
Vern0065's Avatar
Nope not getting any either sucks!!
just checked my spam folder, mine are going there also. does anyone know if the upgrade is what caused this and if it can be fixed.
rooster's Avatar
Everything working okay for me.

BB has been asking Senior Staff about this for you guys, but this does not seem widespread. Or... it seems to be "fixed."

Is anyone still not getting email notification of PM's? Please check carefully before you respond. Let me know if you have gotten a PM after the date and time of my post here and if you did not get an email notification for it. And be sure it is NOT in your SPAM folder (sorry, but people keep finding this is really the problem).

As for the "SPAM" thing.... there may not be a good explanation found for why it seemed to start happening to some after the "upgrade." But the best way to handle this is with your own email program or service. You need to tell it that messages from this source are not SPAM. I can't advise you how to do that as each program / service is different.
Ok, I figured out how to change my spam setting so ECCIE e-mails dont go there anymore (why they suddenly started is still beyond me) can someone send me a PM so i can check if it works....thnx!
Just got a PM and absolutely no e-mail notification no even in spam... SMH.

I guess for now, if you would like to get in touch with me please e-mail me directly @

at least this way i know i will get your message.... thnx!
stuckinsyracuse's Avatar
Yeah I have gotten several PMs today with no email in either folder
Please, no more homosexual advances towards me by PM fellas. I told ya I'm flattered and the answer is maybe...peace
whos ?

you do know when you get enough pms on a subject

eigher real or made up if you did

makes no diff,

your required to write us minimum

at least one lengthy boring and drawn out paragraph

on your own life story as if anyone cared to begin with,

and feel free to wander way past any subject matter that has anything in the least to do with the thrADS subject

please dont let that stop you

just inject yourself into every subject and let everyone know how much prior experience you have and how well rounded you are

we are all on pins and needles here, after all, waiting for every last excrutiating detail of your life experiences

It all started when working on my second masters degree...I found a lump on my testicle when volunteering at a homeless shelter. That's when I decided to begin saving for my future, while enjoying tax deferred growth

sometimes my testies fluctuate in size

one day they can start out the size of a walnut then like two days later im carrying around a golf ball
Always use the buddy system

Who you are
Just got a PM and absolutely no e-mail notification Originally Posted by Angel14609
Have you checked your account settings? if not, go to User CP, Edit Options, Private Messaging, and see whether you have checked "Receive Email Notification of New Private Messages".
Have you checked your account settings? if not, go to User CP, Edit Options, Private Messaging, and see whether you have checked "Receive Email Notification of New Private Messages". Originally Posted by jackfengshui
I know you sent that to Angel, but that was the first thing I did when I noticed I wasn't getting notifications. All my settings are correct on ECCIE. My spam folder catches things... but it hasn't caught anything from ECCIE. It's frustrating.
Thanks for your input.
Jack, It is checked for me to get e-mail notification. so i don't know... hopefully a fix comes along soon.