Anyone know why Trump to steal America's nuclear secrets?

Pxmc, the only satisfying thing here is that you will actually be mentally hurt here when in 6 months and $20:million of taxpayer money Garland and his like will say,” my bad nothing discovered”.
All I got to say is FJB
  • pxmcc
  • 08-14-2022, 09:13 AM
Pxmc, the only satisfying thing here is that you will actually be mentally hurt here when in 6 months and $20:million of taxpayer money Garland and his like will say,” my bad nothing discovered”. Originally Posted by michaelrayab
i'll take anyone's bet who wants it 500 bucks that Trump gets indicted within 1 year. and nope, not joking.

a very significant development has happened that you may not have noticed. his lawyer certified to the fbi that all classified docs had been returned. turns out that's not true.

so she can be charged for lying to the fbi. the question is why she did it. one possibility is that she knew trump still had classified material. so they charge her with a felony and wait for her to rat trump out.

2nd possibility is she said it because she thought it was true, because trump told her it was. then that's on trump. the important thing is prosecutors will be able to drive a wedge between her and trump. also, for fraud, atty client privilege goes out the window and is open to discovery.

trump has managed to work himself into a clusterfuck of a situation.
USAsoldier's Avatar
"Why plead the 5Th?" "Anyone pleading the 5Th is guilty."
-Donald J Trump

"Anyone being investigated by the FBI isn't qualified to run for POTUS."
-Donald J Trump


*CHIPS act passed.
*Veterans PACT Act passed.
*Safe gun legislation passed.
*$3.00 gas is back and dropping.
*Record jobs growth.
*Inflation Reduction Act passed.
*Al Queda leader killed.
*Great jobs market. Low unemployment.
*Wall Street / S&P 500 high gains.

Biden did that! Thanks!!! #Murica
  • pxmcc
  • 08-15-2022, 01:24 AM
^^well said sir..

and now we have the jan 6th seditionists screaming "defund the fbi!" wait, i thought the Republican Party was the "law and order" party. isn't it supposed to be BLM and Antifa that is supposed to say that?

trump's excuse now is he declassified everything before leaving office. "Top secret, compartmentalized, america's nuclear triad documents." trump waves his hand. "i hereby declassify all of you and pack you up. we're headed to the beach and mar-a-lago.."

and now he wants his stolen, evidence of treason docs back..
MisterMeat's Avatar
Why were boxes of top secret classified documents found in the basement at Mar a Lago?

Only two possible reasons:

1. Trump wanted to sell the documents to our adversaries for billions, or…
2. Trump is a complete moron

Either way, the Justice department has him by whatever pubic hair he has left. They’ll charge him, try him, convict him, and if he hasn’t dropped dead of a heart attack by then, lock him up. The most corrupt POTUS in US history is going down, and his behavior while President will be a textbook on what NOT to do for future Presidents.
Bellareikiny's Avatar
They don't know what and how to take that man out of running 2024 lol fake new
  • pxmcc
  • 08-15-2022, 06:24 AM
They don't know what and how to take that man out of running 2024 lol fake new Originally Posted by Bellareikiny might be a bit tricky to run the country from the..federal Big House..

will his Secret Service have to protect that fat bully when he's wearing an orange jumpsuit? i hope they can get a waiver, you know, for bone spurs on their heels or whatnot..
  • pxmcc
  • 08-15-2022, 11:07 AM
So Trump accused the FBI of planting evidence at the scene. (This is ridiculous because basically the entire Trump family watched the search unfold on CCTV.) But now Trump says he wants his seized property returned to him from the FBI. Does he want all the property back, or only the property that wasn't planted by the FBI? And can he tell us from the FBI inventory which was the planted evidence, and which was the non-planted evidence? Curious minds would like to know..
oilman12's Avatar
Both sides are corrupt. There are hundreds of thousands of Republicans who never did nor will they ever support Trump. Like what's the fascination with this shady character anyway? People seem to adore him like the idiots who adored Hitler. Same thing
  • pxmcc
  • 08-22-2022, 04:52 AM
I'm stunned that someone as smart and knowledgeable of Trump as Maggie Haberman of the nyt can't figure out why trump took top secret nuclear docs to mar-a-lago.

i knew what trump's game was in 3 seconds once i found out what the docs were exactly.

he's been putin's bitch since hector was a pup.
said invading ukraine was genius. he didn't factor in zelensky. he's like, ya we'll stop once we get crimea back. dude is a bad motherfucker, and u.s. weapons never hurt. we got ourself a proxy war with russia with an ally with spunk. wtf was wrong with the afghans? um ya lets just lay down our weapons. this war stuff can get dangerous, and these taliban chaps seem pretty unbeatable. we had nutsacks, then they kinda shriveled up and disappeared. i have no idea where they went. now you see em, now you dont..
Cendell M's Avatar
broken links removed - UC

The Wambulance is otw
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
Broken links removed
Cendell M's Avatar
Well hell ok
  • pxmcc
  • 08-23-2022, 09:53 AM
Well hell ok Originally Posted by Cendell M
hey cendell what's up? i still need to pop my cendell cherry. my brother slayer vouched for you, and that's all i need..

you can bring guns if you'd feel more at ease. i'm all about the bfe, minus
the drama, u know ..