When will I learn

carkido45's Avatar
I'm a freakin' idiot as well. I "loaned" a provider some money today and she swore she'd pay me back. My gut instinct tells me that I'll never see that money again. If I do...surprise, surprise! But I doubt it very seriously. Originally Posted by IceCreamMan
A provider once told me" don't ever loan a provider any money"
carkido45's Avatar
all of this only tell me one thing, we are idiots. no offense to everybody. just the truth. Originally Posted by jacksparrow
Where do you think Dearhunter got the term fucktards from it wasn't because we're so smart
You guys are killing me...Time is important to everyone, since you can't get it back. Sorry to hear that someone no showed you after you took a vacation day.
Now anyone who "LOANS" a provider money is well......probably being taken advantage of...Sorry! I have told more than one fella to never, ever loan a girl money. She will owe you forever before she will cheat you out of it!! LOL
Hugs to all!!!
sharkman29's Avatar
I agree about Plan B in Houston. 99% of the time it doesn't work out. Now I recently discussed Plan B with a provider who gladly volunteered to be Plan B. She just isn't good with long range planning but is great at spur of the moment calls.
ibechill's Avatar
all of this only tell me one thing, we are idiots. no offense to everybody. just the truth. Originally Posted by jacksparrow
ratboy jam's Avatar
I'm a freakin' idiot as well. I "loaned" a provider some money today and she swore she'd pay me back. My gut instinct tells me that I'll never see that money again. If I do...surprise, surprise! But I doubt it very seriously. Originally Posted by IceCreamMan
Since "all" the providers "love" sex and have multi-O's...why would they need a loan.
I see stores all the time have "clearance sales" to raise money when they are running low.
If you aren't making it on 3+ and hour...maybe the price shouldn't be set for "golden" p*ssy??
Oh I forgot...low volume..
simpleton's Avatar
I have never understood the loan a provider money deal. They can have pay day every day if they want to. Or they can get some poor smuck to just give it to them. next time tell to go suck a oh never mind.
ThatManFromTexas's Avatar
Neither a borrower nor a lender be;
For loan oft loses both itself and friend

Hamlet Act 1, Scene III
Brooke Wilde's Avatar
I have never understood the loan a provider money deal. They can have pay day every day if they want to. Or they can get some poor smuck to just give it to them. next time tell to go suck a oh never mind. Originally Posted by simpleton
I have never understood the loan a provider money deal. They can have pay day every day if they want to. Or they can get some poor smuck to just give it to them. next time tell to go suck a oh never mind. Originally Posted by simpleton
Exactly! I've never understood when a provider says "I'm broke". We're capable of making money whenever we want to. That's one of the reasons we like our jobs. I'd be very suspicious if a provider asked me for money.