Do you get Weird???

My money is on he really had to take a Dump. Originally Posted by SP Hunter
Like I said, "(guilt) may not be true in every case"
steverino50's Avatar
Kelly, I just had to get back to work...I love your boob sweat....and fuzzy socks.
Kelly, for me, I don't want to cut into the lady’s time but I don't get weird after the fact either. I like the after time but I am very direct when I realize I am hitting the time limit -- for whatever reason, I seem to have a clock in my head and I know what time it is. SO I will be direct that I don’t want to overextend or interfere with her plans. Then what happens next is a matter of choice by both - either she wants to continue or I leave. Frankly, after what I have been through, I prefer to just leave but...

There has been only one provider that I have seen through the years where I lost complete track of time and our first session that was scheduled to be only a one hour session ended up being more than two plus hours. Like others have mentioned, I only bring enough money with me for the scheduled time and I do not want to take advantage of the lady, or appear as a cheapskate, so I will boot-scoot when the clock is tolling UNLESS she indicates she wants me to stay. Then that, to me, is an invitation to non-compensated time but that is a decision made at the moment based upon the interaction we had and what my gauge of her as person tells me. Fortunately, I only had one indie ever make that request of me. Much to my regret, I took her up on her offer and that lead to a whole slew of things that are still causing me problems today even years after I last saw her as a client.

I would suspect that the ones that got weird on you had some kind of a hang-up as someone else had posted, such as they might have been married or had a SO and thought "WTF did I just do AGAIN...", i.e. guilt. Based upon the PM’s with you, I can't imagine that any of your clients being weird after the fact was because of you. You are too nice and sincere; good loving I can definately see.

Here is a thought for you to consider: Maybe they liked being with you TOO much and did not want to go down a road with a provider that is wrought with perils… just a thought.

To the last point: Have you seen the ones that got weird on you a subsequent time? That is a rhetorical question for sure...
Of course they might have been weird before they got there.
Kelly TNT's Avatar
Holy Crap! I'm in such a hurry...

LOL! There is sooo much to touch on here so, I'm going to be hateful and make you all wait.

Except for SLUTTY FAWDA! I've got your boob sweat right here! I'll meet you on the Black Top Mattress for the Pillow fight later!!!! You're going DOWN!! (On me...)
I will be back this evening to reply! You guys are soo awesome!
Indiana Bone's Avatar
Can i please have some of the good lovin and i promise i wont get weird on you. IB
I can see how the weirdness can happen. Maybe the Hobby dude is new to the game, or has had alot of bad previous experiences with exits.. (IE, rushed out in a session, basically where time is a large factor in the bad experience)and is use to a quick exit.. or doesn't want to intrude on your time, and is trying to be considerate, but does not know how to exit with tact.. or someone who always has a clock going on in their mind LOL..

I've been guilty of doing exactly that LOL, just hopping up and walking around and getting cleaned up on my own ..getting ready to split (back when I didn't hobby as much and kinda forgot protocol etc.. sometimes you take breaks), trying to decide when to leave.. I think I was like that 1st time I met my current ATF.. since then after several visits , i've kinda relaxed and shes blows my mind everytime I see her.

Now it really depends on the situation, sometimes weirdness is warranted, aka the hobbyist is getting bait and switched / or.. theres a pimp hiding in the bathroom.. / someone running out of the closet dressed as a furry... ETC ETC...
5150's Avatar
  • 5150
  • 05-21-2009, 11:05 PM
After being with you he is in desperate need of a cigarette.

In all seriousness it’s could be a combination of things guilt, not wanting to go beyond the allotted time, people have blown up his phone from work or home and he is now stressed out again because people might start asking questions , his mind has shifted from this great session to oh shit I have got to deal with this or that. Instead of explaining himself he just runs out the door leaving you going what the f**k?
Kelly TNT's Avatar
GUILT. I would hazard to guess that most of the guys that you have experienced that with are either married or have some kind of morality hangups. Originally Posted by ithyphallicus
Guilt is the first thing that came to mind. It doesn't make me feel any less weird...but, I get it.

My money is on he really had to take a Dump. Originally Posted by SP Hunter
LOL! Oh, You are soo wrong about that. See, my clients feel comfortable enough with me and my place to go ahead and Blow Up My Bathroom! Before or After the session...Doesn't really matter to them! Nah! They Blow up my Bathroom all the Damn Time! That is a bunch of Crap! Aaaand, really a bunch of Crap! Eeeeeeeeuuuuuw!

Maybe if you quit dressing them up in chicken costumes and sticking feather dusters up their butts, they won't be so ashamed when you're done with them. Originally Posted by Blackhawk
LOL!!!You may have solved the case! Er...2 cases! The Weird, AND the Blowing Up My Bathroom issue!

I have no clue what boogle is but if it is naked and with Kelly.....Count me in!!! Originally Posted by Bubba
Sweet Bubba! It's actually "Boggle". But, Naked "Boogle" does sound interesting! We could make up our own game! But, that means you'll have to come to Dallas!

Kelly, I just had to get back to work...I love your boob sweat....and fuzzy socks. Originally Posted by steverino50
That's Good Lovin right there! Just Sayin...

To the last point: Have you seen the ones that got weird on you a subsequent time? That is a rhetorical question for sure...
Originally Posted by LonesomeDove
Ha....Yes. I have a client I've seen now for 5 years. He gets Weird Every Single Time! I've just gotten used to it over time. But, I've never asked him why. Huh Uh! It would be to Weird! Ha..

Of course they might have been weird before they got there. Originally Posted by Big Jake
LOL! I know that's right! It's cool to be a little Off....but, maybe leave Creepy weird guy in the car?
I'm kidding! Leave him at Home!

Can i please have some of the good lovin and i promise i wont get weird on you. IB Originally Posted by Indiana Bone
Okay. I have documented proof though. So, No Weird!

Thanks for all the input!
I have another theory I'll share with you later.

~Kelly TNT
Kelly TNT's Avatar
After being with you he is in desperate need of a cigarette.
Now, I actually believe that! I know several of my clients who are smokers. After the Good Lovin from me...
I mean..can you blame them?

In all seriousness it’s could be a combination of things guilt, not wanting to go beyond the allotted time, people have blown up his phone from work or home and he is now stressed out again because people might start asking questions , his mind has shifted from this great session to oh shit I have got to deal with this or that. Instead of explaining himself he just runs out the door leaving you going what the f**k? Originally Posted by 5150
This was my other theory. You nailed it. I think this one might even be More common than the Guilty one.
Just Sayin....

I can see how the weirdness can happen. Maybe the Hobby dude is new to the game, or has had alot of bad previous experiences with exits.. (IE, rushed out in a session, basically where time is a large factor in the bad experience)and is use to a quick exit.

I could understand acting weird in this situation. That's not cool at all. I would expect Someone to be on guard a bit after having a "Bad Exit" experience. But,'s a different kinda weird. It's a feeling...a Vibe...that just Cools the room. It's like All of a sudden a Strangers in the room with you! Aaaaaaand, You're Naked!

someone running out of the closet dressed as a furry... ETC ETC... Originally Posted by happychapp24
Damn! Is that Secret out Too?!

~Kelly TNT
TexTushHog's Avatar
I have no idea about the specific experience you're asking about, at the risk of stating the obvious, but two things come to mind. First, the guy might be on a short time schedule and needs to get back to work. This could be especially true if a substantial drive is involved. Many providers seem to be located way the hell out north, past 635 and almost everyone I know works downtown. That adds 20 - 40 or more to running out and having a session.

The next thing that I'm going to say may be received wrong, but perhaps he did what he came to do and idle chit chat really isn't his cup of tea. He came, he came, and he left, to paraphrase Caesar's Commentaries on the War in Gaul.

I certainly try to be polite. And if I'm on a leisurely time schedule, I'll visit with a provider who is interesting and has something to say, and perhaps even have a conversation. But making an effort to make artificial chit chat isn't something that some people enjoy or are good at. So maybe this guy is all business, in a hurry, or just isn't the conversational type.
St.Mateo's Avatar
I started a thread a long time ago on ASPD that if I remember correctly was entitled "Guilt after a session". A lot of points were made in that thread about certain issues and situations and some of them were brought up here,although I know for a fact, "blowing up the bathroom" wasn't one of them lol. I think that thread was lost in the first crash bummer!! Would have been interesting to compare!!
5150's Avatar
  • 5150
  • 05-22-2009, 01:07 PM
Kelly, thanks for the response I don't smoke but after reading some of your reviews I do need a shot of Patron or some Crown then I go to bed sleep really well that night.
geezerdude2's Avatar
Ditto what's been said already. I keep thinking you have something you'd rather be doing. Once the blood rushes back to the big head, I wonder why this gorgeous woman would possibly want my ugly ass to hang around. It's when the blood rushes back to the big head that I go back to being extremely conscious about me being out of my league! There have been a couple of ladies who have more than eased those concerns, but most of the time that's how I feel.
TheGiftedOne's Avatar
Anytime I leave quickly is because I'm on my way to do somebody else!