Let's Talk About the Preposterously Misnamed "Inflation Reduction Act"

A tax increase actually would counter inflation....not the best choice but you are incorrect if you are claiming tax hikes do not counter inflation Originally Posted by WTF
who claimed that? the opposite is inherent in my post, so your takeaway is unfounded

in my post, i believe a careful reading would indicate i thought a large part of the tax increase and burden of regulation falls on the average american

now i can be wrong, i'll leave that determination to those who do the hard work of reading the well informed

now as to the deception of the dimocrats? the claim is taxes arent raised on those making less than $400K...i think thats the number they are sticking to

when i think the whole thing raises costs on the average american
Saying this is “the inflation reduction act” is akin to saying “the Democratic Republic of North Korea”.
lustylad's Avatar
A tax increase actually would counter inflation.... Originally Posted by WTF
Not if it falls most heavily upon corporations in a position to pass it along to consumers, just like any other cost increase.

To state the obvious - not all tax increases/cuts are created equal. They're all different. That's why economists are constantly hired to estimate these things.
and regardless

the recession would be exacerbated

the curse of the dimocrats - is it stagflation? well thats one of their minor curses
i think, in the bill, the irs hires are to be 87,000

and the projection is, 80% of them are going after small businesses
lustylad's Avatar
Whoa Cowboy....I'm not for this bs bill.

I think it stupid. Originally Posted by WTF
Alrighty then, we have you marked down as a "nay" on the woefully misnamed "Inflation Reduction Act".

Oh wait... so why are you defending it in another thread??

Did you suddenly change your mind?

Are you being a partisan h-y-p-o-c-r-i-t-e? Did your DNC handler get to you again?

How do you expect Democrats NOT to spend on their base...

Why would you think for a minute the Democrats would not try and ram their agenda down your face... Originally Posted by WTF
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  • WTF
  • 08-08-2022, 01:43 PM
Alrighty then, we have you marked down as a "nay" on the woefully misnamed "Inflation Reduction Act".

Oh wait... so why are you defending it in another thread??

Did you suddenly change your mind?

Are you being a partisan h-y-p-o-c-r-i-t-e? Did your DNC handler get to you again? Originally Posted by lustylad
How can you talk about nuances on one hand and not even sniff the simple nuance in my posts.

I was not defending it. I was explaining why they did it....I compared it to the partisan 2017 crappy bill you seem to support.
In retaliation for Pelosi's visit China said they are ending climate agreements with the US So has Russia and India

Biden will strangle the US economy with regulation and taxes while 90% of the worlds population will burn coal and drive gas powered cars
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 08-08-2022, 01:53 PM
Alrighty then, we have you marked down as a "nay" on the woefully misnamed "Inflation Reduction Act".

Oh wait... so why are you defending it in another thread??

Did you suddenly change your mind?

Are you being a partisan h-y-p-o-c-r-i-t-e? Did your DNC handler get to you again? Originally Posted by lustylad
How can you talk about nuances on one hand and not even sniff the simple nuance in my posts.

I was not defending it. I was explaining why they did it....I compared it to the partisan 2017 crappy bill you seem to support.

Do you even understand wtf nuanced means?

Shit fire laddy...both bills were bad. I don't like either. I understand why each side likes their bills.

The folks that don't like one but laud the other are the hypocritical partisan hacks.

Do I need to spell it out for you further...maybe a color by number description?
  • Tiny
  • 08-08-2022, 01:55 PM
Not if it falls most heavily upon corporations in a position to pass it along to consumers, just like any other cost increase.

To state the obvious - not all tax increases/cuts are created equal. They're all different. That's why economists are constantly hired to estimate these things. Originally Posted by lustylad
Absolutely. If you want to reduce inflation, raise taxes on the people who spend the money, i.e. the middle class. Not sure whether WTF would be a fan of that though. But maybe he would. After all he did want to take $35 million away from the neediest children in Florida. I'm sure some of those kiddos go to bed hungry at night.
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  • WTF
  • 08-08-2022, 02:00 PM

DeSantis merely hoped that handing out $450/month to poor families would help them COPE with Joe Biden's ruinous inflation. He never made the ludicrous claim that it would reduce it. Originally Posted by lustylad
He said it would help offset it.

Do I have to look up the meaning of offset for you?
its the meaning of his meaning that counts