MSNBC Special, AOC on the Green New Deal!!!

bambino's Avatar
I heard that she was going to spend at least 20 minutes on talking about Mexico paying for a border wall? Lmao. Can you believe any dumb fuck would actually believe that? Lol!! Originally Posted by themystic
You did.
themystic's Avatar
You did. Originally Posted by bambino
Don't you live in a city that cant protect its citizens? Maybe you should build walls
I heard that she was going to spend at least 20 minutes on talking about Mexico paying for a border wall? Lmao. Can you believe any dumb fuck would actually believe that? Lol!! Originally Posted by themystic
I'll have to watch that (on tape-delay as I posted earlier oc).

I'll (also) tabulate how many times the congresswoman Ocrazio Cortex (who speaks just like a 15 yr old Valley Girl) weaves the word "like" within each sentence.

Over the course of a 20-minute rant I'd say the wise guys in Vegas would put the over-under at 100.
themystic's Avatar
I'll have to watch that (on tape-delay as I posted earlier oc).

I'll (also) tabulate how many times the congresswoman Ocrazio Cortex (who speaks just like a 15 yr old Valley Girl) weaves the word "like" within each sentence.

Over the course of a 20-minute rant I'd say the wise guys in Vegas would put the over-under at 100. Originally Posted by Chateau Becot
Its creepy how obsessed you Trump trolls are with AOC. No Christian love for her?
at the recent trump rally the repeated mantra was, in place of "Lock Her Up" , AOC Sucks!
Its creepy how obsessed you Trump trolls are with AOC. No Christian love for her? Originally Posted by themystic
Yes. How observant of you, tm.

Trump Trolls did this:

And this...…

And this.....

And this.....

Need we go on....and on....and on, sir?

Whom exactly is obsessed with who here?

Christian Love for AOC? Sure, you bet....we love her as one of God's children. But her politics / ideologies....? Not a chance, sir. She's ALL yours......
I heard that she was going to spend at least 20 minutes on talking about Mexico paying for a border wall? Lmao. Can you believe any dumb fuck would actually believe that? Lol!! Originally Posted by themystic
Depends on the context and the unspoken assumptions. There are many ways to pay for something. Mexico refusing to pay for the wall directly with cash means they now have to pay to keep asylum seekers on their side of the border. If they had paid for the wall directly, Trump might have helped them with other things.

Mexico is in trouble from years of looting their resources from oil and gas, and now they have to import gas from the Estados Unidos. Que mal.
Its creepy how obsessed you Trump trolls are with AOC. No Christian love for her? Originally Posted by themystic
She is a grown woman and we are whoremongers - where is the problem?

I think she is pretty on the Vanity fair cover.
  • Tiny
  • 03-30-2019, 09:19 AM
Alexandria was magnificent last night.

The highlight of the evening for me was cow flatulence. One of her advisers who shared the stage was dismayed that he'd have to give up hamburgers when AOC's vision came to fruition. This is because cows and other livestock produce methane, a greenhouse gas, when they fart. Ocasio-Cortez assured him there would still be hamburgers. We will however, have to change our "cow grains" (her words), so that the cattle will fart less. Presumably she means a low fiber diet for our cows. Not only is she beautiful, but the woman can think out of the box!!!

She also showed off the fine education that economics graduates of Boston University receive, referring to the "inequal" distribution of income in America, and talking about the "jazillions of dollars" her detractors believe her plan will cost -- "it's like Doctor Evil, they say it's going to cost 100 million dollars or something." Also she derided a carbon tax (which is what economists favor over mandates if you're going to limit CO2 emissions) as stupid and "wimpy." In other words, we just need to outright ban CO2 emissions.

Chris Hayes, the MSNBC interviewer, actually brought up the estimated 96 trillion dollar price tag for the Green New Deal, and AOC brushed it off. She said no one before had dared to tackle problems as expensive and complex as climate change, a guaranteed minimum wage, universal healthcare and inequality at the same time. But it's essential that we do all at once. The pieces fit together for a grand solution, like Franklin Delano Roosevelt's original New Deal.

She didn't take questions from the audience. This was carefully stage managed so that she wouldn't field any truly tough questions. The venue was a small, packed auditorium in her Congressional district with about a thousand of her fervent fans, who were smiling, clapping and head nodding at every word she said. She was joined on stage by some of the people from progressive think tanks who had helped her design the green new deal, and for about 5 to 10 minutes by a Republican Congressman from South Carolina who strongly favored limiting CO2 emissions. When he questioned the wisdom of her tackling so many challenges at once (e.g. universal health care, guaranteed income, global warming) and moving the bills through Congress, the crowd booed. AOC shouted at them, something like "Hey, hey hey, stop it. We're not like Trump. That's the difference between him and me." She admitted it would take years to accomplish all her objectives.

AOC says we're currently in crisis, like in the Great Depression or World War II, and if we don't so something about inequality and global warming now, we're completely fucked. She struck me as some of the wild eyed people I knew at University who thought our generation was going to solve all the worlds problems. If she gets her way, she'd just going to make them worse.
themystic's Avatar
at the recent trump rally the repeated mantra was, in place of "Lock Her Up" , AOC Sucks! Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought
I love how Trump and his people find women and gays to vilify. When Alpha males confront Trump and his fans they cower. Trump with Putin, his fans scardy cats who wont leave the house with their MAGA hats
themystic's Avatar
Yes. How observant of you, tm.

Trump Trolls did this:

And this...…

And this.....

And this.....

Need we go on....and on....and on, sir?

Whom exactly is obsessed with who here?

Christian Love for AOC? Sure, you bet....we love her as one of God's children. But her politics / ideologies....? Not a chance, sir. She's ALL yours...... Originally Posted by Chateau Becot
Trump rallies vilify another woman and gay. Your group is overall a bunch of scardy cats. I cant wait to see someone in public wearing a MAGA hat. Haven't seen one all year
Poor AOC. Misunderstood taco waitress who never had health insurance before.

Doesn't that mean she was breaking the OBAMACARE mandate.

themystic's Avatar
Poor AOC. Misunderstood taco waitress who never had health insurance before.

Doesn't that mean she was breaking the OBAMACARE mandate.

Originally Posted by eccielover
Kick ass video. Thanks. Makes me support her more. Maybe she can introduce a ill that would protect the religious communities in Pittsburg. The men in Pittsburg cant seem to keep their people safe. Maybe a woman from NY can help them. Maybe that will be a good topic of discussion at Lustys next Pajama party
Kick ass video. Thanks. Originally Posted by themystic
Quite welcome, I figured you for enjoying her fiction. Just like the fiction of the Green New Deal.

It's quickly becoming the Dems deal breaker in the upcoming 2020 election.
bambino's Avatar
Don't you live in a city that cant protect its citizens? Maybe you should build walls Originally Posted by themystic
We don’t need them.