Off the clock meet and greets for potential clients?

I wouldn't have any problem with a fee for the M/G (in addition to the cocktails). I would just love to have an alternative to paying full retail for a non-BCD session. I understand that a popular lady might have give up valuable time with another client in order to do this, but everyone has to eat sometime, don't they? Why not get paid and do a little business development at the same time?
Make an offer.

To all providers who don't have a meet and greet or social rate, offer them something.

Maybe something like... would you be interested in meeting for $50 or $100 just socially over lunch for 40-45 minutes or an hour?

If you wanted, you could take that to the next level, and ask if she would be willing to subtract the $50 or $100 from her BCD rate should you decide to see her after the meet and greet.
  • K1978
  • 11-03-2013, 10:25 PM
Even though I'm a newbie..I'd hoped that in the future I could do the same thing to screen the provider. I would be more than willing to pay for someone's time in order to chat and get a feel for whether that provider is someone that I would like to do further business with. But, it's totally understandable why this would be difficult for that least on a regular basis.
Whispers's Avatar
You want a lady to invest time in wanting to meet you for free. It's actually rather simple.....

Spend money..... None of these ladies that are worth a damn NEED to pause to meet you.....

reviews, word of Mouth and ads keep a lady busy......

But they DO get hungry and DO like to have a drink now and then.....

Build yourself a reputation of being a guy that spends money and repeats ladies that he likes....

You will find that you won't always be the one initiating contact and when you do you can find that kind of interest without the need to pay for it.

That or go to one of the countless opportunities presented in the form of parties and socials that every city has.....
GenesisNicole's Avatar
I do these on occasion.

First off, in my real world business, it's all about networking. So between having cups of coffee, or meeting potential clients over dinner, I have learned sometimes you must invest time into your business in order to be successful.

As a companion, I probably take about 2-3 dates a month. (yes I did say a month and that is NO exaggeration) However I am more interested in arrangements and SD/SB type of relationships.

I have no issues meeting a gent over lunch or dinner (my schedule permitting as I just started my SECOND real life business).

I feel that

1. I have to eat too. And most of the time, if I can spare myself time from the kitchen (since 1 of my businesses is me in the kitchen baking), or the money I would have spent on my own meal. Fantastic!

2. I'm single. (with no prospects on the line since I have high standards, and juggle many hats) I have that type of personality that seems to be able to mesh well with others from all walks of life. Having a few laughs and exchanging stories is fun for me.

3. If I don't get the BCD date, most are so impressed with my other skills as a cake artist, I tend to end up with a client in some form or fashion. LOL

*Also having a real world job/goal helps when it comes to answering those questions, "who was that chick you were having lunch with at Trudy's?"

I will agree that when I was based in Austin, I did have to put a stop to my mini meet and greets for the reason given above. My time was simply being taken advantage. Many would meet for lunch or dinner, but then never come back to book a BCD date. ( and I can bet my bottom dollar it wasn't because they were disappointed once they met me)

I chalked it up to the curiosity getting the better of them (I do not post pictures of my face, but it is beyond far, the frosting on top of a fabulous cake)
Perhaps the intimidation factor rose once they met me in person and saw that I am just as cool as they say. *shrug*

On a side note, speaking on the topic of using this as a screening tool. I find this method to be wonderful!

I have almost come to the point of not taking individual provider references since most either do not respond at all, or they try to be slick and wait til they think you are out of town. Or until the gent, himself, gives up the desire to see a lady due to his refs not responding.


So if I have to request the gent meet me for a meet and greet before hand, I would hope he understands and obliges my request. (and you can be sure I will tell the guy which of his refs respond and those that do not)

****Compensating the lady for her time will definitely put you in a group above the rest****

While I am not one that charges to meet a client for lunch or dinner, my time is valuable too. I'm not saying you have to pay me my full rate, but slipping a benji in my clutch purse shows me that you appreciate the fact that I did take the time to get to know you. *wink*

Great topic.


Luvdatpuddy's Avatar
Good feedback from everyone, and much appreciate the thoughts. The larger meet & greets aren't really my style, so I'll probably pass on that - although the point that they are precisely for this purpose (or they at least address it) is a good one.

My typical pre-coffee weirdness kicked in with another notion. I'm not sure ladies would really bother with this, so it's just another idea that I'm scraping off the wall (so to speak) without really thinking too much of the pro's and con's. Right now, the gents provide reviews (sometimes), ladies provide references (sometimes), and everyone gets to play and have fun. Well, the idea that I had which may prove at the least entertaining for the ladies - verified providers can post their own reviews of clients somewhere in the "ladies only" section. I'm okay with the notion of a lady saying "he's got a tiny dick and blows in 15 seconds" (hey, the truth hurts, but it is still the truth), but that would give providers a place to look for a woman's perspective on "review history" that might be tagged/connected to the guy's username.

This may be more time than some ladies would want to put in, but it might be interesting, and at the least, give some of the other women a laugh in addition to a resource to look at prospective clients.

I'd want it in the ladies' only section, 'cause I really don't think I'd want to read what they would write.
Britttany_love's Avatar
Good feedback from everyone, and much appreciate the thoughts. The larger meet & greets aren't really my style, so I'll probably pass on that - although the point that they are precisely for this purpose (or they at least address it) is a good one.

My typical pre-coffee weirdness kicked in with another notion. I'm not sure ladies would really bother with this, so it's just another idea that I'm scraping off the wall (so to speak) without really thinking too much of the pro's and con's. Right now, the gents provide reviews (sometimes), ladies provide references (sometimes), and everyone gets to play and have fun. Well, the idea that I had which may prove at the least entertaining for the ladies - verified providers can post their own reviews of clients somewhere in the "ladies only" section. I'm okay with the notion of a lady saying "he's got a tiny dick and blows in 15 seconds" (hey, the truth hurts, but it is still the truth), but that would give providers a place to look for a woman's perspective on "review history" that might be tagged/connected to the guy's username.

This may be more time than some ladies would want to put in, but it might be interesting, and at the least, give some of the other women a laugh in addition to a resource to look at prospective clients.

I'd want it in the ladies' only section, 'cause I really don't think I'd want to read what they would write. Originally Posted by Luvdatpuddy
Hey sweetie thats the whole purpose of screening and checking references. When we contact the lady to get a vouch thats when we discuss info about the guy and it gives the lady a chance to tell the other girl about her experience and if there's anything to look out for. Plus if anything goes bad there are lady forums to post such alerts in. The ladies reviewing clients topic has been brought up before but just simply is not a good idea for a few reasons. Between posting ads, answering emails and pm's from different sites, screening and the back in forth waiting for ladies to vouch for someone one, answering reference requests from other providers, to booking set appointments, and then getting everything ready for an appointment I know I wouldn't have the energy to set down and write a great review like the guys do here.
In my experience, most OTC first meets are guys looking for freebies. I was younger and more naive back when I was OK with meeting in such a fashion, but it was enough of a pain in the ass to where I no longer offer it. Fool me once, yadda yadda.

I am sure other girls who were trusting enough/naive enough to entertain such an idea have had similar experiences, so it makes sense that there is a lot of push back. And it's probably why you rarely hear of it going on at all, beyond the reasons mentioned already.

Sort of makes you love the idea of a brothel. Show up, hangout and grab a few drinks, chat-up the girls then book with the girl who catches your eye. If only it were that simple. =)
Based on ~GN~'s response, I would gladly give her a benjamin to hang out and have drinks...though I have a feeling I would end up spending a lot more. And I agree completely with Jenn's position. I'm starting to see a trend....maybe I'm mesmerized by great boobs and legendary skills!
Luvdatpuddy's Avatar
Lots more valid feedback. You know, it is nice that I have all of these great ideas...the problem is that all of them suck!

It is kind of like how I really hate being bipolar - it's AWESOME!
Yeeaaaah. I mean, overtime with enough sessions under your belt and enough time on the boards, you'll figure out who you would most like to book with. There's still a risk, sure, but you'll know what to look for, whether it be a tight-bodied co-ed who can be tied into a pretzel or an older gal with more experience and a classier feel. And you'll know whose reviews to trust and know which girls are high drama or high maintenance.

But it looks like you've been around for at least a bit and I'm sure you've played a bit, so you've probably figured that out. But for the new boys who might have had an iffy first experience or two or four, it's worth a mention.
Uchi, Eddie V's, III Forks, Hudson's on the Bend, Driskill Grill. I'll do a dinner and drinks M&G at any of these places Originally Posted by Claire She Blows
I would certainly spring for Claire at any of these places guys.

Sort of makes you love the idea of a brothel. Show up, hangout and grab a few drinks, chat-up the girls then book with the girl who catches your eye. If only it were that simple. =) Originally Posted by JennsLolli
That would be nice!!
On three occasions with unknown providers I have taken them to dinner after booking dinner and an hour or two BCD. I feel more secure in taking a lady out to dinner if she is not on ECCIE yet. The ladies were requesting reviews to get onto ECCIE. I am always interested in dinner appointments with the ladies I have appointments with. I do expect to pay for her time but not at BCD rates. She has to eat some time and I let her choose the place to eat. If the lady is so mercenary that she wants full rate for dinner than I just move onto some one else. I figure Ruth's Chris or Out Back is a nice place to eat with a few drinks she is not being short changed.
I agree wtih what tucson posted. Generally, ECCIE is oriented to those looking for a quick experience.