
The most intense orgasm I gave a man....
Randall Creed's Avatar
This is one of the better ways to deter me from seeing you. Why would I want to go into something that has had a fist in it? Seriously. For starters, it doesn't even look remotely comfortable, or natural. Second, what is it doing for your elasticity? Stretching a rubber band over and over will eventually cause it to stay that way. Spare me the Kegel exercise stories. That only makes the mental image for me worse.

But to each his/her own.
Guest010619's Avatar
Gives a whole new meaning to: FIST PUMP!
i stuck my knee in once
Anti Hero's Avatar
i stuck my knee in once Originally Posted by JONBALLS
on that note i saw a video on a snuff website of a guy putting his entire head up there once. google my friend.
See post with quote below.
This is one of the better ways to deter me from seeing you. Why would I want to go into something that has had a fist in it? Seriously. For starters, it doesn't even look remotely comfortable, or natural. Second, what is it doing for your elasticity? Stretching a rubber band over and over will eventually cause it to stay that way. Spare me the Kegel exercise stories. That only makes the mental image for me worse.

But to each his/her own. Originally Posted by Rambro Creed
You've never been with a Provider who has had kids before? Chances are they pushed something out much larger than an average sized fist, so your comment has very little medical merit.
Gotyour6's Avatar
This is one of the better ways to deter me from seeing you. Why would I want to go into something that has had a fist in it? Seriously. For starters, it doesn't even look remotely comfortable, or natural. Second, what is it doing for your elasticity? Stretching a rubber band over and over will eventually cause it to stay that way. Spare me the Kegel exercise stories. That only makes the mental image for me worse.

But to each his/her own. Originally Posted by Rambro Creed
You have no idea what you are talking about.

I love listening to the uneducated as if they know what they are talking about.

Because you state something as fact and believe it doesn't make it a fact.

Go to medical school and come back and feel stupid about this post.

Stupid should be painful so we all know who they are.
My hands are too big or the pussies I've encountered too small. I've been in a room observing a man allllmost fisting his wife but she became too excited while he was twirling 4 fingers in and our of her pussy and came. She settled down after that and wasn't interested in trying again that nite.
derek303's Avatar
I've been able to do it a few times. I have average hands. Get a PSE dirty talker. I seek them out. Getting 4 in ( mostly older women) isn't the problem, getting that thumb in. Usually it's so tight with all 5 in it's uncomfortable to both of us and back down to 4. It's a blast if they let you do both ass and puss. I love it.
Randall Creed's Avatar
The body prepares for a baby to come out of it. It's a different process than a dick, or in y'all's crazy ass instances, a fist going IN. Don't think so? Put a baby BACK IN your body the same way in came out.

Guys don't like to openly admit that a woman is 'loose'. You all keep doing shit like this, and we'll, don't be upset when your business starts to decline.
When fully aroused, the vagina is able to expand to as big as 4 inches in width, 9 inches in length... as well as breast swelling, which is awesome lol
FireKitten's Avatar

It's usually not a first get together experience, but there are quite a few who do.
Dallas tx with small hands , Me. Me. Me
Randall Creed's Avatar
You have no idea what you are talking about.

I love listening to the uneducated as if they know what they are talking about.

Because you state something as fact and believe it doesn't make it a fact.

Go to medical school and come back and feel stupid about this post.

Stupid should be painful so we all know who they are. Originally Posted by Gotyour6

I gotta admit, I did lose a couple of I.Q. points trying to make sense of this bullshit post.

Go to medical school? OK. I'm sure doctors all over greatly approve of having a DAMN FIST in a woman's PUSSY!!

You know what, I'm done (with this lug head). I can't continue. I tap out (to the superiority of your stupidity).

Your brainlessness is too powerful to overcome.