Lost everything in the flood

I am working a bad case of gout at the moment. Originally Posted by wildwing
I am so sorry to hear this. I don't know what gout is but I heard it's nothing nice to play with. I wish I could remove it from your body somehow and make you instantly all better.
Stay on top of it and take something for it. Prayer sent to you ww.
albundy's Avatar
As a "veteran" of floods, one of the many things that SUCKS is when you want to get back to your house and they won't let you through yet. One time, my brother and me said fuck it and took a back road in his jacked way the hell up truck and just hoped we would stay on the "road". Followed the telephone poles to have an idea. It had gone down just enough for the truck to get through.

I truly hate seeing this happen to you guys. I would recommend everyone give a little something to the Red Cross. They really do great work in times like this. Also, churches from around the country will be showing up and the help they provide is amazing.
KatiforYou's Avatar
There's actually a really great FB page where we're offering help to those that need it. I'm lucky, I have great neighbors who alerted me to the situation and got my animals out. And really good insurance and know the field well.

It doesn't have to be money you give to help someone out. Clothes, food, water, a place to stay for a couple days... a shoulder to cry on... Or if your in the business of removal, offer your services at a discounted rate. We live in Louisiana and most of us will help anyone we can without hesitation, even if we have not much to give.
Discreet referrals's Avatar
There are people who have lost everything and need very basic needs. THey aren't accessing red cross or fema. They are with family and would need basic items we wouldn't think of. If you can donate tampons, diapers, baby formula, clothing that you have outgrown, towels, dog food, hair brushes ...there seems to be a surplus of hotel items like shampoo and body lotion but not toothpaste.

anything you take for granted on a daily basis, it will mean the world to someone who lost everything. A blanket or toilet paper could mean alot to someone right now.
I am attempting to coordinate donation pick ups and drop offs because of friends in need. No monetary donations. only daily supplies...Anything is appreciated and anonymous. If you haven been affected by this flood, please consider what your first need would be for your family
I am from Baton Rouge.I hope all ladies arw safe.
Katie is great lady btw.She will take care as soon as this week if you need.
KatiforYou's Avatar
Thanks y'all for the thoughts! Have to go back to real life tomorrow but I'm still around if anyone needs any kind of help...
annie@christophers's Avatar
Still bitter. But I can get things. Also money for those unable to work. Those able to work please call. If in calls I'm sure can get ya couple ($) by end of week. I of course will not accept fees. SO GENTLEMEN
wildwing's Avatar
I am so sorry to hear this. I don't know what gout is but I heard it's nothing nice to play with. I wish I could remove it from your body somehow and make you instantly all better.
Stay on top of it and take something for it. Prayer sent to you ww. Originally Posted by Seeking ~P
Gout is the result of your body turning acidic. It really sucks and the symptoms are hard to get rid of. It is VERY painful. Basically your liver/kidneys are not functioning at peak efficiency and your body produces Uric acid which crystallizes and attached to your joints. My joint is my ankle. Think holding your bare ankle 2" from a space heater and you can't move it, ever. On my 10th day now and I am about 50% healed.

Thanks for the prayers P and Kati as soon as I can I will drop you some supplies. If anyone needs stuff in BR area, pm me what you need and I will try. I am high and dry so I am indeed fortunate.
Marshpirate's Avatar
I'm working as a volunteer with the relief effort the the Acadiana area. We've been handing out cleaning supplies and bag lunches since Monday. The outpouring of love and community is amazing. If anybody needs cleaning supplies, PM me, If I cant get it to you, I'll make sure you have the information you need to get it.
DallasRain's Avatar
awesome Marsh! Yall cajuns rock!
Marshpirate's Avatar
awesome Marsh! Yall cajuns rock! Originally Posted by DallasRain
Any word on Diva? She's near me and I can drop some supplies to her.
KatiforYou's Avatar
Grrrr. Why are some of y'all PMing me with crap about this post? I didn't ask for a handout from anyone, and the only things I've taken anyone up on is a place for my freaking dogs to stay and debris removal for a trade.

Thanks for the hateful PMs/text messages though, it's just what I want to read. 😕
Grrrr. Why are some of y'all PMing me with crap about this post? I didn't ask for a handout from anyone, and the only things I've taken anyone up on is a place for my freaking dogs to stay and debris removal for a trade.

Thanks for the hateful PMs/text messages though, it's just what I want to read. 😕 Originally Posted by KatiforYou
So sorry to hear bout the haters....shoot me a pm if you dont mind...would love to know their handles so I an send a few PMs of my own...and not to them

And thanks for all YOU have done to help and get the word out . Stay safe and holler if ya need a hand

DallasRain's Avatar
I see her posting on my FB so guess alls ok with Diva..Ill shoot her a pm