why the Locked threads

offshoredrilling's Avatar
Sorry to disappoint you, but your rants are humorous. Originally Posted by fritz3552
then why the 's. just askin
Isnt it funny all the texas guys are are buddys with the so called "superiors" here at ECCIE or the owners....
And theyve all either been moderators in their past life or they have 6000000000 post to their handle because the got word from the sipderhole about this thread and decided to pile on...
Isnt it funny Fritz that these guys probrably are in every other city trolling for something to do there as well...maybe because this board is all they have!

Im so impressed...
Im sure Fritz one call from them Texas idiots and they can pull the carpet right out from underneath us (they are so powerful).... and HELL who knows just shut down the whole KC market.
LOL too fuckin funny
dearhunter's Avatar
BigDeal, how do you know that "they got word from the spiderhole" about this thread?
dearhunter - how did Wakeup get his information? I would have given him points for his prior statement if it was true because the only way he would have received this information would have been as a result of a private communication. But since what he is saying is a lie, I can't do anything about it.

Quite a dilemma, wouldn't you say?
then why the 's. just askin Originally Posted by offshoredrilling
Why do you care? Just sayin'.
offshoredrilling's Avatar
fritz: how did you get your information you stated when you closed one thread.

"Closing thread - apparently, someone decided to spread the seeds of discontent among the residents of a forum where a "no holds barred" attitude is the standard. These individuals decided to make their presence known in this thread."
fritz: how did you get your information you stated when you closed one thread. Originally Posted by offshoredrilling
I'll ask again, why do you care? I have no interest in upstate New York, why do you have an interest in Kansas City? How did you even find or know about these threads?
dearhunter's Avatar
fritz, how you respond to wakeup's statements to you is your call.........and whether I decide to have a "hr007xxx" conversation with you about your inability to follow the rules will be my call.......I was just curious how Bigdeal "knows" what he knows......ijs.
offshoredrilling's Avatar
Why do you care? Just sayin'. Originally Posted by fritz3552
I'll ask again, why do you care? I have no interest in upstate New York, why do you have an interest in Kansas City? How did you even find or know about these threads? Originally Posted by fritz3552
I post coast to coast from the gulf into Canada.

edit add:And love a good debate.
texasjohn1965's Avatar

Your lack of interest in other areas has nothing to do with our interest in yours.

While a providers poor attempt at a thread started this mess, your bias and over-reaching have kept us here.
offshoredrilling's Avatar
Hay I'm not from Texas. Many in Dallas call me a azz. Some in Houston want me banned.
CryptKicker's Avatar
offshoredrilling's Avatar
can a mod use the button.

I have been in favor of a area needs one mod that is not in that area. As he/she would have no stake in the game. upset ny use to have a mod from Texas. And was active in that forum, yet no local stake of how things where viewed. Kinda keep local agendas out of the mix.
pyramider's Avatar
.....I was just curious how Bigdeal "knows" what he knows......ijs. Originally Posted by dearhunter

I would guess PMs and emails flying around. I may be wrong ...
malwoody's Avatar
can a mod use the button.

I have been in favor of a area needs one mod that is not in that area. As he/she would have no stake in the game. upset ny use to have a mod from Texas. And was active in that forum, yet no local stake of how things where viewed. Kinda keep local agendas out of the mix. Originally Posted by offshoredrilling
I couldn't agree more. The best moderating this board experienced in the last year was when a Mod from another area was here briefly. Several of us asked her to stay..