Dick transplants - when is it happening and how soon after it happens do you think that the hobby world will see them?

According to this article, it's already been done successfully


Now fully convalesced, the hospital says the patient has regained all urinary, reproductive and sexual functions with his new penis. This came as a surprise to doctors, who expected him to take at least two years to recover.
illuminati's Avatar
Here's hoping Jonah "14 inches" Falcon donates his schlong to science, maybe slice it up in half for two deserving clients.
Homegrown512's Avatar
"John Wayne Bobbit"
BTW, hard to imagine the irony of his last name and the dastardly deed that was done to him. Originally Posted by BugleBoy
Did you know there's a Urologist in town, specializing in vasectomys, named Richard (Dick) Chopp??? Talk about irony... I couldn't believe it. He's probably training to become a "penis replacement specialist" as we speak...
According to this article, it's already been done successfully

http://www.cbsnews.com/news/first-su...is-transplant/ Originally Posted by Zhivago52
Imagine if its a black guy with a white dick - "too much sunscreen!"
Imagine if its a black guy with a white dick - "too much sunscreen!" Originally Posted by Claire She Blows
I'm thinking if this goes mainstream, being a "product tester / clinician" could be an entirely new career field. I can hear it now...."Ewww....post-op pops taste too much like ViaSpan (organ preservative).

No more cash in envelopes.... you have your own treatment codes and bill the referring physician.
Did you know there's a Urologist in town, specializing in vasectomys, named Richard (Dick) Chopp??? Originally Posted by Homegrown512
I know of a guy whose name was Richard Whacker, and of course he called Dick by all of his friends.

To bad he wasn't a micro vascular surgeon working on penis replacement research.
ck1942's Avatar
Interesting topic and discussion.

Too bad the real dudes and dudettes who need a "brain implant" so they can be true gentlemen and ladies won't likely see that happen in the near future.

Most politicians should be first in line, with the "you-know-who" hobbyiests second, third, fourth, etc.
Did you know there's a Urologist in town, specializing in vasectomys, named Richard (Dick) Chopp??? Talk about irony... I couldn't believe it. He's probably training to become a "penis replacement specialist" as we speak... Originally Posted by Homegrown512
All these years I've thought it was Dick Hurtz. Perhaps that's how my brain translated Dick Chopp.

Unfortunately penis transplants won't do squat for low T levels. Go from an invisible limp dick to a big limp dick that you have to tuck into your knee high socks.
The Allnighter's Avatar
A man walks into a bar and sits down on a barstool, placing a large brown paper bag on the bar-top next to him. He signals to the bartender and orders 3 shots of scotch, which he downs in quick succession.

The bartender, who is an old pro, senses the man is troubled. He asks, “Hey buddy, what’s wrong?”

Without replying, the man reaches over and opens the brown bag. He pulls out a tiny piano, and then, reaches back inside and pulls out a tiny man dressed in a full tuxedo -- he couldn’t stand more than a foot tall! The tiny man walks up to the piano, sits down, and plays some of the most beautiful music the bartender has ever heard.

“Where on earth did you get this little man?!”

“Oh…I found a magic lamp, with a genie inside.”

The bartender can barely contain his excitement, “You did? Can I see?”

“Of course, of course,” says the man, and he pulls an ornately decorated lamp out of his paper bag .

The bartender immediately grabs the lamp and rubs it. Out pops a genie!

“You have summoned me. Your wish is my command. What is your one wish, sir?”

“I want a million bucks!” the bartender shouts.

Immediately, the room begins to fill up with ducks. Feathers are flying everywhere, and there are ducks on every surface. The patrons begin screaming and running for the doors.

As the ducks continue to appear out of thin air, the bartender looks frantically at the man with the brown bag, who is shaking his head, sadly.

“WHAT HAPPENED!?" the bartender screams. "I DIDN’T ASK FOR A MILLION DUCKS!!”

“…And you think I wished for a 12-inch pianist?”
nuglet's Avatar
Did you know there's a Urologist in town, specializing in vasectomys, named Richard (Dick) Chopp??? Talk about irony... I couldn't believe it. He's probably training to become a "penis replacement specialist" as we speak... Originally Posted by Homegrown512
I actually went to this guy after my reg Dr retired.. After an exam BY HIM, I was in the hospital for 3 days with a fever at 104. Complaints were made, forms were filed.. I thought it was funny "Dick Chopp" AT FIRST, but now would advice any and all to avoid him.. And get this... WHILE I WAS IN THE hosp. I missed an OFFICE followup appt with him and GOT BILLED FOR A MISSED APPT.!!! Then after the biopsy, he said he needed to operate, which I refused, then I went to another Dr, who obtained the biopsy samples and submitted them to a different lab.. and VIOLA..... NO PROBLEMS... seems strange the the "good Dr Chop" found a reason to do surgery, and two others said "no, you don't need that AT ALL"
nuglet: And then there was this guy in the news this week....I cannot imagine.


Hate to say, but I think more of this goes on than what we know.
nuglet's Avatar
nuglet: And then there was this guy in the news this week....I cannot imagine.


Hate to say, but I think more of this goes on than what we know. Originally Posted by Zhivago52
There's an old adage: What do you call the guy that graduates at the bottom of his class?........ Dr.! I've had so much time with Dr's in my life I seldom find one that deserves my respect. They're not much more than a overpaid Plumbers.
People talk about the "great health care" in the USA.. well, I've had some serious procedures done out of the country at 1/4th - 1/3 of the USA cost and in one case "Monterrey Mexico" the skills and professionalism puts the USA to shame.
Treetop78759's Avatar
1. About 8 years ago I called Dr. Chopp's office for a procedure and was told he was booked two months out and I could see another doctor. Without thinking I said "ma'am if I'm getting this done Dick Chopp is the one because it will make a great story nobody will believe". He did it and it only cost a $40.00 copayment. I will omit the part about having to pack myself with frozen peas and rotating bags ever few hours and putting them back in the freezer and forgetting.
2. The penis transplant is a very interesting topic and one that could potentially have a negative economic impact on the BNG market. We all have heard the saying about why a male dog grooms himself. Because he can.
nuglet's Avatar
There is also a REAL malady called Broken Dick.. There used to be a guy that came to the swinger club with his wife. His dick had a sharp appx 45degree bend in the middle. She said that she had been riding him cowboy one night, years before, and when she rose up, she came back down and he had slipped out so his dick missed the intended target and her weight came down on it/him and they both heard a sound that indicated something had gone very very wrong. the Dr's told him there was nothing to be done about it... It was an eerie site for sure. I had to look it up before I believed his story and was surprised how NOT unusual it was.. the whole thing was about torn muscles and ruptured vessels. . true story