Been Told Im Such A Bitch...IDGAF

You do understand that this thread probably won't help your business. I saw you once in the past, but with what I know now I won't be seeing you again. You and your SO ( though I wouldn't be surprised if your "so" wrote this little rant) need to consider a couple of things if you had a regular job weather it be at McDonalds or IBM you wouldn't be able to take his ass to work with you, so you should consider getting a separate incall location. Secondly if you are the sole bread winner, and you provide all of the food, shelter and clothing for him and his friend, and if he does not have a job, you are essentially being pimped.
This is just all sorts of fucked up here.
Heavyiron999's Avatar
You're at a crossroads sweetie, its time to make some life decisions.
Heavyiron999's Avatar
You do understand that if you are the sole bread winner, and you provide all of the food, shelter and clothing for him and his friend, and if he does not have a job, you are essentially being pimped. Originally Posted by Golden Man
If i played the role of a jealous and stubborn SO of a provider, I would interrupt sessions, out a couple johns, and (the even more scornful) take pics for posting on the interwebs. Good luck. God speed.
why are most of the cute ones BSC?
Bdubbs41's Avatar
You can call me a pussy, ball less, or whatever. If I walk up and hear another mans voice and it was not discussed beforehand, HELL YES IM LEAVING. I'm paying for an "IOP", Illusion of passion, and that is totally ruined by arguing with another man in my presence.
OP your threADS seem to be more self alerting than anything. I seriously suggest finding a "friend" to vent to or even journal your rambling thoughts. I think the guys on here would have to be crazy to risk seeing you. Damn.
This thread is a fail on so many levels. Wayyy too much information. I doubt people will be lining up and filling up your inbox after this one.

I agree with everything said so far-

1. WTF??

2. Tell your man to get off his ass and get a J.O.B. He's not helping your business any by lurking around and making your clients uncomfortable.

3. You need a friend to vent to who can relate to your lifestyle and can give you some good, solid advice on how to handle yourself in this business.

4. Stop looking for validation on here. No need to put your own self on blast. Start showing you're worth being respected and stop demanding respect when you haven't handled yourself accordingly thus far. This thread won't do that for you.

My .02.
Boltfan's Avatar
Janice in accounting don't give a fuck?
TexTushHog's Avatar
what are you talking about Originally Posted by !VI!
You sure can't tell from trying to read the initial list, can you. Jeez!!
Laura Lynn's Avatar
It's one thing to have an SO, we are entitled to have a RW life and RW relationships. It's a completely different thing if the SO is there while you are seeing clients.

Most companies would not be OK with your SO showing up and yelling at you. Why would you think this is any different? Treat it as a business and you won't have self inflicted drama.
Iam45's Avatar
  • Iam45
  • 12-02-2015, 11:29 AM
This thread is a fail on so many levels. Wayyy too much information. I doubt people will be lining up and filling up your inbox after this one.

I agree with everything said so far-

1. WTF??

2. Tell your man to get off his ass and get a J.O.B. He's not helping your business any by lurking around and making your clients uncomfortable.

3. You need a friend to vent to who can relate to your lifestyle and can give you some good, solid advice on how to handle yourself in this business.

4. Stop looking for validation on here. No need to put your own self on blast. Start showing you're worth being respected and stop demanding respect when you haven't handled yourself accordingly thus far. This thread won't do that for you.

My .02. Originally Posted by sweet.treat69
She is crowdsourcing her information. A friend will not always give the blatantly advice for fear of losing a friend. Your advice here is what she wanted, and now she has it.
You meet many ladies on here in-person and they're very, very intelligent, witty, and just plain smart and fun to be around. The type if you met in the RW you'd want a relationship. On the other side of the coin you have the op of this thread, which makes you read it and think "I see why she's a hooker". Originally Posted by TheEccie214
Lol! Priceless, and true.
Thank you for this thread.

You have been added to my DNS list.

Your attitude and carelessness, selfishness, will soon make you a pariah on this board.

However, I am glad you DGAF, because that lets many know to avoid you.