Rainy days!

thegj's Avatar
  • thegj
  • 01-28-2010, 12:27 PM
The Mystic Moods Orchestra wrote an album based on a recorded thunderstorm. It's called One Stormy Night It is not as good as the thrill of a real thunderstorm but with a dark room, some vanilla candles and a little wine it can come close- especially the first time you hear it because you don't know when the thunderclaps are coming. Later it is fun to try and coordinate those thunderclaps with ..... well, you know.
Nibbles_n_Licksx's Avatar
The Mystic Moods Orchestra wrote an album based on a recorded thunderstorm. It's called One Stormy Night It is not as good as the thrill of a real thunderstorm but with a dark room, some vanilla candles and a little wine it can come close- especially the first time you hear it because you don't know when the thunderclaps are coming. Later it is fun to try and coordinate those thunderclaps with ..... well, you know. Originally Posted by thegj
*Note to self must go out and buy that cd!*
~Kisses Jen
Ah, to be piled up in the bed with the sound of the rain on a metal roof!
missi hart's Avatar
The Mystic Moods Orchestra wrote an album based on a recorded thunderstorm. It's called One Stormy Night It is not as good as the thrill of a real thunderstorm but with a dark room, some vanilla candles and a little wine it can come close- especially the first time you hear it because you don't know when the thunderclaps are coming. Later it is fun to try and coordinate those thunderclaps with ..... well, you know. Originally Posted by thegj

i wonder if anything really mystical happens if that is played during a real thunderstorm.
Monk Rasputin's Avatar
... what is it about a rainy day that tends to magnify this urge? Originally Posted by Topshelf Tess
Perhaps, Tess, it’s because here on the water planet we are really water creatures. Our sexual selves are driven by the hypothalamus, the primitive and atavistic part of our brain – the amphibian part of our brain. Wetness lubricates our sexual activity, fluids climax our sexual activity, sweat and spittle and tears are part of our sexual play.

In Meiji Japan, “clouds and rain” was a common expression meaning “sexual activity,” and the ukiyo-e erotic prints of that period suggest the idea of water. Ukiyo means the “floating world.”

Float with me, my Tess.

No wonder I just been wanting to cuddle all day damn rain LOL
I wonder if being a "water sign" falls into play here?
you know it might
ezman's Avatar
  • ezman
  • 01-28-2010, 03:23 PM
Rain is sexy! I have always wanted to make love in the rain again. Originally Posted by Devynn von Tease
Maybe you can make that happen, sooner rather than later.
EllaInAustin's Avatar
I did it once outside during a summer time thunder/lighting storm and it was INTENSE. Originally Posted by VictoriaLyn
Okay, this is my new fantasy...
I'm going to pray for a warm spring rain. Then...fantasy becomes reality.
With both Ella and Tess on top, would i feel the rain?
Metal Smith
thegj's Avatar
  • thegj
  • 01-28-2010, 05:28 PM
Tess is right- nothing beats the sound of rain on a tin roof- especially in a rustic barn, or now that I am older, the bed of a pickup in the barn. A close second thrill would be on a boat deck under the metal roof at the Austin Yacht Club.( I spelled roof ROUGH to start with- how transparent of me) Hope it is still raining tomorrow morning.
Okay, this is my new fantasy... Originally Posted by EllaInAustin
Mine Too! I've always wondered what it would be like.
I'm going to pray for a warm spring rain. Then...fantasy becomes reality.
With both Ella and Tess on top, would i feel the rain?
Metal Smith Originally Posted by Metal Smith
We'd have to try it and see! But I think you'd probably be distracted!
SASpurfan's Avatar
I am up for a tryst with Ella and Tess in the rain. There are not many things that would make a session with both of them better, but maybe the rain would add a new dimension. Sophia, you can come along too if you like.