If you knew that a provider had been

Why wouldn't a provider just have a spare SIM Card to where they can backup there numbers too, just in case something happens to the phone? We all know that cell phones don't last. Also, why not backup the numbers to a flash drive and keep it at a safe place at your house? If the ladies are in the business to provide, then I would think they would have their regulars or better clients number's stored somewhere where they can access them in a emergency. Originally Posted by shorty
Yeah, there's a lady in AR who says in her ads that you can call her directly if you've seen her before. Your number will go through on her phone. If not, you have to go through her screening process. She keeps the numbers of every client she's seen in her phone???? I have a problem with that.
  • Laz
  • 03-22-2012, 02:42 PM
With the technology evolution that has occured privacy is an illusion. Phone records can be obtained through several methods. The same is true for other electronic communication methods. Your only protection is to not be worth the hassle of doing it. So quit worrying about it, There is always a risk but, as long as you do business intelligently, the risk is minimal.
I don't know why a provider would keep real names of her clients on her phone, comp, or anywhere. After I screen and visit, I save numbers and info under memory markers associated with that person.

Someone might be "dimples" cause of a remark he made or because he has them, another may be "super long beard" for obvious reasons, or "Hard Rock Hustler" for someone who plays and stays there all the time.. If anyone was to get into my phone or files, it would just be a list of strange words jumbled together.

Another thing you have to keep in mind, is that in ALL reality, law enforcement only messes with us in the sex industry when there are other, more dangerous motives involved like underage trafficking or the number 1 killer of discretion, drugs. As long as you deal with reputable girls who don't go around looking like street walkers or who is taking/selling/around heavy narcotics, you should be able to easily stay under the radar.
Another thing you have to keep in mind, is that in ALL reality, law enforcement only messes with us in the sex industry when there are other, more dangerous motives involved like underage trafficking or the number 1 killer of discretion, drugs. Originally Posted by Calista_Syn
There is at least one exception to this rule. For some reason in this area, LE has targeted the industry as principle effort. And it has nothing to do with associated activities. It has to do with prostitution entirely. ijs
Mature Companion's Avatar
That would depend on whether said info is true. If so. Then if I were a man. I wouldn't see a lady who was busted. Too many possibilities of being set up for a sting.

On a side note: Your handle makes me want to drink a glass of my fav.
Fat Bastard wine.

arrested and had her cell phone and laptop confiscated, would you see her? Originally Posted by FatBastard
arrested and had her cell phone and laptop confiscated, would you see her? Originally Posted by FatBastard

This is why I DELETE and ERASE all e mails and texts so that nothing is left for 'evidence' on a computer!
ck1942's Avatar
Back in the "good old days" (when a "computer" occupied a room the size of a two-car garage), Madams kept a black book with all sorts of data, but, most obviously, names and phone numbers. And, yes, we have all read/heard about those black books.

Thing is, savvy, crafty madams always "salted" those books with names and phone numbers of very real people, who were never clients, but whose data was easily obtained. Mayors, judges, police officials, state and national lawmakers, etc., etc.

LE obtaining said black books never could really be sure who was really a client and who was a salted bite of data.

The books (in the good old days) were often not entered into court as evidence because then all of the names and numbers would be visible to the media. And not a few media types' data were in said black books. Probably not all salt, either!

In any case, right now the federal courts are "mixed" on LE's ability to force computer (and even phone) owners to unlock their devices for LE inspection. Since such unlocking could be "self testimony" which violates Constitutional protection against self-incrimination. Just a hunch on my part, but this will be at the Supreme Court sooner or later and likely that Court will lean toward protecting individual rights.

Number data

As for ladies keeping track of phone numbers or erasing all data from phones and computers .... or clients erasing numbers from their phones.... all LE has to do (if they have the will to do it) is apply for a subpoena or a warrant to the cell phone company or to the Internet service provider or to your email host....

.... those companies have all of your data going back years. Your calls and emails are there if LE has enough sway to get a judge to issue the proper documents.

The best defense is obvious -- to me, at least -- don't do anything that might get you front and center on LE's radar.... insofar as making you seem vulnerable or weak. Obviously provider ads and websites (never mind reviews) sort of put ladies at the forefront of risk. But that data is not hard evidence - but it could be a cause for investigation. At this point in time, however, local LE focuses resources on "lower hanging fruit" and won't spend the resources otherwise.

The one LE agency that will, however, is the I.R.S. Or the D.E.A. And money laundering and illegal drugs almost always trump the hobby.
Still Looking's Avatar
Well, I guess we all know what's in store for Review #109, LMAO!

Originally Posted by mijo(BFE)

Provider wearing an SL T-Shirt in front of a court house! Hummmm that sounds very interesting! Perhaps that might be a great place to bring out SL'S fourth edition, highly sought after t-Shirt?