Who's watching Altered Carbon?

Tex9401's Avatar
I have been using Kodi and Terrarium TV to keep up with TV Shows and Movies
playerplano's Avatar
Altered carbon is excellent sci-fi ! I'm going to watch it again. Ortega should be a provider she makes me think of Allegra Hope !

I'm 100% streaming with amazon , Netflix and Kodi/Terrerium/ Pluto TV for everything else !
Ravasher's Avatar
"Dark" on Netflix is a must watch.
CG2014's Avatar
In Altered Carbon, what are those holographic images at the end of each episode before the ending credits roll?

Easy to forget Joel Kinnaman is Swedish born and raised.....happened to see Tulip Fever this week with another Swede Alicia Vikander(gd she is hot!)
CG2014's Avatar
Alicia Vikander is the new Lara Croft in the Tomb Raider movie reboot coming out next month.
The Proper Stranger's Avatar
In Altered Carbon, what are those holographic images at the end of each episode before the ending credits roll? Originally Posted by CG2014
Pretty sure it's foreshadowing for the next episode. E.G. one episode ends with an image of a heart being formed, the next episode has a heart being pulled out.
CG2014's Avatar
Pretty sure it's foreshadowing for the next episode. E.G. one episode ends with an image of a heart being formed, the next episode has a heart being pulled out. Originally Posted by The Proper Stranger
Oh... I didn't make that connection.

I have all 10 episodes and I am not watching them back to back.

I will start on one episode, stop in the middle of it, go do something else and come back to it later and sometimes not until a day or two later.

The Netflix series is very good.

Altered Carbon is the first book in a series by Richard K. Morgan. Three books, on Amazon if you still want more.
CG2014's Avatar
Now that's a sight we all would like to see when we walked into the provider's incall.

I think she is this actress:

CG2014's Avatar
Just finish watching the final episode of Altered Carbon Season 1.

Fucking Awesome!

The ending was left open and there are already discussions of a 2nd season!