joe bloe's Avatar
Bite me
joe bloe's Avatar
Yeah, I note that, of course, Obama gets zero credit for being opposed to the war from the beginning. I guess he was one of the smart ones, huh? And now he should be criminally prosecuted for failing to live up to a campaign promise? We'll need to build a new prison for all the politicians that will checking in to that place.

Starting a war is easy. Ending one, not so much. I didn't have a problem with attacking Afghanistan and kicking the shit out of the taliban. I did, and do, have a problem with thinking that we can turn that backwards shithole of a country into anything that will even remotely resemble a functioning democracy, now, 20 years from now, or ever. We should get out as soon as we can reasonably do so without compromising the safety of the folks there who have worked with us and trusted us, and whose heads are gonna get cut off by the religious crazies as soon as we leave. Originally Posted by timpage
Obama initially oposed the Iraq war when he was a STATE senator in Illinois. His district was extremely liberal. Obama trys to portray his opposition to the war as courageous and intelligent; if he had done otherwise, he would have jeopardized his reelection in his uber-left district.
I B Hankering's Avatar
Yeah, I note that, of course, Obama gets zero credit for being opposed to the war from the beginning. I guess he was one of the smart ones, huh? Originally Posted by timpage
You are wrong. Obama merely played politics. Knowing he was going to run for the presidency, Obama merely came out in opposition to Bush. In this case, Bush's position predefined Obama's position.
Obama initially oposed the Iraq war when he was a STATE senator in Illinois. His district was extremely liberal. Obama trys to portray his opposition to the war as courageous and intelligent; if he had done otherwise, he would have jeopardized his reelection in his uber-left district. Originally Posted by joe bloe
Obama consistently opposed the war and so stated throughout his senatorial and presidential campaign....when I believe he was running for something, wasn't he? Just another example of the astonishing hypocrisy of the Republicans. They start the war but don't want to own it after it turns to shit. In fact, they now acknowledge it was a mistake. But, those who knew from the beginning that the war was a mistake and actively opposed it.....don't get any credit for good judgment. Makes sense....if you're a Republican or lack a pulse. Oh, wait....
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Then why did President Obama not end the war sooner, and why did he want to extend our presence beyond 2011? Yes, Bush is responsible for getting us there, but Obama lied about getting us out. He is just a culpable as anyone else.
You are so full of shit. You forgot to mention the Democrats who also thought there were WMDs and not only supported, but went out of their way to promote going to war against SH.

And it was the Democrats who ran away from prosecuting the war after things went bad....Bush and his surge plan of 30,000 + more troops is what righted the ship ! The Democrats ran like girly girls when the civil violence was peaking.

The big lie in the nine year war was not Bush (along with others) who thought there were WMDs, but Obama who lied, plediging unequiovally during the 2008 campgain:

(He) will immediately begin to remove our troops from Iraq. He will remove one to two combat brigades each month, and have all of our combat brigades out of Iraq within 16 months.

Obama consistently opposed the war and so stated throughout his senatorial and presidential campaign....when I believe he was running for something, wasn't he? Just another example of the astonishing hypocrisy of the Republicans. They start the war but don't want to own it after it turns to shit. In fact, they now acknowledge it was a mistake. But, those who knew from the beginning that the war was a mistake and actively opposed it.....don't get any credit for good judgment. Makes sense....if you're a Republican or lack a pulse. Oh, wait.... Originally Posted by timpage
Love you idiots who, in hindsight, completely discount your support for the war. "Oh yeah, I thought it was the right thing to do, I was wrong, sorry about that. Drive on and let me vote for another idiot in this election who will do something equally as stupid like attacking Iran." If I had lost a son, daughter, wife or husband to this ridiculous war, I would punch you right in the fucking face. Bush, Cheney and all the rest of the neocons who lied about the WMD's, who pushed the illusion that Saddam was behind the 9/11 attacks and who did everything possible to justify this waste of American blood, money and prestige ought to be criminally prosecuted. Originally Posted by timpage
Yep, that pretty much sums it up.

Your list of people to punch in the face is long and prestigous..it would have to include John Kerry, Hillary Clinton, Bill Clinton, among many many others from around the world...........

The Senate voted 77-23 to authorize President Bush to attack Iraq if Saddam Hussein refuses to give up weapons of mass destruction as required by U.N. resolutions. and the the House approved an identical resolution, 296-133. .and subsequent (Democratically controlled) Congress's funded the nine year war. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Because anyone that was against the war was billed and condemned as a traitor or at the very least anti-American. I don’t know how or why the Democrats let an idiot like W get a hold of the who’s-a-good-American spin machine. As far as I’m concerned, the Democrats can share just as much blame as the Republicans for letting, again MORON, W dictate the terms of what a good American is. He was AWOL from the NATIONAL GUARD for God’s sake.

While we’re on the subject of the war “ending”, why, OH WHY, are we getting out at the beginning of the presidential campaign season and not one, two or three years ago? Oh, ya, the pretty much the only decisions Obama makes are campaign decisions not presidential or leadership decisions.
joe bloe's Avatar
Bush was never AWOL. You are either a liar or an idiot, or both.

Dan Rather ran a phony story on that nonsense on Sixty Minutes; it ended his career. He knowingly used fabricated documents and presented them as being authenticated.

The whole story fell apart as soon as the phony docuements were posted on the internet. They used a type font (New Times Roman) which did not even exist when the docuements were supposedly prepared.

It's amazing; the left continues to tell the same lies over and over again even when they've been exposed. They are shameless.
Then why did President Obama not end the war sooner, and why did he want to extend our presence beyond 2011? Yes, Bush is responsible for getting us there, but Obama lied about getting us out. He is just a culpable as anyone else. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy

Yah, he was really stupid to listen to the commanders in the field...
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
He spoke to them before the election. Therefore, he lied. God, ekim, you are blind.
joe bloe's Avatar
Yah, he was really stupid to listen to the commanders in the field... Originally Posted by ekim008
Yea, just like Bush was stupid to listen his intelligence sources that said that Saddam Hussein had WMD's.

The left has conveniently forgotten that Bush's CIA director, George Tenet, said that there was no doubt that Saddam Hussein had WMD's; he said it was "a slam dunk". George Tenet was carried over Bill Clinton's administration.

Obama was against the surge which turned the Iraq war around and lead to victory. Now he's trying to take credit for the victory. Unfortunately he wasn't able to successfully negotiate an agreement that allowed for a token force to be left behind. This means that the new government is much more likely to fail.
Bush was never AWOL. You are either a liar or an idiot, or both.

Dan Rather ran a phony story on that nonsense on Sixty Minutes; it ended his career. He knowingly used fabricated documents and presented them as being authenticated.

The whole story fell apart as soon as the phony docuements were posted on the internet. They used a type font (New Times Roman) which did not even exist when the docuements were supposedly prepared.

It's amazing; the left continues to tell the same lies over and over again even when they've been exposed. They are shameless. Originally Posted by joe bloe
One person’s AWOL is another person’s late to work or not showing up when all the records have disappeared. And, I’m not liberal, left or a Democrat.

Yea, just like Bush was stupid to listen his intelligence sources that said that Saddam Hussein had WMD's.

The left has conveniently forgotten that Bush's CIA director, George Tenet, said that there was no doubt that Saddam Hussein had WMD's; he said it was "a slam dunk". George Tenet was carried over Bill Clinton's administration.

Obama was against the surge which turned the Iraq war around and lead to victory. Now he's trying to take credit for the victory. Unfortunately he wasn't able to successfully negotiate an agreement that allowed for a token force to be left behind. This means that the new government is much more likely to fail. Originally Posted by joe bloe
There were no WMD. Period. The end.

Turned the war around? We were going to win if we wanted to win.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
Bite me Originally Posted by joe bloe

That's my line!!!
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
girly girls[/COLOR] when the civil violence was peaking. Originally Posted by
And it was the Democrats who ran away from prosecuting the war after things went bad....Bush and his surge plan of 30,000 + more troops is what righted the ship ! The Democrats ran like [COLOR=Red
don't you mean "girly men"???
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
Yea, just like Bush was stupid to listen his intelligence sources that said that Saddam Hussein had WMD's.

The left has conveniently forgotten that Bush's CIA director, George Tenet, said that there was no doubt that Saddam Hussein had WMD's; he said it was "a slam dunk". George Tenet was carried over Bill Clinton's administration.

Obama was against the surge which turned the Iraq war around and lead to victory. Now he's trying to take credit for the victory. Unfortunately he wasn't able to successfully negotiate an agreement that allowed for a token force to be left behind. This means that the new government is much more likely to fail. Originally Posted by joe bloe
this is one of the problems I had with GWB retaining some of the people from the Clinton administration, particularly in the intelligence community. they weren't to be trusted and were likely to sabotage Bushes policies.

I think Tenet out and out lied to Bush about the WMDs.