Cats and humans relationships

Becky why aren't you defending the dogs?
atlcomedy's Avatar
I am literally allergic to cats. They have ruined more than one date for me. Sometimes I've just been sick for days after others I've just cancelled at the 1st sight/sniff of cat dander.
I am literally allergic to cats. They have ruined more than one date for me. Sometimes I've just been sick for days after others I've just cancelled at the 1st sight/sniff of cat dander. Originally Posted by atlcomedy
Man, hands off of cats for me too! My eyes swell and the sneezing starts right up.
I'm a dog person but I have a very old cat that behaves more like a dog. He is very protective and I have to tell visitors not to try and pet him or he will bite. Man, hands to your sides if you're at my place!
onehitwonder's Avatar
My Aunt Reva's got a cat that'll boo-boo in the toilet , flush it and knock the seat/lid down.....swear to Gawd.... Man! Hand me a camera!
Wayward's Avatar
This question never stops fascinating me for some reason, Are all cats girls and all dogs boys?

"No, but that's how they are regarded. You'll note that dogs have a specific reference if they are female, (b*tch) but that the males don't. You'll note that cats have a specific reference if they are male (tom), but the females don't."

Does the Boardman know?

So 1950s but we still live it every day, I love huge dawgs Irish Wolfe hounds and Mastiffs man, hands to the side, they can take off a finger just playin'. There is nothing funnier that having one of my big enough to saddle mutts tree an unwelcome house guest in the living room chair. If they have really annoyed me, it's time for a quick trip to the store. Returning an hour or so later to free them and watch as they scamper off never to return.
Jusanotherdude's Avatar
Some people are so rude! Originally Posted by Naomi4u
did I miss a rude comment somewhere?

When a dog goes do his business, he can't exactly wipe his own butt now can he? Well I don't need smelly dog butt in my house, so someone has to do it! Originally Posted by London Rayne
So a cat actually shitting in your litterbox INSIDE your house has a less smelly ass than a dog? lol. So do you wipe your cats ass? lol. Or did your ex give you the baby-wipes for that? lol. Logic escapes me there........ least a dog has the common courtesy to lick his own ass....... lol. I'm just saying........

Bathing a dog is only half the get him/her dry after the fact properly, and have the right kind of dog keeps the 'doggie smell' I don't care who you

I've always loved dogs ( big ones)....but my son is obsessed with cats, so I have is okay, the other is a psycho cat! He has massive mood swings and knows how to piss me off....If it weren't for my son, I wouldn't have them...
Naomi4u's Avatar
Um cats creep me out. The silly cat pictures people post here on eccie doesn't help my fear of cats but whatever. I love dogs but they smell and they tend to boo-boo in the house so I'll never have one as a pet. That is one less thing for me to worry about. I love that dogs are great companions and show affection to their owners. I'll keep loving from a distance.
Naomi4u's Avatar
did I miss a rude comment somewhere? Originally Posted by Jusanotherdude
MmmHMM but I'm over it. See how easy it is for me to get over things. Frickin awesome!

So a cat actually shitting in your litterbox INSIDE your house has a less smelly ass than a dog? lol. So do you wipe your cats ass? lol. Or did your ex give you the baby-wipes for that? lol. Logic escapes me there........ least a dog has the common courtesy to lick his own ass....... lol. I'm just saying........

Bathing a dog is only half the get him/her dry after the fact properly, and have the right kind of dog keeps the 'doggie smell' I don't care who you

F&$k it I'll get a fish tank.
onehitwonder's Avatar moms afraid of cats also.......I never understood it.........she says they're sneaky and can't be trusted. Always lurking around. The kitty that Nina posted in her opening of this thread looks just like my lil buddy...
London Rayne's Avatar
did I miss a rude comment somewhere?

So a cat actually shitting in your litterbox INSIDE your house has a less smelly ass than a dog? lol. So do you wipe your cats ass? lol. Or did your ex give you the baby-wipes for that? lol. Logic escapes me there........ least a dog has the common courtesy to lick his own ass....... lol. I'm just saying........

Bathing a dog is only half the get him/her dry after the fact properly, and have the right kind of dog keeps the 'doggie smell' I don't care who you

JaD Originally Posted by Jusanotherdude
Umm cats BATHE themselves last time I checked, and they still don't smell as funky as a dog after one trip outside. I have been exposed to both cats and dogs all my life, and no way a dog would ever sleep in my bed....well other than my ex that is.

You should take it easy with the "LOL" as someone may accuse you of being me...LOL!~ Then again, I'm not an AARP member, so it must be a 20s thing. Maybe when I turn 30, I will take a break and move on to other forms of immaturity.
boardman's Avatar
And I thought Ansley and I would get along fine.

I just love it when y'all start threads about me!!!!

Man, hand me a spoon!
Man, hands off of cats for me too! My eyes swell and the sneezing starts right up. Originally Posted by Ansley
oh gosh that is too unfortunate. I could not live my life without my babies ... I don`t know what i `d do if i were allergic.
My Aunt Reva's got a cat that'll boo-boo in the toilet , flush it and knock the seat/lid down.....swear to Gawd.... Man! Hand me a camera! Originally Posted by onehitwonder
Mine did that too. They are really smart. My current one sleeps in the bed like a human being (body underneath a blanket, head on the pillow) next to me and i swear she snores!!! :-)