I play in class, at the airport, at the grocery store, even in the car....bad.
I just finished the Tough Mudder run in Austin, Texas. I am a boot camp/p90 person.
London Rayne's Avatar
I just finished the Tough Mudder run in Austin, Texas. I am a boot camp/p90 person. Originally Posted by FatBastard
Hmm care to trade work out for work out?
I lay on the couch and look purdy. Also do a lot of walkin' in the woods.
London, I asked you to marry me....still owe you dinner at Restaurant August. Will be in NOLA soon sweetheart.
Naomi4u's Avatar
London, I asked you to marry me....still owe you dinner at Restaurant August. Will be in NOLA soon sweetheart. Originally Posted by FatBastard
After all I do for you? I cook, clean, wash and iron your clothes and still "f$&k" your brains out and this is how you repay me?
Naomi, baby, I humbly bow down and surrender and throw myself to your tender mercy. If you can find it in your omnipotent heart to forgive my callous disregard for your unwavering dedication, I promise to be the man you want and deserve.

(Just hand me my checkbook and Daddy will make it all better...)
Naomi4u's Avatar
Naomi, baby, I humbly bow down and surrender and throw myself to your tender mercy. If you can find it in your omnipotent heart to forgive my callous disregard for your unwavering dedication, I promise to be the man you want and deserve. Just hand me my checkbook and Daddy will make it all better... Originally Posted by FatBastard

You just made my day with this post.
shorty's Avatar
My weight program consists of standing 69 and lady holding on me while I slam her against the wall and fuck her hard!!LOL
London Rayne's Avatar
London, I asked you to marry me....still owe you dinner at Restaurant August. Will be in NOLA soon sweetheart. Originally Posted by FatBastard
That you do my man...that you do. Impastatos? I know the owner quite well, but not as London of course.
Chellablaine's Avatar
Impastatos! YUM! We need to go there again.
Sweet N Little's Avatar
My weight program consists of standing 69 and lady holding on me while I slam her against the wall and fuck her hard!!LOL Originally Posted by shorty
thats what i call a workout regime !
shorty's Avatar
Always looking for new workout partners SNL!!!