Capitalism: Why Millennials are Embracing Socialism

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
BigOldWK... your vote for Gary is a vote for Hilarity, so FUCK OFF! and I hate that cunt... She's a stupid bitch... I don't even know what the other CUNT said because I have her on ignore... Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
Then don't vote for Hillary. I'm not. And it's good to put people on ignore if you don't like them.
Then don't vote for Hillary. I'm not. And it's good to put people on ignore if you don't like them. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Plus one!
I voted for him because I didn't want the GOP candidate for President, simple. He was the lesser of two evils. Same reason I will vote for Hillary. I do not want the GOP in control of the House and Senate. They have too much control. There needs to be more compromise. Originally Posted by SassySue
You lyin liberals idea of compromise is " give US all that WE want and fuck you ! " See: Obamacare, as an example ! So you must be OK with a president that uses illegal, as defined by SCOTUS !, executive orders to get HIS way ! And you'll be ok with shrillary OR ANY LYING LIBERAL doing the same thing if there isn't YOUR type of " compromise " , but scream bloody murder if it was a Republican doing the same thing. Right hypocrite !?
YOUR campaign for the 2017 DOTY award sure must have EKIM nervous !
Then don't vote for Hillary. I'm not. And it's good to put people on ignore if you don't like them. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
whiffy is so fucking dumb, he thinks a vote for Gary is a vote for Hillary when you are not voting for either Hillary or Donald.
You lyin liberals idea of compromise is " give US all that WE want and fuck you ! " See: Obamacare, as an example ! Originally Posted by Rey Lengua
That's the problem right there. Look at the way you speak. I said compromise. You can even debate in a respectful manner. If you look at some of my other posts, I said put a cap on individual income taxes. I am not an extreme liberal. But I do believe in safety nets for the poor, especially in times of economic downtown. The GOP wants to cut these safety nets when the economy is bad and there are no jobs to speak of except for part-time and low wage, if even that. They want to get rid and/or privatize social security, which would eliminate it for the poor. They want to do the same for education. They actually would make it harder for the poor to rise out of poverty. You just don't get it.
That's the problem right there. Look at the way you speak. I said compromise. You can even debate in a respectful manner. If you look at some of my other posts, I said put a cap on individual income taxes. I am not an extreme liberal. But I do believe in safety nets for the poor, especially in times of economic downtown. The GOP wants to cut these safety nets when the economy is bad and there are no jobs to speak of except for part-time and low wage, if even that. They want to get rid and/or privatize social security, which would eliminate it for the poor. They want to do the same for education. They actually would make it harder for the poor to rise out of poverty. You just don't get it. Originally Posted by SassySue
Don't worry about gay rey, he is best put on ignore. Other than fag shit, and insults he has nothing.
That's the problem right there. Look at the way you speak. I said compromise. You can even debate in a respectful manner. If you look at some of my other posts, I said put a cap on individual income taxes. I am not an extreme liberal. But I do believe in safety nets for the poor, especially in times of economic downtown. The GOP wants to cut these safety nets when the economy is bad and there are no jobs to speak of except for part-time and low wage, if even that. They want to get rid and/or privatize social security, which would eliminate it for the poor. They want to do the same for education. They actually would make it harder for the poor to rise out of poverty. You just don't get it. Originally Posted by SassySue
When YOUR party was in control of the Senate, with Hasslin Harry Reid, as the majority leader, they NEVER did pass a budget for a fiscal year. And any attempt for Republican bills to come to the floor for a vote were stalled by Reid. In one of Odummer's first meetings with Republican leaders after his election ,HE set the tone when HE said " Get over it, I WAS ELECTED ! " . YOU are the one that " just doesn't get it " !! How much longer are YOU gonna " Blame Bush " for everything that went wrong, even when obammy was " in charge " ???
I B Hankering's Avatar
That's the problem right there. Look at the way you speak. I said compromise. You can even debate in a respectful manner. If you look at some of my other posts, I said put a cap on individual income taxes. I am not an extreme liberal. But I do believe in safety nets for the poor, especially in times of economic downtown. The GOP wants to cut these safety nets when the economy is bad and there are no jobs to speak of except for part-time and low wage, if even that. They want to get rid and/or privatize social security, which would eliminate it for the poor. They want to do the same for education. They actually would make it harder for the poor to rise out of poverty. You just don't get it. Originally Posted by SassySue
You mean "compromise" like when Dim-retard Slick Willie the Perjuring Sexual Predator did when he "promised" to enroll in ROTC in order to receive a draft deferment ... and then didn't enroll after he received the deferment? Or do you mean "compromise" like when Dim-retard Tip O'Neal promised a comprehensive immigration reform bill if Reagan would sign off on an amnesty bill?
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
this country has been on a leftward march the last 20 years. haven't seen anything that congress did to reverse the trend.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
So you intentionally voted for a puppet. Now I do believe in voting for the lesser of the two evils, but politically a puppet is the lowest you can go. Clinton on the other hand is not only a puppet but she has a little deviance mixed in with it. She's like Chucky with a pair of tits. You need to get your act together and reevaluate the decisions you've been making.

Jim Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin
already done! here you go. Chucky's Bride: Hillary C.

dilbert firestorm's Avatar
more Chucky's Bride! she's bitchin' eh?

more Chucky's Bride! she's bitchin' eh?

Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
Is there a pic of Chucky's Brides carpet munching Mooslem Brotherhood Bitch, Huma? I would like to see it, Thanks in advance...

dilbert firestorm's Avatar
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
dilbert firestorm's Avatar