How Important do you think Reviews of Providers Are?

Reviews are a catch-22. Kitten, I know exactly what you're saying. Yes, you can have reviews up on other sites and still be safe.

There has been a lot of talk about too personal remarks in reviews. I've seen reviews that list "Main Street and I40" that's not needed fellas. A general area should be plenty. If personal info is not on her ad, not on her site, something that she hasn't posted on a forum herself, there is no reason for a client to ever post it.

I usually don't ask for reviews, never ask if someone is going to review me. I just always say "If you're going to review me; be tactful. Be honest, but be tactful."

Now @ sites:

Escorts: Good site. Not invincible. Has been compromised before. In this day & time, I suggest you think about having reviews in more than one site. There are pro's & cons to it, that's for you to decide.

That being said. Have you pm'd Big C? If you do decide to take the "No Review Policy" off eccie; talk to Big C. He will edit reviews of you that contain personal info. He does that anyway. If you are more strict than some other ladies, he will respect that. BIG C MIGHT BE A WIMPY FELLA, but he tries. (I am trying to get my spanking).

Just food for thought.
I agree Charles... I use the tmobile prepaid myself.. Love it Thank you for that... I also use verizon prepaid from time to time... Rayne its not about the actual posting of reviews its about the discretion used involved in posting a review. Its not about a bad review (a bad review can be a learning experience and or a wake up call to the provider depending on how you look at it) Too much information in a review can lead to a providers true identitiy becoming available. There are alot of providers who do more then just this hobby for a living. In any case when I started this thread it was for input . To see how other providers and hobbyist felt about reviews...I for one feel like you can learn from others opinions and in some cases such as mine get a better perspective on things such as reviews being posted

NOw somebody make it stop raining...Please!!!!
I think it's probably more likely one of us gets arrested and our names printed in the paper than anyone figuring out our identities through reviews.
Babee thanks for the food for thought. No I havent pm Big C yet lol...Unlike you I am not trying to my spanking for today oh wait never mind already had mine.. ugh I realize that my views on reviews maybe a little extreme at this point. I agree reviews are catch 22.. When it comes to reviews I always ask that the gentleman doesnt review for reasons of my privacy at least on open boards... Your right isnt completey safe but then now days nothing is..

Thank you for your food for thought... I really appreciate it
willro's Avatar
As for the importance of reviews, I agree with both what Arklookn and Charles have said. They are important in many ways.

As for the hobby phone... everyone participating in this hobby should have one... just one more step for safety. And, it helps to separate your hobby life and your other life. I think we all have other lives, right?

As for provider reviews revealing the identity of the ladies... I have never learned a real name of a provider by starting with the information found in a review. I have stumbled on to the real identity of a provider a couple of times, but it was always in some other, coincidental way. Once, it was because she used her hobby phone number as her personal number too, and I stumbled across a social networking site posting where she left her number for a friend. Of course, this lead me to her real name and a list of all her real friends and family. I would never reveal what I learned to anyone, but others might not be so noble.
My 2 cents:
reviews of providers are a must. Without any reviews, odds are I won't entertain the idea of calling her. For me, I'd rather take zero chances of meeting a badge or a room with a guy hiding in the bathroom.... Or worse, a provider that used someones pictures that is 20 years younger, 120 # lighter and no facial tattoos.
bluffcityguy's Avatar
As for the hobby phone... everyone participating in this hobby should have one... just one more step for safety. And, it helps to separate your hobby life and your other life. I think we all have other lives, right? Originally Posted by willro
Wrong, my friend.

You think I'd spend so much time here if I had a life?


bcg (though there are advantages to being a socially-crippled nerd...)
bluffcityguy's Avatar
My 2 cents:
reviews of providers are a must. Without any reviews, odds are I won't entertain the idea of calling her. For me, I'd rather take zero chances of meeting a badge or a room with a guy hiding in the bathroom.... Or worse, a provider that used someones pictures that is 20 years younger, 120 # lighter and no facial tattoos. Originally Posted by rickeeboobie
While minimizing the chances of finding out firsthand what the conditions are at the county lock-up, or avoiding an unpleasant confrontation with the guy in the bathroom is important, my main concern with reviews is to get an idea of what's on the menu, and to decide if I want to spend my all-too-rare simoleons on time with a lady.

I look forward to the day when I don't have to maximize the "ROI" in my hobbying (in other words, I can feel free to take a few risks and--gasp!--maybe even TOFTT), but until then I feel it prudent to get the most... um... bang for the buck (interesting how those puns sorta sneak in when one "least" expects it... heheheheh).


There is no such thing of taking a zero chance in this hobby... I will point out that if the le has been catching heat and or under mandate what stops them from bustiing a girl making a deal, using her posting a review on her and hobbyist like yourself walking into a trap. Im not saying they would. Personally I dont think le has the time , the patience etc for that but that is possiblity. There will always providers who dont use accurate pictures. Right or wrong that is just way it is.. I am starting to see why reviews are so important to you guys though... Its giving me a better wider perspective on things...Who knows I might completey change my mind on reviews before this is over with

Be safe , play safe and have fun!!!!

My 2 cents:
reviews of providers are a must. Without any reviews, odds are I won't entertain the idea of calling her. For me, I'd rather take zero chances of meeting a badge or a room with a guy hiding in the bathroom.... Or worse, a provider that used someones pictures that is 20 years younger, 120 # lighter and no facial tattoos. Originally Posted by rickeeboobie
bluffcityguy's Avatar
There is no such thing of taking a zero chance in this hobby... Originally Posted by kittendd
Nope. But there is such a thing as minimizing risk, and that's all one can ask for out of life.

Life's a crap shoot, basically.


Nope. But there is such a thing as minimizing risk, and that's all one can ask for out of life.

Life's a crap shoot, basically.


bcg Originally Posted by bluffcityguy

DITTO!!! I couldn't agree more....Sometimes your lucky sometimes you don't.
Reviews are needed to aid in keeping things honest..HOPEFULLY..

Reviews however are only as good as they are honestly written..If someone writes a review from the standpoint of helping the girl and not informing his fellow hobbyiest of the truths then he is doing a dis-service to the review process. Of course we all known one of the great things that comes from good reviews is it will in fact HELP THE GIRL, but hobbyiest should NOT write a review with his first thought of getting/staying in the good graces of the girls, he shouldn't write the review with his first thoughts of not hurting her feelings. Tact is a wonderful thing and should be used, but facts are just that and should be told to help other customers/clients/hobbyiest make an informed decision.

Reviews are NOT for the providers, they are for the CUSTOMER i.e hobbyiest. Before i say my next statement, NO i don't wanna hear how this is different because there is real people involved etc these girls put themselves out there are being paid and being under the microscope is part of the JOB... with that said.. hotels, restaurants,any other business is not reviewed with the reviewer hoping to improve the business bottom line by embellishing the truth, atleast not the respected reviewers. Bottom line people involved or not and guys or WK's will sugar coat it and either try to fool themselves or the girls they are trying to impress..but guys are buying that girls services, whatever form that is in is up to them, but none the less it is a business transaction and no one wants their hard earned money to go to waste because reviews can't be trusted.

Reviews help keep guys from making bad decisions or atleast allow them to make INFORMED decisions if what you read you can the last few years the lines began to get blurred in many cities as many guys began to post to please the p*ssy instead of writing honest, tactful, informative reviews.

As a provider, I personally loved reviews, it gave me a chance to do my J.O.B with one client and do what I said I would, which is show him a good time, and the effort, attitude etc I put into 1 client would earn me more based on his honest review. Anyone that has ever met me that ask me "so you want me to review you?" i can honestly and 100% say i always answered the same "thats up to you, i only ask that you be honest". Said it wherever I toured everytime, because I don't want that guy to leave thinking I am the type of girl that will wiggle and giggle in hopes of a good review, I want my attitude, my business practices, my skills to speak for themselves. I never ask for reviews EVER, I don't care what the guys say about me in them, as long as they are HONEST..if a guy lies and says my body looks different then it does..cuz he is trying to save my feelngs or something..screw it..cuz the next guy then shows up and is like DAMN that guy lied, now i risk the 2nd guy being unhappy and writing a bad the 1st reviewer looks like a liar, white knight, I look dishonest and out of 1 reviewer not being honest, you risk 2 people getting their reps damaged and another hobbyiest unhappy..

Girls that wanna live by reviews, have to be willing to die by reviews, should never ask to be reviewed and should expect tactful honesty to be in the forefront of the review

Guys, should write honest tactful reviews not with the hopes of pleasing the p*ssy, but with the hopes of giving back to a community they rely on for good honest info and in hopes of educating their fellow hobbyiest and understanding that the side effect is that if the girl EARNS the good review her business will get better and if the provider EARNS a poor review that the opposite will and should rightfully happen..

its time to realize that the info thats hopefully being exchanged is hopefully not done to get in good graces of the women being paid, the business you are being a patron of, but to inform others that may choose that woman/business what they might expect based on your experience, based on your opinion and viewpoint..HONEST viewpoint

oh..and hopefully with the other site "going away" so does the freakin attitude of guys that write reviews get ruined, talked about, bashed, listed and any other thing providers think is cute to do because they EARNED a freakin poor honest review.. ya it happened ALOT and to much..which causes guys to get scared (which is pathetic to be scared of paid p*ssy) to write honest informative reviews yet choose to not piss them off and get to "soft" on the reviews leading to less than honest information
BCG you are right its about minimizing the risk period. Rayne the sometimes you get lucky sometimes you dont is scary..I mean seriously its not about getting lucky unless you go to a call with drugs, alcohol etc in your system.. As I am learning it is about informed decisions by both parties... Deanna I agree all reviews should be honest but once again just how much idenitfying information can a hobbyist reveal before he risks revealing too much information.. If that makes any sense?
csean's Avatar
  • csean
  • 01-17-2010, 01:50 PM
I think reviews are very important. I am relatively new to the hobby. I have tried it for about the last 4 months. The only reason I ended up trying it at all was the reviews that I found on aspd. Now I have found this board. I would never try a provider that was just found on backpage or else where do to fear about the LE issue. However when I see a woman that is highly reviewed it gives me confidence to try them.
If you didn't want to take any risks whatsoever, you'd need to live your life in a packing crate.