Guilt By Association

Guest092815's Avatar
I take a few days away from the keyboards, and... damn. I can't even tell exactly what this is referring to.

I don't like cliques either. As a provider, and I have tried to bee friendly to other providers, without getting too close for comfort.

I am sorry you are feeling labeled, BB. Just don't let it get you down.
To quote the late great Groucho Marx "I would never join any club that would have me".
Don't forget why you joined the hobby to begin with. I doubt it was for social approval and acceptance. Being popular isn't all it's cracked up to be, especially when it comes to hobby cliques. Consider being unpopular in certain crowds as a Huge compliment and a flattering measure of your character. There is only one group of people you should care about being popular with in the hobby. They are the very reason you started hobbying.

Thanks for all the words of wisdom and kindness guys. At the risk of sounding insensitive I am not concerned with what anyone thinks in the real world only the hobby world. In the hobby your reputation is all you have and it does mean a lot to me. Even with the ladies, because what comes around goes around. I am a firm believer that you get back what you put in. In most other businesses people network. I know when I refer someone I refer them to girls that I think will be a good match; more importantly I refer to girls who are friendly. The idea that was brought forth that someone may not see a girl because of her friendships is just mind boggeling to me. No one has commented on that yet. That and the all the crazy conspiracy theories around here is so comical to me. Alex Jones much?!!
sixxbach's Avatar
The idea that was brought forth that someone may not see a girl because of her friendships is just mind boggeling to me. No one has commented on that yet. Originally Posted by BritneyBangs
I for one, think that is absurd. We are all adults. You should be able to hang with whoever the heck you want. Big deal if you should ever drown some beers with me or whomever. That has no bearing on your ability to provide or how you deal with the biz that is the hobby. No one has that right. I surely would hope no one would say to you "Hey I won't see you because you talk to so and so". Anything like that is childish and reflective of that person not you.

I have disagreed with hobbyists before on providers. That does not mean that I think of them less or not value their opinions. I would never not see a provider because she is friends with someone I have issues with. If you are good looking and have the skills is all I care about.

Do what you do because it is what YOU want to do....

rrrabbit's Avatar
I for one, think that is absurd. We are all adults. You should be able to hang with whoever the heck you want. Big deal if you should ever drown some beers with me or whomever. That has no bearing on your ability to provide or how you deal with the biz that is the hobby. No one has that right. I surely would hope no one would say to you "Hey I won't see you because you talk to so and so". Anything like that is childish IMO.

I have disagreed with hobbyists before on providers. That does not mean that I think of them less or not value their opinions. I would never not see a provider because she is friends with someone I have issues with. If you are good looking and have the skills is all I care about.

Do what you do because it is what YOU want to do....

sixx Originally Posted by sixxbach
I would never see Sixx, BCD. So if I become guilt by association, so be it. I'm still going to buy him a beer next time I see him at a SC lunch.

The point I am trying to get across, while being silly, is that sometimes folks read too much into mannerisms: "surely, if she's been sitting on his lap half the evening, they must have some "special" arrangemnts between them".

This is called a hobby, and it's supposed to be fun. I say leave the gossip and the poo poo head with the door girl, and jump in to the jello wrestling ring.
ztonk's Avatar
  • ztonk
  • 12-20-2010, 08:13 PM
The idea that was brought forth that someone may not see a girl because of her friendships is just mind boggeling to me. Originally Posted by BritneyBangs
That and the all the crazy conspiracy theories around here is so comical to me. Originally Posted by BritneyBangs
Just laugh about it, then.

There will always be guys who will try to stir up real or imagined controversy... just ignore it. What does it matter?
tron's Avatar
  • tron
  • 12-20-2010, 09:23 PM
The idea that was brought forth that someone may not see a girl because of her friendships is just mind boggeling to me. Originally Posted by BritneyBangs
It would only be an issue with guys who have not seen you before, and how many of them would even know who you are friends with?

I don't know about other guys, but when I want an appointment, I either try prior providers I have met, the Provider Ads section, P411 then the Provider Showcase. The provider's friends don't factor in, because I am not into doubles.

Hell, I might even see someone I didn't like - if she was hot.