Incalls at the casinos??

Actually just saying incalls in Council Bluffs pretty much would make the odds very good that your picture would be at the check in desk at the Casino Hotels and LE would be called. Some Hotel chains may offer managers bonuses to keep the " hookers " out of the hotel.
Ms.Lady Y's Avatar
I wasn't trying to give up my location....... simply asking what everyone else's take on casino dates were. Clearly by all the responses, I decided against it. But thank you for your opinion. Originally Posted by blondebarbiekendall
Kendall its not just you, believe me.

Its mentioning any location on a hooker board, its just stupid. The guys write reviews and put 84th and I80, why not just put central Omaha.
Girls get on her and ask for info of hotels and people instead of pming the info to them put it on open forum for LE to see.

Never say names of hotels, streets or area's on opem forum, PLEASE. Pming the info to each other.
Last thing we want LE to know is what area the Ladies are using, pretty soon there won't be anywhere left to go.

A lot of the reason traveling girls don't go to Omaha any more is because there is nowhere safe to go.
I am pming Marcus constantly asking him to change locations on reviews to be less specific.
Lets all just start thinking with our heads and not our wallets and little head.
She meant to post in ladies lounge and doesn't have access for some reason. Obviously, she needs direction but to jump down her throat is what makes the ladies not want to share anything w eachother and same for men who post reviews and get chastised for not doing it correctly. A simple PM would have sufficed. I understand your concern of LE but there are helpful ways of informing someone.
61corv's Avatar
Yoda Sara is wise and kind. May this young Jedi can learn much from the master. The force is strong with you.
Ms.Lady Y's Avatar
She meant to post in ladies lounge and doesn't have access for some reason. Obviously, she needs direction but to jump down her throat is what makes the ladies not want to share anything w eachother and same for men who post reviews and get chastised for not doing it correctly. A simple PM would have sufficed. I understand your concern of LE but there are helpful ways of informing someone. Originally Posted by MissSaraXXX
If I was jumping down her throat it would have been a whole harsher than it was.
It is meant for everyone men and women alike. Everyone needs to tighten up on giving out locations.
If she did not know where to post she should have asked instead of just posting.

I refuse to help out new ladies or give info anymore because of stuff like this give them a little to help them and they think they know it all.
Well sweety I'm not positive that I have ever acted like I know it all. However, I do know that MissSara gave me the same advice, but was welcoming and kind about it, which ultimately led to my desicion of not booking a room. Now if she had approached me in the same manner as yourself, I wouldnt consider it to be "help." I was aware this was a drama board, but as you know, I'm still learning. Thanks to all who give me advice, it's greatly appreciated.
Yoda Sara is wise and kind. May this young Jedi can learn much from the master. The force is strong with you. Originally Posted by 61corv
Oh corv... that may be pushing I cannot gain or lose anything by offering help except the time to send msgs. Obviously, there's mixed opinions on the topic of this thread so clearly I still have learning to do. I do what is comfortable for me. Plain and simple. And that's why I'm independent.
Gotta love all the useless catty drama. And wouldn't you know it's always someone who more than likely feels threatened by the new talent. Jealous much? SMFH but also LMAO on the response I would've expected from Elena. Glad to know someone picked up her sanctimonious slack. Bravo Ms. Y. slow clap for you. Hint: it's sarcasm
Wasnt* aware
burkalini's Avatar
Popcorn. Originally Posted by burkalini
I know you meant to say "snowballing"...I know you're absolutely dying for it, you kinky man
Ms.Lady Y's Avatar
Gotta love all the useless catty drama. And wouldn't you know it's always someone who more than likely feels threatened by the new talent. Jealous much? SMFH but also LMAO on the response I would've expected from Elena. Glad to know someone picked up her sanctimonious slack. Bravo Ms. Y. slow clap for you. Hint: it's sarcasm Originally Posted by Tommiejohn
Jealous, I think not. I'm the one that taught her how to screen and everything I know to be safe. If I felt threatened I would not have helped her.
I have always been here and helped every lady that has asked for help. The safer they are the safer we all are.
As for taking over for Elena, I was just thinking "now I understand why she got so frustrated with people".
Ms.Lady Y's Avatar
Gotta love all the useless catty drama. And wouldn't you know it's always someone who more than likely feels threatened by the new talent. Jealous much? SMFH but also LMAO on the response I would've expected from Elena. Glad to know someone picked up her sanctimonious slack. Bravo Ms. Y. slow clap for you. Hint: it's sarcasm Originally Posted by Tommiejohn

Jealous, I think not. I'm the one that taught her how to screen and everything I know to be safe. If I felt threatened I would not have helped her.
I have always been here and helped every lady that has asked for help. The safer they are the safer we all are.
As for taking over for Elena, I was just thinking "now I understand why she got so frustrated with people".
Remember Dear Lady Y, no good deed goes unpunished.

That certainly seems true on this board.

As happens too often online, I think people can take someone "speaking" to the point as being rude or abrasive, when it really isn't.

I do like to encourage responses from all quarters on this board. I think it helps us all. Think it helps encourage some of the lurkers.

But even I have to laugh at fools that tend to constantly mistake a strong woman for something else.

Thanks for starting this topic Kendall. And thank all for their contributions. I think that overall while it may seem like a very opportune venue for meeting from a guy's perspective, there are more than enough reasons from a gal's perspective to avoid it.

We now return to your normally scheduled perving.
burkalini's Avatar
I know you meant to say "snowballing"...I know you're absolutely dying for it, you kinky man Originally Posted by MissSaraXXX

You know I have never been into the ole S+M stuff but I think you might need your ass smacked. Now bend over. You know you deserve it. Snowball??? Fuck that. Guys if you like that I'm not judging It's just not my thing