Businesses Could Save $3K Hiring Illegals

"My family was exiled from Canada." So Acadians were French colonist in Canada who immigrated mostly to Louisiana. Ok but who gave them amnesty and why? And what makes their situation any different. they just crossed a different border illegally.
Oh and about leaving Mexico to the Mexicans, Texas was part of Mexico, and Mexicans fought, bled and died for the independence we all enjoy here in Texas. Go to the Alamo and see all the "Mexican" names inscribed on the walls and monuments there. Mexicans have always been a part of American history and always will be. You complain about illegals taking your jobs, well at lunch I offered a white street peddler with two good arms and two good legs a job and his response was I quote " I'm cool, the Mexicans that work are on Vickery st.. I just need money for a fix." And also next time your buying a house or need your roof repaired demand that your contractor only hire white guys or non illegals and lets see what the cost difference will be and if it even gets done!
The fact that Mexicans fought at the Alamo, or there are white pieces of shit just as much as any other race, and the fact that it's cheaper to hire illegals for work is a terrible argument for whatever your point is.

1) Interests of security for a country is not racial. If you're insecure because lots of Americans don't want Mexicans in it is a separate issue and one that probably can't be solved.

2) Scum bags will always use the cheapest labor. Read the Grapes of Wrath some time. There is ALWAYS someone cheaper. This is why the government should clamp down hard on people that hire illegals. With cheaper comes lower standards as well as lower wages for citizens. And THAT is bullshit.

3) The Alamo? Irrelevant. We're talking about America today, not 100+ years ago. Besides that, Texas, then America fought in 2 wars to take the existing south west portion of America.

Don't get me wrong. I'm not some flag waving Republican, but you're way off base in this argument.
  • EZ.
  • 11-28-2014, 06:00 PM
Oh and about leaving Mexico to the Mexicans, Texas was part of Mexico, and Mexicans fought, bled and died for the independence we all enjoy here in Texas. Go to the Alamo and see all the "Mexican" names inscribed on the walls and monuments there. Mexicans have always been a part of American history and always will be. You complain about illegals taking your jobs, well at lunch I offered a white street peddler with two good arms and two good legs a job and his response was I quote " I'm cool, the Mexicans that work are on Vickery st.. I just need money for a fix." And also next time your buying a house or need your roof repaired demand that your contractor only hire white guys or non illegals and lets see what the cost difference will be and if it even gets done! Originally Posted by xavierz21
I have two family members names on the San Jacinto monument along with a bunch of Hispanic names. I'm sure that those became Texans and didn't follow the defeated army back to Mexico.

What is the real cost, to society, having illegals here? What does it do to your taxes having them freeload at emergency rooms? What is it doing to public education? It costs 50% more to educate a non-English speaking student and even then, they have a high dropout rate. How many pay property taxes which supports the schools? How much of their incomes goes back to Mexico and not into our economy?

The job market works like any other market and demand. When you have a large supply of people that are willing to work for less, it draws down wages for the middle class but especially the working poor.

I'm retired but I do consulting on the side....doesn't effect me.
  • EZ.
  • 11-28-2014, 06:08 PM
"My family was exiled from Canada." So Acadians were French colonist in Canada who immigrated mostly to Louisiana. Ok but who gave them amnesty and why? And what makes their situation any different. they just crossed a different border illegally. Originally Posted by xavierz21
We didn't immigrate to Louisiana. We were exiled and dumped there. This was prior to the Louisiana purchase so French were being exiled to a French country.

Try immigrating to Mexico illegally. They will put your ass in jail. Like Mexico, we are a sovereign nation and we are allowed to decide who comes here.
TexTushHog's Avatar
My family was exiled from Canada. We were put on slave ships and dropped off in the swamps of Louisiana. About a third of those French Canadians died during the voyage and many more didn't survive the swamp. That took place in 1755 before the Declaration of Independence was signed.

There is a difference between illegals and immigrants. Originally Posted by OldLRRP
So the Accadians had visas?

And I and members of my family have received health care under the French, British, and Italian health care systems. All three provided excellent care for routine illnesses and great preventative care. They do well, but not quite as good as the US, on huge illness issues like cancer. But the effect of the former is so much greater on quality of life than the latter for so many people, if I had to choose one, that's what I would choose. And we see that in that their life expectancies are higher, as is infant mortality in their systems.
BLM69's Avatar
  • BLM69
  • 11-29-2014, 12:21 AM
It's funny how all of the illegal immigrants (your parents and grandparents) came here illegally and their adult kids claim to be "AMERICAN" bitching here.

I have family members illegal aliens at one time, come to this country, join the military and become American citizens and now look down on illegal immigrants that came here for better opportunities. What pieces of garbage thinking they are better than another human being.

All this whining about politics in a hooker forum is not going to change a thing, election day will be here before you know it, that's where you can make a difference.
  • EZ.
  • 11-29-2014, 12:46 AM
So the Accadians had visas?

And I and members of my family have received health care under the French, British, and Italian health care systems. All three provided excellent care for routine illnesses and great preventative care. They do well, but not quite as good as the US, on huge illness issues like cancer. But the effect of the former is so much greater on quality of life than the latter for so many people, if I had to choose one, that's what I would choose. And we see that in that their life expectancies are higher, as is infant mortality in their systems. Originally Posted by TexTushHog
My oldest daughter was diagnosed with stage 2 breast cancer at 30. In three weeks it went to state 4. That was five years ago. Currently, she is NED (no evidence of disease). She has won the battles but the war isn't over. It is a miracle she is where she is. Because it runs in my family she had mammograms every 6 months. This is something that Obamacare won't provide for. They recommend that it begin at 40. She went to MD Anderson with some of the finest cancer doctors in the world. Try to see them under ObamaCare.
  • EZ.
  • 11-29-2014, 12:49 AM
It's funny how all of the illegal immigrants (your parents and grandparents) came here illegally and their adult kids claim to be "AMERICAN" bitching here.

I have family members illegal aliens at one time, come to this country, join the military and become American citizens and now look down on illegal immigrants that came here for better opportunities. What pieces of garbage thinking they are better than another human being.

All this whining about politics in a hooker forum is not going to change a thing, election day will be here before you know it, that's where you can make a difference. Originally Posted by biglatinmale
Like I said earlier. Go to Mexico and take up residency ...they will put your ass in jail.

I vote in every election.
Actually you can take up residency in Mexico and no they will not the I you in jail for buying property. Most big businesses have begun opening retail chain stores all over Mexico without any problems. America has always been made stronger by its immigrant populace which help it to continuously grow. As the Chinese were exploited to build the railroads and the Black slaves to pick crops, the new immigrants build the roads and houses you live in.
  • EZ.
  • 11-29-2014, 07:28 AM
Actually you can take up residency in Mexico and no they will not the I you in jail for buying property. Most big businesses have begun opening retail chain stores all over Mexico without any problems. America has always been made stronger by its immigrant populace which help it to continuously grow. As the Chinese were exploited to build the railroads and the Black slaves to pick crops, the new immigrants build the roads and houses you live in. Originally Posted by xavierz21
This isn't the 1800's. I am 100% for legal immigration. As for illegals in Mexico:
Most big businesses have begun opening retail chain stores all over Mexico without any problems. America has always been made stronger by its immigrant populace which help it to continuously grow. As the Chinese were exploited to build the railroads and the Black slaves to pick crops, the new immigrants build the roads and houses you live in. Originally Posted by xavierz21
1. If the Mexican business environment was so great in Mexico, thousands wouldn't be flocking over here to escape. NAFTA attempted to do what you're talking about but it didn't help Mexico at all because the whole country is run by bandits and drug cartels.

2. I'm not against immigration, and no one is arguing about labor per se. You're simplifying hundreds of years of history into a single sentence, and you're barely scratching the surface. Everyone who wasn't rich was somewhat exploited and continues to be, but with the exception of slavery, everyone has almost always had a choice. I only say almost because of the indentured servitude that many early Americans in debt were under. But it's ignorant and stupid to act like without illegal immigrants America's houses and roads wouldn't be built. You said immigrants, but no one has a problem with legal immigrants, the ones who pay taxes, it's the illegals who don't pay taxes while the rest of us do that upsets people.

When I was a kid you know who did all the labor in this country? Teenagers mowed lawns and working class of all races did the rest. Trust me, illegals are only cheap, they aren't irreplaceable. Not by a long shot!
doug_dfw's Avatar
Well you don't want the tax payer to pay for illegal alien's health care do you?

The hiring and employment of illegal aliens are already covered in other law. Originally Posted by dallasfan
Yes Obama it is but it is all paid by those of us who pay tax.
doug_dfw's Avatar
That would be awesome. We could have a system like the VA. I was in and out of one of those for months after returning from Vietnam. Just look at how well that single payer system has taken care of our veterans. They are literally dying to see a doctor. How many VA administrators have been indicted? Seen any arrests? You haven't and you won't.

My best friend, in life, died with cancer before he was 40. He tested positive for dioxin from exposure to agent orange. They don't know what vital organ failed first because his entire body was riddled with cancer. The VA took no responsibility for it and his family got nothing.

As far as the illegal aliens, make it a felony to hire one and enforce our laws. Originally Posted by OldLRRP

Absolutely. Why does our Constitution not have procedures to deal with a rogue President other than impeachment that requires 75% VOTE by the Senate- THAT WILL NEVER HAPPEN.
doug_dfw's Avatar
Its funny how all the so called" Americans" who came from immigrant back rounds now condemn the new immigrants. Unless you are native american your family immigrated here. You blame the loss of jobs on the immigrants, but you don't mind driving on the roads they built or living in your homes that where built by immigrant hands. Show me a job that a white man or black man has lost to an immigrant. I never see any immigrants on the street begging for a dollar but I sure do see whites and blacks! On the unemployment line Whites and Blacks! I have my own business and see all these unemployed people come by and ask for a business card so they can prove they are looking for jobs, but ask me if they really want to work? Hell no! because they are content with their lives. Immigrants are not content on living off the government, so called Americans are! If you go to a car dealership and watch who a salesman will run to, its a hispanic immigrant before any other, why because they pay their debts. You want to blame someone blame yourselves and stop complaining about the middle class loosing jobs. Those jobs were the ones no one else wanted! Originally Posted by xavierz21
All us immigrants who are here legally , and from families who immigrated legally, do not support creepers across the border bypassing the INS, nor politicians who condone them.

Nor do we support DOJ releasing criminals back into society but support their deportation with ID implants to catch them faster on their illegal return.

All illegal immigrants live off the government. Those with kids get cash when they file tax returns for earnings they paid no tax on. No illegal is forbidden education at the cost of Americans who have to suffer the interruptions.

No illegal is denied health care to the chagrin of Americans who pay insurance but have to wait in turn for those who are covered by government ( you who pay taxes).

I can do on and on.

As for the jobs that the illegals take, thanks to Liberal progressives who want to increase their voting base. They pay so much in welfare to Americans to make room for the illegals. Win Win. Both constituents are happy to vote for the same.

But if you are paying taxes, you are the sucker. If you do not, you are outa the park to criticize us who do.