Attn. Democrats: Democrat Transgender Dylan Mulvaney Releases New Video For Your Viewing Pleasure. Enjoy Your Latest Version of Woke Entertainment.

HoHound's Avatar
Transgenderism isn't political? Democrats condone it. MAGA rejects it. Sounds political to me.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
So is gravity. You make no sense.
TechPapi's Avatar
What's really hilarious is that the magatards follow this shit way more than I do. I wouldn't even know about these videos without them getting their outrage fix and sharing.

I seriously think the OP is in denial. Clearly fascinated with transgender folks. May need to see some people about how he can transition.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
I’m guessing that you are referring to this study.

The study also does not pin down exactly why trans people face a higher suicide risk, but the researchers theorize that part of the problem may be “minority stress,” in which people are bullied, discriminated against, socially excluded or faced with general prejudice for who they are. The researchers say previous work has showed that 60% of transgender people experienced abuse in the form of harassment or bullying, and 30% experienced physical violence. Trans people also report that they face discrimination in their interactions with the health care system.

Maybe people who share your views are the problem. Originally Posted by txdot-guy
Either that or they’ve got pre-existing mental problems.