The Donald questions Canadian Cruz' POTUS eligibility

JD Barleycorn's Avatar
When a real war hero in the GOP (George H W Bush) ran against a draft dodger the dems said that military service does not matter.
When another war hero in Bob Dole ran against Bubba the dems said that military service is unimportant.
They also said that it does not matter that Bubba smoked pot or used drugs in college.

A decade later when a "war hero" named Kerry ran against G W Bush we were told by the dems it was vitally important to note that Kerry was a war hero and that probably used drugs when he was younger.

The dems run an unvetted candidate in Obama who still really can't pin down which birth certificate is real (and the woman who verified it died in a plane crash) and they are going to complain about a guy who is most definitely an American citizen according to the law.
(wait for it)
WTF's Avatar
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  • 01-27-2015, 08:03 AM
When a real war hero in the GOP (George H W Bush) ran against a draft dodger the dems said that military service does not matter.
When another war hero in Bob Dole ran against Bubba the dems said that military service is unimportant.
They also said that it does not matter that Bubba smoked pot or used drugs in college.

A decade later when a "war hero" named Kerry ran against G W Bush we were told by the dems it was vitally important to note that Kerry was a war hero and that probably used drugs when he was younger.

The dems run an unvetted candidate in Obama who still really can't pin down which birth certificate is real (and the woman who verified it died in a plane crash) and they are going to complain about a guy who is most definitely an American citizen according to the law.
(wait for it) Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
It's called politics JD....the Dems won two of the three elections you mentioned btw.
WTF's Avatar
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  • 01-27-2015, 08:05 AM
It appears we are in agreement.
I think the whole birther argument was a smoke screen presented by the Dems in order to keep some talking heads off balance. Obama could have put it to bed years ago. He chose not to. Probably a smart move on his part. His, thought was probably to let the idiots who actually believed he was somehow not a citizen run with it and make fools of themselves. Hell he out Trumped Trump. Originally Posted by boardman
"The Donald" seems hell-bent on being an even bigger narcissist than our current Narcissist-in-Chief.

He's nothing more than an annoying, egomaniacal, attention-seeking troll. Why anyone takes him seriously is a mystery to me.

You can bet that if he were to enter this forum, he would start a shitload of pointless, redundant threads -- and title every damned one of them in ALL-CAPS!
When a real war hero in the GOP (George H W Bush) ran against a draft dodger the dems said that military service does not matter.
When another war hero in Bob Dole ran against Bubba the dems said that military service is unimportant. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Does this mean that you are joining me in supporting Jim Webb for President in 2016?

If so, welcome aboard!
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
You do know that it was Hillary who started questioning the paternity of Obama right? This questioning of Cruz also started on the left last year before Trump opened his mouth.

You reap what you sow???? Look at what your president has sown; 92 million out of work, unrest around the world, 45 million on government assistance, old, eradicated diseases coming back on us from Central America, new, terrible diseases getting a toe hold in our country, losses in Iraq and Afghanistan, a radical new government in Libya and now Yemen, a bubble about to burst in the markets, messed up healthcare insurance programs, division in this country like hasn't been seen since the Civil War, and racial unrest like it was the 1950s all over again.

Plus, the democrats can't (or shouldn't) say one damn word about anyone's place of birth after this fool leaves office. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Damn straight!!
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
"The Donald" seems hell-bent on being an even bigger narcissist than our current Narcissist-in-Chief.

He's nothing more than an annoying, egomaniacal, attention-seeking troll. Why anyone takes him seriously is a mystery to me.

You can bet that if he were to enter this forum, he would start a shitload of pointless, redundant threads -- and title every damned one of them in ALL-CAPS! Originally Posted by CaptainMidnight
The real question is, if he applied to be entered into your exclusive forum, would you admit him? because The Donald loves exclusivity.
The real question is, if he applied to be entered into your exclusive forum, would you admit him? because The Donald loves exclusivity. Originally Posted by Jewish Lawyer
Absolutely, as long as he gave assurances that he wouldn't come in there and shit all over the floor! (Like Whirlaway did at the mere mention that there are not forums on this site visible to all. But he should take solace from the fact that such forums do not even annoy him by showing up on his screen.)
An excellent topic for your exclusive private round table of elevated discussion and analysis. But publicly you exhibit the narcissism you deride in others.

Is that called self-loathing?

"The Donald" seems hell-bent on being an even bigger narcissist than our current Narcissist-in-Chief.

He's nothing more than an annoying, egomaniacal, attention-seeking troll. Why anyone takes him seriously is a mystery to me.

You can bet that if he were to enter this forum, he would start a shitload of pointless, redundant threads -- and title every damned one of them in ALL-CAPS! Originally Posted by CaptainMidnight
BTW, it is phony talk that you create the "conference room" area because you are tired of the personal attacks, cheap talk, and hijack that happens in the Political Forum...then you engage in the very conduct you despise (with the above off-topic personal attacks). Can you spell P-H-O-N-Y?
An excellent topic for your exclusive private round table of elevated discussion and analysis. But publicly you exhibit the narcissism you deride in others.

Is that called self-loathing? Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Not really. For one thing, Trump's recent behavior doesn't have a hell of a lot to do with markets and investments.

BTW, fuck off, you dim-witted buffoon. You belong in a chair in the corner of the room, donning a dunce cap.

BTW, it is phony talk that you create the "conference room" area because you are tired of the personal attacks, cheap talk, and hijack that happens in the Political Forum...then you engage in the very conduct you despise (with the above off-topic personal attacks). Can you spell P-H-O-N-Y? Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Wrong. The mission of the forum is completely different; it's to discuss finance, markets, and investments. I know this may come as a surprise to people like you, but a fair number of folks are more interested in those topics than in all the silly partisan shit-slinging.

You're the one who started all the attacks and "cheap talk" by whining so loudly that such a forum even exists. Remember?
rioseco's Avatar
Proof that the GOP is the true "big tent" party. Can you imagine someone within the Democratic Party questioning the birth of Sen. Obama and his legitimacy as the party candidate?

I can't. They fall in lock step like sheep. One truism about Democrats. They love to be told what to do and how to act. They will deny it tooth and nail; but every time they will vote to give up their rights and concentrate power and liberty in the hands of a few. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Can this righteous brother get an amen ?
AMEN ! +10
Wrong. I actually posted that I favor a forum that has zero tolerance for personal attacks and cheap shots. There is no need for it to be private. The COG thread on Tax Reform proved it. A very civil in-depth discussion.

I suppose you just got your panties wadded up because I said I gave the thread a one-star rating because of the "members only private chat" aspect.

Re-read you initial response to my post; you started the personal attack in this thread. I didn't like your idea; so you went on the offense with the attacks. It is how you operate. I am guessing you are the kind of person who doesn't like to be challenged. You like control. The underlying reason you started the Conference Room with you being the gatekeeper? Right?

You're the one who started all the attacks and "cheap talk" by whining so loudly that such a forum even exists. Remember? Originally Posted by CaptainMidnight
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Hey Cap'n! I'm still waiting for my invite! Can't wait to get started!
Wrong. I actually posted that I favor a forum that has zero tolerance for personal attacks and cheap shots. There is no need for it to be private. The COG thread on Tax Reform proved it. A very civil in-depth discussion.

You didn't pay attention to anything I posted in the thread on that forum, did you? Had you done so, you would have noticed that if someone starts a forum on this site, opening it up to all is not even an option. Members must be specifically added by the forum's creators. That's how this website is set up. If you have a problem with that, complain to site admins, not me.

I suppose you just got your panties wadded up because I said I gave the thread a one-star rating because of the "members only private chat" aspect.

I don't give a damn whether some dipwad gives a thread a "one-star" rating. You only became a nuisance when you started openly and repeatedly whining about the mere existence of such forums. (Besides, it looks like you were later "outvoted" and your "one-star" assessment was drowned out. LOL!)

Re-read you initial response to my post; you started the personal attack in this thread. I didn't like your idea; so you went on the offense with the attacks. It is how you operate. I am guessing you are the kind of person who doesn't like to be challenged. You like control. The underlying reason you started the Conference Room with you being the gatekeeper? Right?

If a forum on finance, markets and investments had already existed, I wouldn't be interested in shelling out a few bucks of my own money to start one. And I have no problem with being challenged. In fact, I welcome it. I do ask, however, that those who do so demonstrate that they're capable of coherently backing up their stated positions. Got it now? (BTW, the only "personal attack" I "started" in this thread was to suggest that a narcissist like Trump would probably post thread titles in all-caps. A bit sensitive, are you, Whirlaway?)
Originally Posted by Whirlaway
. . .
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Is this ANOTHER birthghazi thread?