Irritated at some of the provider ads lately

GaWd I FriKKin HaTe It WheN tHEY tYpE lIke THis.

I agree with the OP's points. The UTR thing I find especially annoying.....You are NOT UTR if you are getting reviews and placing ads!! I see reviews on supposedly UTR ladies all the time and I just think to myself, "WTF?!" Someone please explain to me, what part of having every detail of a session posted in a review, along with her menu and contact information, is "under the radar"? YOU ARE NOT UTR!!!! Lies! All lies!! Originally Posted by Dannie

Dannie , Probably they have a different meaning for UTR. For us it means "Under the radar" . For them ,maybe it means "Under the ROD" or something like that. LOL !
If I lived in Mesquite I would still want to see Reese Foster. One beautiful woman.
Surge's Avatar
  • Surge
  • 12-27-2010, 07:06 PM
I also agree with original poster on all his complaints!! Ladies keep it simple...

Pics (refresh often)

On a seperate note, I would definitely take a helicopter, train, boat, bus or all of the above to see Reese!!! THAT good!!!!
If I lived in Mesquite I would still want to see Reese Foster. One beautiful woman. Originally Posted by oleguy
On a seperate note, I would definitely take a helicopter, train, boat, bus or all of the above to see Reese!!! THAT good!!!! Originally Posted by Surge

Thanks Gentlemen, Y'all made me blush!
Here's a minor irritation...why place an ad IF YOU'RE NOT GOING TO REPLY TO IT???
Don't know if it's the holidays or what but the last two weeks I've answered some ads within hours of the post and...NOTHING FROM YOU...NADA...ZIP. Sorry for the rant but c'mon ladies..if I answer your ad it's because I think you're lovely, talented and special...most of you are anyway!
  • Glr
  • 12-28-2010, 06:42 AM
I can see the viewpoint of having a standard form for providers to use, but would it take away from the providers creativity in creating their ad?
Valentine Michael's Avatar
A standard form for ads is a great idea.
TheBizzer's Avatar
I'm not a fan of the idea of a standard form for ads. Why limit the ladies' ability to market themselves on here?

I have seen ads that have caught my eye with their professionalism, or their creativity, or even directness. Conversely, I have seen ads that had many of the annoyances the OP mentioned, but rather than become enraged and hurl my computer out the window, I simply move on to the next one and am glad that there was such easy evidence for me to narrow down my search.

If the ads are a tool both in the providers' attempt to gain our business and our attempt to narrow our search, why would we ever want to standardize them? It would simply detract from both sides.
coven's Avatar
  • coven
  • 12-28-2010, 08:26 AM
A form makes everything very clinical and impersonal. I get a good feel for the wit and humor of a lady by the ads she places. Making a standard form takes the personality out of the equation and at that point it ceases to be an ad and becomes a 'take-out menu'
Sleepy363's Avatar
I'm not a fan of the idea of a standard form for ads. Why limit the ladies' ability to market themselves on here?

I have seen ads that have caught my eye with their professionalism, or their creativity, or even directness. Conversely, I have seen ads that had many of the annoyances the OP mentioned, but rather than become enraged and hurl my computer out the window, I simply move on to the next one and am glad that there was such easy evidence for me to narrow down my search.

If the ads are a tool both in the providers' attempt to gain our business and our attempt to narrow our search, why would we ever want to standardize them? It would simply detract from both sides. Originally Posted by TheBizzer
Which is why in L4L's suggestion, he mentions after the standard entries, having a section for additional info where the ladies can personalize their ad. This gives us the best of both worlds. all the info we need, AND the ability of the lady to personalize and make the ad her own.

When you read through the independant reviews section, you can get an idea of the personality of the poster by what is in the ROS section. This would be the same for the ladies in their ads.
Papacorn's Avatar
Creativity is one of the things that draws me to a provider, and her ad is the first place I see it! There are several providers that I have not actually seen, but often complement on their ads....they may not be my speed, but they know how to create some interest, or just a good laugh.

And I prefer that some effort be made, beyond changing the dates and location, but leaving the rest the same for 6 months at a time, or more. Sadly also tells me a lot about the creativity of the lady.

One man's point of view....
Irritated at the ads huh.......

WALDT, you like straight to the point ads. That is great and all, but that gets boring and tiresome.

Sometimes we want to put alittle bit of ourselves in the ad, besides my name is xxx and here is my rates.
Irritated at the ads huh.......

WALDT, you like straight to the point ads. That is great and all, but that gets boring and tiresome.

Sometimes we want to put alittle bit of ourselves in the ad, besides my name is xxx and here is my rates. Originally Posted by lisa.lisa0302
Yep. Once "curvy Jamie" started having the series of "Reason #xxxx to come see me today" ads rather than the generic ones she had been having posted, her business went through the roof, not to mention the calls and emails just to compliment the cleverness of the ads.

mar6's Avatar
  • mar6
  • 12-28-2010, 09:59 AM
I like things the way they are. Giving the women the opportunity to be creative allows me to see their personality. This freedom on their part helps me figure out pretty quickly which OneS tO AvOId.

Ladies, just so you know, we men are pretty shallow (as if you did not know that already). Visual stimulation goes a long way. Pics on the ad are the best bait that you have when fishing for clients.

BTW- if you are a truly UTR provider (not posting ads) and currently reading this thread, feel free to PM me anytime. I like truly low-volume GFE providers
Sleepy363's Avatar
I like things the way they are. Giving the women the opportunity to be creative allows me to see their personality. This freedom on their part helps me figure out pretty quickly which OneS tO AvOId.

Ladies, just so you know, we men are pretty shallow (as if you did not know that already). Visual stimulation goes a long way. Pics on the ad are the best bait that you have when fishing for clients.

BTW- if you are a truly UTR provider (not posting ads) and currently reading this thread, feel free to PM me anytime. I like truly low-volume GFE providers Originally Posted by mar6
How would it suppress their creativity and personality?

Think of it as being exactly the same way it is now, only with a few lines of required info at the top/beginning of the ad space. They could still create their own headlines, just as guys can on reviews. Then in the "additional info" section, they could include everything they do now, showing all the creativity and personality that you need. It just helps to have those required fields to start with, so that the basic needed info is included each time.