Encounter: Sky is really the limit in the 'Cuse

ooo NOOOOOOooo and she was just getting

so excited about the "wedding" Originally Posted by JONBALLS
Fuck off JB lol

I reserve the right to take the ring back at any time I choose

All kidding aside, there’s no excuse for horrendous TCB, leaving fellas hanging and over charging. We all have our bad days, but 3 times and no remorse? That’s 1 time too many IMO. The ladies don’t want their time wasted, but neither do we. Especially when it’s nearly an hour drive each way. Sky would do well for herself if she realized respect goes both ways. It only takes a few seconds to send a text to cancel.

I myself take time before a meet to prepare, freshly showered, shaved, manscaped, etc. out of respect for the lady, and I expect the same in return. I’d be extremely pissed off if this happened to me 3 times, and to be honest, would not have been nearly as nice as NewGuy was about it.
Did anyone notice anything unusual about her southern area? Maybe a medical graft?
Clit Eastwood's Avatar
Fuck off JB lol

I reserve the right to take the ring back at any time I choose

All kidding aside, there’s no excuse for horrendous TCB, leaving fellas hanging and over charging. We all have our bad days, but 3 times and no remorse? That’s 1 time too many IMO. The ladies don’t want their time wasted, but neither do we. Especially when it’s nearly an hour drive each way. Sky would do well for herself if she realized respect goes both ways. It only takes a few seconds to send a text to cancel.

I myself take time before a meet to prepare, freshly showered, shaved, manscaped, etc. out of respect for the lady, and I expect the same in return. I’d be extremely pissed off if this happened to me 3 times, and to be honest, would not have been nearly as nice as NewGuy was about it. Originally Posted by FBSMLUVR
Noble words FBS but sadly in this business woman are extremely unreliable. They don't care much. Let's be honest, any decent girl in this business would not even lay an eye on you if you didn't pay for the services. It's a 100% transactional for them and they could care less about your schedule. Case and point: I contacted her several times without any replies for days. Then out of the blue, she text: Hey honey I'm available today. The reality was "hey honey I'm available today and I need money now". That's how this business works. Yes along the way you make friend with some of them but no shit man, that's few and far between!!
Very well said Clit, very well said.

Especially this…

The reality was "hey honey I'm available today and I need money now".

What’s that JG Wentworth commercial?
