Chris Mathews: Obama "Perfect American"

Guest123018-4's Avatar
Why does anyone give a fuck about Chris Matthews.
Fuck him he is worse than Hannity.
joe bloe's Avatar
I was wondering how a reference to Mohammed was racist. Assup, could you explain that, in your typical civil and thoughtful fashion? Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
I'm sure he doesn't realize that Mohammad was the same race as the Jews. He was caucasian. The Jews and the Arabs are both descended from Abraham. Islam is a religion not a race. The knee jerk response, of reflexively defending anyone who hates America, is a liberal trait that I find especially agravating.
cptjohnstone's Avatar
I'd be willing to bet you don't know anything about Islam and it's origins.
. Originally Posted by joe bloe
maybe but this guy sure knows
It's hard to defend a 53 year old pedophile, but I knew some sicko fucker here would give it a try.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Seriously? Obama says Islam paved the way for the European enlightenment? That dude gets scarier every day.
MSNBC has that get down on their knees a suck the Presidents dick attitude. I don't see anybody on Fox who feels that way about any polititian.

Now, I would go down and eat Sarah Palin's pussy, but that doesn't have anything to do with politics.
No that's not what I'm saying at all. And certainly not about you Olivia. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Ok, cool; I wasn't sure.

2Dogs is right. I do not think Mr. Obama is too terribly in touch with the, as the Pizza Hut guy that ran for the Republican nomination put it, the authentic black American experience. I do think Obama is a racist though. He may not be strictly a hater, but he allows his wife and all those that surround him to use the race card on a minute-by-minute basis. I don't like Obama, and I'm not a racist.

I'm sure he doesn't realize that Mohammad was the same race as the Jews. He was caucasian. The Jews and the Arabs are both descended from Abraham. Islam is a religion not a race. The knee jerk response, of reflexively defending anyone who hates America, is a liberal trait that I find especially agravating. Originally Posted by joe bloe
What people don't now about the religions of the world could fill up the moon. Everything you say here is correct. The one thing that I would add is that I think, and this is just my opinion, is that Islam is going through their Crusades. Islam is what, 400 / 450 years "younger" than Christianity? It's just their growing pains. We had ours; we just had ours almost a thousand years ago.

And, no, Islam is not responsible for the Protestant Reformation or the Enlightenment. Period.

My problem with the Islamic religion is more of a issue with the way the culture metes it out and how it confuses ancient Arab culture with what is or should be acceptable today than with the actual tenants of the religion itself. Namely their treatment of women and children is appalling and their attitude to wards other cultures is abysmal.
joe bloe's Avatar
MSNBC has that get down on their knees a suck the Presidents dick attitude. I don't see anybody on Fox who feels that way about any polititian.

Now, I would go down and eat Sarah Palin's pussy, but that doesn't have anything to do with politics. Originally Posted by Jackie S

JD Barleycorn's Avatar
For some unenlightened people any criticism of a person of color must be prompted by racism which is actually racist. I have to correct Olivia with that in mind. You stated that the majority of Americans must not be racist because Obama was elected. That kind of says that those who didn't vote for Obama are racists which is not the truth. I would venture an opinion that the vast majority of Americans are not racist whether they vote for a person of color or not. Note the high regard for Nickki Haley, Bobby Jindal, Herman Cain, and Condeleeza Rice. Huge numbers of republicans would happily vote for any of the four and have for two.

I also need to point out that any excuse for poor behavior based on race is racism. You can't blame Joe, he grew up in a ghetto and doesn't know any better. Saffron is a nice girl but considering her culture she can be expected to act properly. You can't expect Barry to love his country, he was raised by socialists and of course his race and the whole slavery thing...
For some unenlightened people any criticism of a person of color must be prompted by racism which is actually racist. I have to correct Olivia with that in mind. You stated that the majority of Americans must not be racist because Obama was elected. That kind of says that those who didn't vote for Obama are racists which is not the truth. I would venture an opinion that the vast majority of Americans are not racist whether they vote for a person of color or not. Note the high regard for Nickki Haley, Bobby Jindal, Herman Cain, and Condeleeza Rice. Huge numbers of republicans would happily vote for any of the four and have for two. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Are you serious? This is the kind of racist bullshit I'm talking about. I in NO WAY implied that those that didn't vote for Obama were racists. I didn't vote for him, and I'm not a racist. In your zeal to be The Enlightened like Obama, you are pulling the same nonsense that he does. Being smug doesn't make everyone else a racist. Being smug and seeing shadow racists around every corner like this makes you a race carder and keeps the race card alive.

I also need to point out that any excuse for poor behavior based on race is racism. You can't blame Joe, he grew up in a ghetto and doesn't know any better. Saffron is a nice girl but considering her culture she can be expected to act properly. You can't expect Barry to love his country, he was raised by socialists and of course his race and the whole slavery thing... Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Find one place where I said anything like this? I'm done with racism and idiots that keep it alive. Everyone needs to get over it. Slavery? All of us are descended from slaves. Conquering armies on every continent took slaves from the ranks of the conquered. The only demographic that is and has been continually kept as slaves / chattel is women. Got anything smug or pseudo-intellectual innuendo to pontificate about that?
Great video...thanks for posting.

maybe but this guy sure knows Originally Posted by cptjohnstone
Matthews is like all the clowns who fell in love with Obama but refuse to acknowledge that they were dupped. To these morons Obama can get away with breaking every promise he ever made and they'll never criticize him for it. If anyone does they'll tag that person as racist if they're on the right, or "far leftist" if they're on the left.

Obama is a personality cult.
Bukkake in Outer Space's Avatar
Obama the hnic should be impeached.